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  • I am gonna be so mad if histamines end up being one of the answers in the puzzle of tinnitus...
    Argh! Antidepressants can be so helpful especially since most of them are also antihistamines but they make my dry eye worse!
    Getting more used to my hearing aids. I need to start learning ASL but the anxiety over this whole thing is so paralyzing.
    Progressive hearing loss is a thief. It feels like I need to become a new person to accept that one day I will be deaf.
    Tinnitus still screeching and screaming away. The fact that I can sleep at night after all these years is still nothing short of a miracle.
    Oof. Lost more hearing again. Guess dead silence during a power outage makes ears work harder :(
    Having a huge hunch right now that brain inflammation is the difference between hearing loss with tinnitus and without tinnitus.
    Hi derpytia, you have mentioned that your hearing is declining gradually just would like to ask did you have your vitamin d levels checked. Vitamin D deficiency can pretty much do that you can google it.
    Yeah. I've had multiple blood tests done for other various reasons and all my vitamin levels checked out as normal.
    if anyone's been wondering what i've been, i've just been taking a mental break away from here. gotta survive somehow.
    I purchased a hearing aid that has helped my Tinnitus. If you wear the hearing aid to sleep with a sound machine at your bedside, I have found that this really helps me sleep better! It going to be good derpytia!
    Nice to hear from you. I think the last time I read your chats were 2014. I was going through a spike and you were going through a bad time. I'm in another spike I hope you are doing well. Kind regards, Ken
    Trying to write but my sinuses/allergies seem hellbent on forcing me to take antihistamines which make me sleepy
    Jack Straw
    What are you writing? Novel? Short story?
    The write up for my turmeric/curcumin self test.
    ETD sucks so much. Two straight days of tinnitus so loud because of the fluid in my ears...
    How do you know it's ETD/Ear Fluid and not ear fullness having to do with nerve damage or middle ear damage?
    I have chronic DIAGNOSED ETD. I know when my ears are filled with fluid. It's especially bad when now that it's allergy season.
    Got an ear infection again so I decided to try a tumeric/black pepper pill. Took one. Didn't take any the next day. Whistle tones are quiet!
    @Jack Straw I wish. The whistle tones are back, loud and proud today! Such is the nature of T.
    Jack Straw
    Have you tried curcumin tablets? It is an ingredient in tumeric.
    Yeah that's essentially what the pill I took is. Only problem is it gave me heart palpations which is kinda risky.
    Thinking I might have cochlear hydrops. A lot of the symptoms are there in my left ear, especially when I eat something with a lot of salt.
    Jack Straw
    I hope a doctor can help you sort it out, if this is the case!
    Being a woman doubly sucks when you have tinnitus because every month my hormones go out of whack and spikes my tinnitus so badly!
    Huge storm with loud thunder. Wearing earplugs but afraid I didn't put them on soon enough. Might have damaged my hearing again...
    Holding onto a reason to hope is the hardest thing to do in the face of tinnitus.
    I really hope you start to slowly feel better and regain some kind of hope to hold on to. Mute button seems will hopefully help :) there's also the Shim South Korea which exist to this, also stem cells. There's so much for you to hang on, I really hope you begin to feel better again :/
    If you would have told me that my tinnitus would have gotten this bad in five years I would have been gone already.
    Legal euthanasia looks like a really good option for me right now :(
    New Guy
    I'm sorry to hear that. From what see on the site I can tell you're a fighter. I hope you stick with it a while longer.
    You probably already know this but the Neuromod interview with Steve is today! And the device apparently also helped to reduce hyperacusis. Really hoping this device will help many of us...
    we need to know what type of hyperacusis.
    Welp. For the sixth time (3rd time this year) my tinnitus has another permanent increase again...
    Bill Bauer
    Was the wax removed manually, or was microsuction involved?
    Used a wax removal kit as prescribed by my doctor. Used the oil to soften the wax and a rubber bulb to clear the softened wax. My mind didn't make the syringing connection with the rubber bulb. Basically, what happened to Markku happened to me.
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