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  • Praying every day for some kind of miracle. God knows I due for one.
    I would like one too, even if i have not so much to complain...
    Trying to habituate again is not my idea of a good time.
    It depends on what your definition of habituated means. For me, it means only having a breakdown once and month and being able to function at 80% most days...
    Lucky girl! I function 10% most days and have breakdowns, no actually meltdowns everyday! You're doing just fine.
    You're going to make it through this. I have been thinking about you.
    I just feel like I'll never be happy again. So what's the point anymore?
    I also hear my T in all situations but the shower i stil feel normal.
    Mine has increased and even if i do not hear it in the shower i hear it in more situations, But i'm don't focus on it and i ignore it. It require to make efforts but it is possible.
    Industrial strength T, is impossible to ignore. It saturates your mind and kills your ability to think and concentrate on anything else. it wipes your mind clean of rational thoughts. It's killer T!
    Another new tone. This makes 12 tones. I wish I would just die already
    Have you been to the House Ear Clinic in CA.? Or checked with Dr. Shulman in NY? You have to keep looking for solutions. I hope you get better derpytia.
    J1mt. A friend of mine, went to see Dr. Shulman and unfortunately he wasn't able to help him. This doesn't imply, he can't help someone else.
    Vincent R
    I just got a new tone myself. If T just would have stayed on its previous level, I would probably have been able to put up with it. But why can T get worse without the ear suffering new damage? Something is off with that.
    Well, the neurologist would not give me what I asked for. She even said she had never heard of Autifony or AM-101 but she would check it out
    of course he didn't know, the contrary would have been surprising. Why did your neurologist refused?
    She said the drug has not been approved by the FDA to treat my condition therefore she was not allowed to prescribe it. :(
    Mount a siren on her shoulder and ask her again.
    good luck! I just called phychiatrist today and waiting for a callback, im at my wits end with this..
    Hi Derpytia, have you a better idea about your futur job?
    Also Do you feel better than the former weeks?
    No. No better idea at all. I feel at little screwed for the future. And I had one good day. I don't visit this forum too much anymore because it doesn't feel like a safe haven for me anymore. I usually just come on to answer messages if I have any and check up on the research news.
    People on this forum need to review the terms and conditions here. Seriously. This place used to be a safe haven for me. :(
    I'm really sorry if some of us let you down during such a difficult time...:^(
    Yeah,place has turned a bit mean ..
    It really still is a safe haven, Derpytia. Some members have just gotten caught up in differences of opinion. You can message me at any time, too.
    Im here if you need to talk hun, I saw we used to post similar things when i first joined TTalk. I have a very positive outlook now and would like to offer any help advise to anyone that needs it, Stay strong <3
    Tinnitus is so unpredictable. Mine changes every hour. Having less and less freak out moments though.
    Whenever I try to focus on something hopeful there's just one person who shoots it down in the name of science. Let me be hopeful! Sheesh!
    Huzzah! Doctors tomorrow and tuesday. Hopefully they'll be a bit more proactive than the last doctor!
    Well sheesh y'all. No need to be snappy to me when I'm trying to search for some answers...
    Hey, who has been snappy to you here? Can you direct me to a post?
    It's okay, Markku. I'm not too bothered by it anyway. :) I don't want any conflicts and maybe they were just tired or whatever.
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