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  • My tinnitus has been on a roller coaster ride recently… it was almost nonexistent for a lot of the day. It's cranking now though!
    De-stigmatizing T takes a lot of its destructive power away. I think it's an essential part of the habituation process.
    @lukex26 I haven't found Prednisone to be helpful for treating tinnitus. Theoretically it helps protect your ears against the inflammation that your body creates post injury, but I have found that it actually tends to make my ears ring louder when I am on it.
    @lukex26 I would certainly take it though if I experienced significant sudden hearing loss. My brother lost hearing in one ear and Prednisone saved him and restored most of his hearing in that ear.
    @lukex26 as far as de-stigmatizing goes. I find that sharing my experience with others allows them to open up about their own experience with tinnitus. You will discover that there are very few people who are unaffected by it. My own tinnitus issues are on the extreme side of the spectrum but somehow the recognition that this problem is utterly commonplace helps me to cope with it better.
    Ears are really loud tonight but the sound is not actually unpleasant…just sounds like TV static…this is a new one for me
    I think I am starting to understand the transformative power of tinnitus. It demands the deepest level of submission to and acceptance of what is vs. what could be.
    That is an accurate description. There is no "try and see how it goes" with tinnitus. Trying and seeing how something goes (e.g. doing normal things like meeting a friend for lunch) could mean that the rest of my life is ruined. Those are tough odds. It's not a scenario most people have to face, even with health issues. Some even think I am lying. I hate this condition so much.
    Can't accept injustice.
    Right…I have to plan out all activities like a military campaign to avoid injury
    Good night's sleep last night...that was my first since re-injuring my ears almost 2 weeks ago.

    How did you manage?
    Not sure…might have just been luck…and being utterly exhausted
    Woah…not gonna sugar coat it…today was brutal yet there was also a really beautiful moment…what a bizarre experience it is to be human!
    Took 20 mgs of prednisone this morning...subsequently having a brutal morning...feels kind of like having terminal cancer at the moment except that unfortunately there is no end in sight!
    Sometimes I wonder if T occurs to slow life down.
    It definitely does. Mostly, when all my work and obligations are done with a lot of suffering, only more suffering awaits during my "free time". I am not sure I would call that a life. It slows down everything.
    Propranolol is really helping me cope BTW. Seems like it should be a first line of defense for new tinnitus sufferers.
    I want to try and do this tinnitus experience differently…going to try and keep my focus on acceptance.
    I hope you can do it. It would be for the best for sure. I am unable to ever accept this torture.
    Interesting that I've been through this so many times and yet each time is still so traumatic. I'm not a very good student apparently…lol
    @Barry098 it's never an easy injury to begin with, and the anxiety because you know what can happen after injury doesn't help.
    That's because it's a new situation every time it worsens. So we cannot really use our past experiences as the shitshow starts all over again. It's a loser's game. The strongest man or woman in this world would not be able to cope, as it's not even about coping.
    @Juliane Agree…there is no real reference or baseline to measure against. Each new experience brings about a whole different set of variables.
    Theoretically, it will give me the ability to be present with the tinnitus without constantly panicking which might just create the environment to begin the habituation process once again. I am going to keep taking propranolol and I will report back how it goes.
    The more I think about it, the more I think Propranolol might be the perfect habituation drug for tinnitus. Unlike alcohol or benzodiazepines it doesn't mask the sensation of the tinnitus but it does keep the body from physiologically responding in a fight or flight mode.
    Thought I was headed for a stroke or heart attack today when my BP hit 154/106 ( and that was after my "relaxing" bath). So I took an 80mg slow release Propranolol and that chilled me out enough to be able function again. Just wanted to share for those of you suffering panic attacks due to the tinnitus.
    Well, the next 2+ years are going to suck. I feel like a convict who keeps getting more time added to his sentence.
    L along the way
    It's such a sad situation honestly... pff.. i've also been enduring a lot.. and recently sometimes i had thoughts about the option of euthenasia.. i'm not in any way seriously checking that out now.. but just the idea of it stopping somehow.. oh well.. but it does fluctuate, there are some moments when things seem to ease up a bit.. finding some joy, hope & sense of wellbeing..
    L along the way
    However overall it hasn't been nice at all sadly enough.. and it will all end some day anyways.. i just hope & pray we can heal from this awful affliction in this lifetime
    Hang in there @L along the way I totally hear you, but the truth is that you will eventually get better. You just have to wait it out. I have dealt with T for 8 years now and each onset is the same cycle. The trick is surviving the first year or so…after that it always gets easier.
    Thank God for the many years of experience living with debilitating tinnitus…I'd be in real trouble right now if this was a new problem for me!
    It's crazy... I don't think I would have made it long in this life if I had it this severe early on. But who knows.
    Mine was super severe right from the initial onset 8 years ago…but I was pretty naive and very optimistic about life so I survived it…now I have real issues with PTSD and these kind of accidents throw me right back into the abyss
    100 years from now (when tinnitus will be cured with some over-the-counter med) people will look back and wonder how people could ever manage to live with T during our era.
    Was doing really great the last six months or so. Just had somebody scream in my ear (full volume) over the weekend. So my ears are ringing pretty loud again. Pretty frustrating to have this condition.
    Positive development…T is still really darn loud, and I just don't give a fuck. Normally I would be crawling out of my skin at this volume…
    i hope to reach that place, too
    Just wait until it is so loud that even if you don't give a fuck you won't be able to. And when the pain sets in. Good luck ignoring nox pain.
    Had an unusually low T month but then my ears were blasted this past Wednesday and I'm right back in T-hell.
    Just trying to live life…but as much as I try to avoid to them loud things keep getting me!
    @Barry098 same here. I am quick to destroy progress. Anytime I feel better I return to some sort of minimal living. I figure, ain't that the point. Never fails noise traumas all over the place no matter how carful. Stepping down from life seems impossible. Sorry to hear I am with you. You are not alone.
    @4Grace I constantly ask myself, is it better to drop the things I love doing or do them and suffer for it?
    Anyone else experiencing tremulous legs + pins and needles throughout lower body while trying to sleep…maybe it's not even connected to T?
    It might be a stress response, and as you mentioned @BellaMia a nervous system out of sync. You should see your GP if you have it for more than 4-6 weeks.
    @MindOverMatter I think T is a nervous system problem and I only experience the pins and needles feeling in my legs when my T is screaming at me. Seems connected but maybe not.
    @Barry098 i have this. At the moment the back of my neck and 1/2 down my spine burns. The skin burns. Down below when you say you can't protect. What do you mean. I can't protect because I cannot survive the sound of my T with protection. Plus my ears burn. All sounds worsen me. I am bed bound most days. I took a ppi because my throat has been burning. Now my T has skyrocketed. I am those rare cases.
    Woke again with tremulous legs and noticeably louder T. Not sure why this is occurring every morning. Seems like I'm sleeping ok…
    T calms down after a shower and coffee. The T itself doesn't really bother me so much. But it feels like the symptom of a medical condition.
    Wow - if it calms down that awesome. I get depressed reading these comments because mine never calms down. No matter what I do. Can't have coffee and I should be taking baths. Showers spike me. Hod help me. I'm scared. Stock on my iPad all day, distraction. No choice.
    T was el screamo on Friday but decided to take the weekend off. What a wonderful feeling! I just wish it could last…
    Nice. Silence? Or just low?
    Very low T…Every once in awhile I think
    I can hear silence but then when I listen hard I realize my ears are always ringing. For me that's as good as silence though!
    Human capacity for adaptation is astonishing. As loud as my ears are ringing, it somehow just feels normal again!
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