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  • Grrrr... It just galls me that my T has gotten so much worse.
    Same here; but if it got worse it can get better. Deep breaths and plenty of background noise!
    I believe I can now say with certainty that birth control lowers my T a bit or at least lowers my perception of it. Thanks ovarian cysts! xD
    Being a big nerd really helps apparently! lol.
    It's true: guys like girl-nerds
    John G
    What defines a nerd?. Everybody has their own quirks.
    @Sailboardman maybe lol!
    @Blackbird26 @John G I play dungeons and dragons, read tolkien books (YES ALL OF THEM) for fun, have a flight rising account, roleplay characters online, and play video/computer games. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Does wearing glasses also count? lol
    On top of T, found out from my doc that due to family history and ethnicity, I have a 90% chance of getting cancer in my lifetime. :(
    John G
    Your doc is a moron. You should find a new doctor that knows what they are talking about
    @John G, my doc is a pretty smart guy. One of the few doctors I haven't had a problem with yet. But it's true. Everyone on my mom's side of the family is from Ashkenazi Jewish heritage and everyone has gotten cancer at some point in their lifetime, especially female descendants including my mom's mom and my great grandmother who died from it. There is a HUGE chance that my mother and I will get it.
    Richard zurowski
    And then you might not. it's common that cancer skips generations.
    I wish article would stop saying that people with T aren't bothered by it. Yes we are! Habituation doesn't happen all the time!
    Cannot begin to tell you how many articles are put out by the press around the world saying "but don't worry people with tinnitus aren't bothered by it after awhile". habituation doesn't always mean we aren't bothered by it. it means we have somehow managed to be productive or functional to some degree despite our T. It's so misleading when they say we aren't bothered by it. No wonder the world doesn't care about us.
    That's why there's no cure yet.
    That's because, only 2 million out of 50 million in the US, have debilitating Tinnitus. Only 6 million, seek medical attention. So, 42 million, don't give a shit! Pussycat T, versus Tiger T.
    Welp. Another increase from the dentists. I took every precaution still wasn't enough.
    Makes you wonder how all dentist's don't have T? Those drills, are high pitched, demons.
    Both great uncles have prostate cancer and I have T and a host of other problems. 2016 is gonna be crap...
    As @Fungus said: Let the bells ring out for Christmas... And then shut the [bleep] up!
    I sure hope Santa brings me that anti-tinnitus, vanishing cream I asked for. Sure would be nice, to actually have peace on earth for 2016!
    So bummed. My school is having two musical productions this year. Spamalot and the Addams Family musical and I can't go to either now with T
    I know the harsh feeling it is to have to miss out on events because of stupid T but hang in there
    John G
    I know you still can hear your T with earplugs, but you should go to the musical and wear some earplugs. Who cares what others will think, and enjoy a night out.
    you can go to both with earplugs...
    To think that they could be using all of that money to put forward to getting a treatment for us and instead they use it to bomb people...
    Bombing people is more fun apparently
    John G
    And the people that survive the bombing , will probably get T
    Does anyone HONESTLY think (not believe) that there will surely be some sort of relief for any of us in our lifetime?
    What is a lifetime? For you or me it could be 24 more hrs..maybe 2? Life is now. If you can't find a way to make the best of the worst then sadly you're fucked. No point pinning hopes onto a future that may or may not even happen. Just how I cope with my chronic pain and t and h.
    I do think most of us will have relief in our lifetime. However, I would not say the same for a cure...
    another sean
    I think so. I have been reading some great stuff in the medical journals that are behind paywalls. Also there is a doctor who is currently working on regenerating the hair cells thru stem cell therapy. But its a decade away. But the wheels ARE turning out there. No doubt about it.
    How are you doing derpytia?
    Awful. I keep habituating and then keep getting increases and have to rehab all over again. I can't win and it's only been a year and a half. I have the rest of my life to deal with this cycle and I don't think I can handle it.
    I really u derstand what you are going through.I can't habituate and its been almost 3 tinnitus fluctuates.has gotten so bad before I could feel my whole head buzzing and vibrating.I ended up in ER for that and they of course can't do anything .I pray for some miracle
    for us!!I hope you get it under control I know its hard but I'm here if ya need to talk or vent!!! We all are here!!!
    Derpytia, you cannot predict your future. I have met 2 people who have lost their T in a few years time. It could happen to you, if you keep it together. This is a daily battle for sure, but try to win the war, in the long run. I know it sucks big time, and life seems dismal, but try to live day by day as I do! You can make it girl!
    Soooo guess who broke her toe...
    So sorry, Derpytia. That happened to me, too. It should eventually heal itself, but in the meantime, take care!
    Richard zurowski
    Very painful. I know I've had one.
    Thanks guys! I broke the middle toe on my left foot. Makes walking very awkward. Luckily it's not a big break and I only broke the top bone. It doesn't hurt as bad as it could. :) I don't even have to take pain meds. :)
    People, remember to be empathetic and kind towards others on here. No need to pick little fights on here or stress people out for no reason.
    ...and everyone please remember to use the "Report" link below any post that you consider inappropriate. Mods will take a look at it.
    Its the same cycle all over again. Someone gets everyone's hopes up for nothing. Then it fails and they do it again right away. Just watch.
    Like it's okay if they want to be hopeful but do not drag everyone else on the hope train and assure people that they are correct when they have no way of knowing only to have everyone be put back in a horrible state of mind when things don't work out.
    I was one of the Autifony fans and the failure was a HUGE disappointment for me. Now I'm hoping to habituate sooner than later, because I've been once there. The autifony this affair gave me a giant setback, back to square zero again. Mind is powerful. Hope you are doing well, sometimes I also think that I will never be happy again and think on ending it all, but we need to be patient and hopeful.
    Btw you are referring to the new SF0034 and AM102, right? In my opinion, one is just a modified trobalt with probably the same side effects and the other will be another intratympanic injection for acute cases. Nothing really hopeful for us, chronic sufferers. I've been checking the trobalt participants "trials" and it looks like it loses potency if your T is older than 2.5-3 years.
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