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  • Don't want to be "that guy" but has anyone here considered the effect that Wi-Fi signals might have on Tinnitus?
    I've thought about that actually. Not to the point where I'm considering a tin foil hat but in the same vein of logic that most human made sounds, sounds from machines and such, are not natural. They dont occur in nature and our ears weren't "designed" for them.
    You mean like the Havana syndrome?
    @Lurius that's exactly what I was thinking. We are in uncharted waters here in terms of technology…

    @Ken219 I believe @AfroSnowman was injured due to this.
    Coming up on my 6th year anniversary with T in a few days. Can't say I have enjoyed this relationship...Still requesting a separation!
    @Strawberryblonde from your description it sounds like it was the drugs for anxiety that gave you T, not headphones....
    Yeah I think that myself. Hopefully it'll die down in the future. The hope, you gotta keep it :) @tniuf
    @Barry098 you were T free for 2 years. That's truly amazing. How did it feel? Did you take those 2 years for granted? Was your T high pitched? Do you have hearing loss? Do you think it's feasible/possible to prevent future acoustic traumas? Thanks
    I don't mind the loud T as much anymore. But, I never seem to get used to the feeling of skull crushing pressure that accompanies it.
    No idea myself :-/ I assume its anxiety with me from what I've read. It feels like my brain/head is subconsciously tensing which makes it feel like pressure. But it's not always present and im yet to figure out a trigger, it just seems to do what it wants. @Barry098
    @Strawberryblonde Wow...your description nailed it. That sounds exactly like what I have going on. If you ever find a solution, please share and I will do the same!
    Please do! @Barry098 when that pressure isn't there it really makes it easier to tune out the tinnitus :) unfortunately it's pressure head today :(
    Tinnitus is proof of how low on the evolutionary ladder we stand. Next rung up...birds and amphibians.
    Four times of restarting life after severe tinnitus onsets. I hope I never have to do this again…
    Why do you get injured so easily?
    Ears made of glass I guess! Honestly though, this always happens after I have reached a place of relative healing. Then I just seem to get complacent about volume. A jam with friends or a gig can turn into a nightmare for me if I don't really pay attention to noise levels.
    Burn those instruments dude. Take care! x
    Didn't sleep well. Kept waking up shaking from anxiety…Brutal way to start the New Year…gonna be a long hard road ahead…
    Yep…it is the only thing that causes me anxiety. I'll be fine @Joe Cuber. For better or for worse I have a lot of experience starting over with this.
    Today T is back in the diver seat. Can't wait to see what soul crushing levels it steers me towards! Happy New Year!
    Yesterday was a surprisingly quiet day...was it the 4 grams of NAC and prednisone combo that I took or just the calm before the storm??
    I had gotten really good at handling spikes. But NO spike can quite compare to the feeling of a fresh acoustic insult! Gotta love trauma!
    Just had my 4th acoustic trauma over the last 6 years! I guess I don't learn so good…or maybe I just like to suffer!
    Give it some time and then let us know of the details with a dedicated thread pls.
    Not much to tell really...other than that I must either be a real glutton for pain or a total idiot!
    Tinnitus is off the hook today…feeling nauseous because it's so loud…what a strange problem we all share…
    Wow…my ears are screaming on a whole new level past two days…Gotta love T. Just when you habituate to one level it jumps on you!

    Thanks @Stacken77 life with T is a rollercoaster ride isn't it? I mean, every time I learn to make peace with it, I get zapped. 2 days ago I was just thinking about how my nervous system had finally fully come down after my last trauma 1 1/2 years ago, then last night I got another acoustic blast and I am right back in the frying pan!
    I know I will eventually learn to deal with this but damn it this fucking sucks!
    When you went skiing, was the wind noise mostly blocked by your helmet? I used to love skiing and I have not gone since I was in high school but would love to try again. I'm just slightly worried that the wind would be too loud.
    I never wear a helmet…the wind didn't bother me too much though last time I went. I think my hyperacusis is not too bad these days though.
    My tinnitus has started disappearing at times. Even when it is there, it doesn't bother me much anymore. Never thought I would get here!
    St.John's Wort really seems to have helped me. Just throwing this out there for others who've had no luck with SSRI's and antidepressants.
    My ears are screaming at a level I didn't know was possible yet I feel totally at peace with it. Pain comes from fighting it...surrender!
    Sometimes I literally burst into laughter when I'm in bed wondering how on earth I can actually be at peace with what I'm hearing in my head.
    I know exactly what you mean. I have done the same thing on many nights. To elaborate on my original post, I don't think I'll ever feel at peace with the actual sound in my head. Like you, it could never be construed as a peaceful or a pleasant sound. However, I was talking about being at peace with the idea of living with this condition.
    I felt like once I made peace with the idea of living with this condition for the rest of my life, I have become better at managing the discomfort and pain that it causes on a daily level.
    The most important thing to remember about Tinnitus is that it comes and goes as it pleases. You have no power to control surrender
    It went relatively silent over the summer for a few weeks when I was able to get my nervous system to relax. Then with the stress of work, it came screaming back. I imagine it will stay this volume until next summer. But, it's good to know that I will eventually get a break!
    @Joe Cuber it never went away completely over the summer but it got quiet enough that I didn't think about it or notice it for long stretches and that was good enough for me!
    My T is still loud but it's not bothering me anymore. Just wanted to post this for others who may be struggling…have hope it's possible.
    How do you disconnect your nervous system from your brain?
    Went to the beach for a week and sat by the waves all day. Nervous system relaxed and my tinnitus was gone by the end of the week…
    Yeah…it was like being completely T free for a few days…
    Not sure. It's the first time my nervous system calmed down since getting T this past time. But, the same thing happened five years ago during my first bout of T. The ocean is healing.
    I'm disappointed to say that my positivity campaign has ended negatively!
    The physiological response to my tinnitus is not under my control no matter what I tell myself. I've concluded that you can't just think yourself to a better place.
    T/H is a manic parasite that feels to be slowly nibbling away at the nerves and brain. For me, coping by simple things that many people take for granted, specifically being in nature, appreciating it's beauty, even cloud shapes provides me a small bit of hope and "Stillness" at times, as @Jazzer calls it.
    Isn't it crazy how we have to count our moments of joy (or perhaps…non-pain) in seconds while others breeze blissfully through life…complaining the whole way about their stupid Kardashian-esq first world problems.
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