Will You Get Vaccinated for Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Can It Make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis Worse?

Will you get vaccinated for coronavirus?

  • Yes, right away, as soon as possible, when the first vaccine becomes available

  • Yes, planning to, but I will wait a while to see if there are any potential long-term side effects

  • Maybe, I haven't decided yet one way or another

  • No, I'm not going to get vaccinated

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Believe it or not, I'd rather take my chances going about my life unvaccinated than risk any negative auditory changes. I believe my tinnitus journey started 19 years ago from taking just a few antidepressants - static. It has gotten worse over time probably due to the normal aging process. I wouldn't cope if any of these experimental 'vaccines' made things worse.
I'm with you. I'm not getting vaccinated.
The people running the Pediatric Long COVID clinic at the University of Michigan might disagree.

Pediatric Post-COVID Syndrome Clinic:

Michigan Medicine Opens Adult and Pediatric COVID-19 Long Haul Clinics:

If you're going to be so presumptive as to tell me through the internet what is or isn't "fine" for my children, it might behoove you to do some basic research on the subject, thanks!!

And we don't know what that does to the efficiency, side effects profile, etc. "Watch and wait" seems like a lot of anxiety; I'm done with my COVID-19 vaxx, I am fully vaxxed as of today.

Full disclosure - I did end up reporting "temporarily elevated tinnitus" as a side effect to V-SAFE. This does not alarm me, is not any "new" or "louder than I've ever heard" tinnitus, and seems very much in line with the kind of increased awareness of it that I get during and after a viral illness.

If it hasn't completely resolved in 4-6 weeks I'll start to be slightly concerned, but, I believe it's already on that trajectory and at no point has this caused me to question getting the shots, which is why I sort of hesitate to even mention it -- I was certainly concerned about the possibility of a spike and may just have set up a self-fulfilling prophecy.
People can make their own decisions regarding emergency-use vaccines for themselves and for their children. There are plenty of valid reasons not to get a vax, including experiencing tinnitus/vertigo/sudden hearing loss after the first shot.

Hopefully tinnitus/vertigo/inner ear disease will likely be added to the list of adverse events so people can make an informed decision.

I took both shots and am paying a price. I fully understand those who choose not to.

I'm new to signing up to this forum, not to reading it. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I have a severe subjective tinnitus in my left ear due to damage from loud noise exposure (I actually felt pain when it happened). For years I've been struggling to cope. Thoughts of suicide, depression, and anger would consume me. I finally learned to try and live with it. The lack of silence still makes me sad.

When COVID-19 hit, my tinnitus didn't go up or down. In fact both my partner and I believe we had COVID-19 due to severe sickness that matched COVID-19 symptoms (when COVID-19 was just coming over to North America - no testing yet).

Skip ahead to a month ago. I was ready to get my COVID-19 vaccine when all of a sudden on my Google feed I read that tinnitus can be a side affect of the vaccine. Well F that noise... Literally. I decided to hold off and do some investigating. I read on here that some have gotten it and some have not. And checked with a neurologist, doctors , etc... Their response was getting tinnitus is the lesser of two evils.

So here comes my long drawn out question:

Anyone with tinnitus similar to mine have ill tinnitus effects from the vaccine?

Tinnitus: severe subjective tinnitus in left ear from noise.

What makes it worse: dairy, candy, tomatoes, salt, carbonated soda, Music habituation, high pressure fronts (rain), exercise, blood pressure, stress.

Vitamins that I'm taking: CoQ10, Ginger, Zinc.
Hi. I'm new here. My question is this - does anyone think the reactions people are having with the COVID-19 vaccine are related to the way in which they acquired tinnitus? Medicine induced vs trauma or loud music etc.

Mine was caused by a Tetanus shot 17 years ago and has really flared up these past 2 months. Scared to get the vaccine.

I'm new to signing up to this forum, not to reading it. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.

I have a severe subjective tinnitus in my left ear due to damage from loud noise exposure (I actually felt pain when it happened). For years I've been struggling to cope. Thoughts of suicide, depression, and anger would consume me. I finally learned to try and live with it. The lack of silence still makes me sad.

When COVID-19 hit, my tinnitus didn't go up or down. In fact both my partner and I believe we had COVID-19 due to severe sickness that matched COVID-19 symptoms (when COVID-19 was just coming over to North America - no testing yet).

Skip ahead to a month ago. I was ready to get my COVID-19 vaccine when all of a sudden on my Google feed I read that tinnitus can be a side affect of the vaccine. Well F that noise... Literally. I decided to hold off and do some investigating. I read on here that some have gotten it and some have not. And checked with a neurologist, doctors , etc... Their response was getting tinnitus is the lesser of two evils.

So here comes my long drawn out question:

Anyone with tinnitus similar to mine have ill tinnitus effects from the vaccine?

Tinnitus: severe subjective tinnitus in left ear from noise.

What makes it worse: dairy, candy, tomatoes, salt, carbonated soda, Music habituation, high pressure fronts (rain), exercise, blood pressure, stress.

Vitamins that I'm taking: CoQ10, Ginger, Zinc.
I can't help you with the preexisting tinnitus (mine is definitely from the Moderna vax and far from resolved). However, I do suggest you consider a one-and-done vaccine (J and J; maybe Novavax when it comes out). The J and J vaccine seems to be less reactogenic (i.e. less side effects) than the mRNA vaccines. If you have to get an mRNA vaccine, don't get Moderna. It contains 3-times more mRNA than the Pfizer vaccine and has the worst side effects overall. J and J is probably the "mildest" shot you can get and be considered fully protected. I deeply regret not waiting a week and getting J and J through my work.
Hi. I'm new here. My question is this - does anyone think the reactions people are having with the COVID-19 vaccine are related to the way in which they acquired tinnitus? Medicine induced vs trauma or loud music etc.

Mine was caused by a Tetanus shot 17 years ago and has really flared up these past 2 months. Scared to get the vaccine.
I think the tinnitus is due to a crazy immune response to the Spike protein. Maybe get a one-and-done vax.
Hi All,

I have had Eustachian Tube Dysfunction my whole life (born with narrow tubes), and bilateral tinnitus since 2002, when I had a very bad upper respiratory infection due to black mold exposure.

My tinnitus increases with seasonal allergies and illness.

I believe the lack of airflow to my ears sucks on the eardrum, creating the noise. So, the more swelling, the more noise.

My tinnitus increased since I got Moderna #1 on May 15th. But it's also allergy season. I just don't remember my ears being this bad last year.

So... knowing what you know, if you were me, would you get Moderna #2 shot?

I'd love to hear experiences of those who have had both, and are maybe in the same boat is me.

Hi All,

I have had Eustachian Tube Dysfunction my whole life (born with narrow tubes), and bilateral tinnitus since 2002, when I had a very bad upper respiratory infection due to black mold exposure.

My tinnitus increases with seasonal allergies and illness.

I believe the lack of airflow to my ears sucks on the eardrum, creating the noise. So, the more swelling, the more noise.

My tinnitus increased since I got Moderna #1 on May 15th. But it's also allergy season. I just don't remember my ears being this bad last year.

So... knowing what you know, if you were me, would you get Moderna #2 shot?

I'd love to hear experiences of those who have had both, and are maybe in the same boat is me.


Currently have a spike from the first Pfizer. Now I'm trying to determine if I should get the second this Friday :)
I've decided to not take a vaccination.

I can't go to bars, restaurants or even a somewhat busy park.

It will be a long shot for me get COVID-19 since I rarely leave the house.

I don't like the risk/reward in this scenario.
The ratio of VAERS reports citing tinnitus is higher for J&J versus other vaccines. One dose of Moderna or Pfizer has a higher efficiency rate, too.
Oh that stinks. I was going to get the J&J one too. I was on the fence about getting vaccinated but with the latest mutation being worse than the others, I am getting concerned.

For what it's worth, my husband has bilateral tinnitus and had the Pfizer - two doses and no impact on his tinnitus.

I have some friends with tinnitus and they've all been vaccinated with no impact.
I also have many, many friends, family members and colleagues who have been fully vaccinated and have not experienced any tinnitus at all.

I suppose if you are on a tinnitus forum you're going to hear a lot more about this being a side effect than in the general population. Both my ENT and my otologist are well aware of the reports but say COVID-19 is worse and can kill you. Obviously. But still I am nervous about the vaccine. Ugh!
I've decided to not take a vaccination.

I can't go to bars, restaurants or even a somewhat busy park.

It will be a long shot for me get COVID-19 since I rarely leave the house.

I don't like the risk/reward in this scenario.
I leave the house every day. I walk my dog every day. I don't wear a mask except when I have no choice but I know it is stupid to wear them. I have not been sick nor had a cold or flu, all year plus since the pandemic started.

I have been fine. I know I will be fine and refuse the bogus PCR tests.

Many people have major psychological problems and effects from staying indoors, being "afraid of COVID-19" and obediently following ridiculous COVID-19 measures. It's your life but you can look up how badly people are psychologically affected.

I have severe, loud tinnitus and that's my only concern. It's strange how so many risk their tinnitus getting worse by taking experimental vaccines.
I've decided to postpone getting the vaccine as I'm teleworking full-time currently and don't really go out. I am already taking HCQ for lupus, if I wasn't I would have probably gotten the vaccine already. (Plus, I am taking Zinc, Vitamin D, and other vitamins daily).
My sister is going to get Pfizer tomorrow.

I've told her to delay it since she's a teacher and will be done with school in one week.

I'm worried she will get something chronic from it. She has a bad stomach, some rare heat eczema that shows up only when wearing too many clothes, doesn't need to be sunny. She has a hole in heart and gets bruises very easily. And experiences fleeting tinnitus sometimes.

I have an autoimmune disease, so she's at risk there too.

Get the vaccine now? Wait a month before getting it? Don't get it at all?
I've decided to wait for Novavax. It's not an mRNA vax, and I'm hopeful it will be less intrusive on the immune system.

My understanding is that Novavax takes the genetic sequence of the virus and infects moth worms with it. The moth worms then produce and host the virus. It is then harvested, purified and turned into nano particles to be combined with an adjuvant (made from the bark of a tree). You get injected with the vaccine, and the body mounts the defense against it.

Compare that to the mNRA vaccines, where the body is tricked into developing the spike protein, and then the body develops the antibodies to fight it. Your body is both the host and the attacker - and logically - it seems that more could go wrong when the body is used to both host and attack the virus.

I am not exactly sure what 'nano-particles' are..but it implies to me small particles, and I like the idea of small particles floating around slowly calling out to the T-cells to develop the antibodies to fight them. Plus, they say the nano-particle protocol is currently used in the Shingles and Hep-B vaccines... so, it's been around for a bit.

That's my take on it. I am not a scientist - so take my research with a grain of salt. Novavax should be available sometime this fall. I'm willing to wait.
I leave the house every day. I walk my dog every day. I don't wear a mask except when I have no choice but I know it is stupid to wear them. I have not been sick nor had a cold or flu, all year plus since the pandemic started.

I have been fine. I know I will be fine and refuse the bogus PCR tests.

Many people have major psychological problems and effects from staying indoors, being "afraid of COVID-19" and obediently following ridiculous COVID-19 measures. It's your life but you can look up how badly people are psychologically affected.

I have severe, loud tinnitus and that's my only concern. It's strange how so many risk their tinnitus getting worse by taking experimental vaccines.
COVID-19 has been proven to worsen tinnitus, so either way you're taking a risk.
Hey everyone,

I'm 19 years old and I've had unilateral tinnitus since November 2020. It was caused by an ear infection.

In the UK things are starting to open up and the vaccines will soon become available to my age group. Despite my family being fully vaccinated, I still want to get the vaccine in the interest of public health and my own safety.

I've read a lot of conflicting reports across the forum and I was wondering what all of you would advise. Ideally I'd like to get both shots as soon as they become available to me, but I worry about the potential effects it would have to my tinnitus. My tinnitus is mild, and I'm decently habituated, so I don't want to risk a spike/negative effects because of how much progress I've had.

I appreciate any advice.
What's the word about the Novavax shot? Anyone taken it on here?
Novavax plans to file for FDA authorization in the third quarter. If anyone in the U.S. received it by this summer, it was through a vaccine trial of 30,000 participants. Due to an abundance of other vaccines and it's ease of handling, it's possible the U.S. will donate Novavax doses. However, it is considered a strong possibility for booster shots in the U.S.
COVID-19 has been proven to worsen tinnitus, so either way you're taking a risk.
Put context into that statement lol. COVID-19 can potentially cause or worsen tinnitus. Everyone I know personally did not get tinnitus from COVID-19, or get tinnitus from the COVID-19 vaccine. I got it from the COVID-19 vaccine.
I've decided to wait for Novavax. It's not an mRNA vax, and I'm hopeful it will be less intrusive on the immune system.

My understanding is that Novavax takes the genetic sequence of the virus and infects moth worms with it. The moth worms then produce and host the virus. It is then harvested, purified and turned into nano particles to be combined with an adjuvant (made from the bark of a tree). You get injected with the vaccine, and the body mounts the defense against it.

Compare that to the mNRA vaccines, where the body is tricked into developing the spike protein, and then the body develops the antibodies to fight it. Your body is both the host and the attacker - and logically - it seems that more could go wrong when the body is used to both host and attack the virus.

I am not exactly sure what 'nano-particles' are..but it implies to me small particles, and I like the idea of small particles floating around slowly calling out to the T-cells to develop the antibodies to fight them. Plus, they say the nano-particle protocol is currently used in the Shingles and Hep-B vaccines... so, it's been around for a bit.

That's my take on it. I am not a scientist - so take my research with a grain of salt. Novavax should be available sometime this fall. I'm willing to wait.
Nothing in life is free; including protective immunity against COVID-19. Everyone on the fence should carefully weigh out their potential exposures, risk factors, and potential adverse reactions (anaphylaxis, ear issues, blood clots for J and J) versus the psychological liberation and peace-of-mind that comes from knowing your are immune to COVID-19. My ears are still driving me crazy 11+ weeks after the 2nd shot and, frankly, I wish I had opted for the J and J vaccine since its milder and I really don't need 95% efficacy since I am healthy. Novavax sounds pretty good but tinnitus was not even mentioned as a side effect of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. It very well could be common to all vaccines.
Put context into that statement lol. COVID-19 can potentially cause or worsen tinnitus. Everyone I know personally did not get tinnitus from COVID-19, or get tinnitus from the COVID-19 vaccine. I got it from the COVID-19 vaccine.
I don't know a single person who developed tinnitus after the Moderna vaccine and, believe me, I've asked around. I'm in the group of people that had a highly reactive response to the vaccine. Overall the mRNA shots have been very successful and I have little doubt they are here to stay. I am also certain the vaccine dosages are too high and that the lipid nanoparticles are triggering a particularly nasty immune response in some.
I don't know a single person who developed tinnitus after the Moderna vaccine and, believe me, I've asked around. I'm in the group of people that had a highly reactive response to the vaccine. Overall the mRNA shots have been very successful and I have little doubt they are here to stay. I am also certain the vaccine dosages are too high and that the lipid nanoparticles are triggering a particularly nasty immune response in some.
Yeah, seems it's kinda rare so far but the ones who have suffered regret it. Oh well, it's done...
Yeah, seems it's kinda rare so far but the ones who have suffered regret it. Oh well, it's done...
Indeed it is. Definitely an adverse event for us but the vaccine train keeps rollin'. I wish someone would have a plausible explanation for WTH is going on. Is the problem even in the ears? Brain? Vascular? All of the above?
Indeed it is. Definitely an adverse event for us but the vaccine train keeps rollin'. I wish someone would have a plausible explanation for WTH is going on. Is the problem even in the ears? Brain? Vascular? All of the above?
My guess it's inflammation that wreaked havoc and caused damage in brain/neck/auditory/eyes or whatever lol.
This may have been posted somewhere else... more confirmation that both the vaccine as well as COVID-19 have the risk of tinnitus.

Start watching at the 6:35 mark.

Have any of you gotten your Vitamin D levels checked? There are a number of research articles suggesting that low Vitamin D is linked to severity of symptoms from COVID-19 infection due to hyperinflammatory responses. I wonder since there's a theory around hyperinflammation being what might be explaining tinnitus as a side effect from the vaccine, if it's related to low Vitamin D and that's why some people are getting tinnitus from the vaccine and some aren't. Thoughts?

Here's an article for reference:

Cytokine storm modulation in COVID-19: a proposed role for vitamin D and DPP-4 inhibitor combination therapy (VIDPP-4i)

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