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  • Funny how some people say we need to do this or that while they sit back and do nothing. You want something to happen? Pull your own weight.
    I think we're all lost. I wanna help. Ed has given me some good ideas, but other then donating money what can I do?
    There are small ways you can make a difference. You can let your voice be heard. Tell people about tinnitus. Don't let them make you shut up about it. Direct people to information about it that's relevant to you. That's just some of the small things you can do :)
    Jack Straw
    @PDodge reach out to @Markku. I am sure there is always some work that can be done to help Tinnitus Hub grow and spread awareness.
    I swear my mom is so inconsiderate to me and my ears when it comes to working around the house.
    Yea. I wake up to the sound of a blender every single time I fall asleep on the couch. My dad practically yells in my ear. Sick of my family but oh well.
    Comprehend. Some people don't change their habits....
    Jack Straw
    I dont think family members do it on purpose. They honestly don't understand. Dont hold it against them!
    really tired of people with mild T trying to tell me how to deal with my severe T.
    I know. I've met people who say they got used to their tinnitus and "they don't hear it anymore," and I can get used to it like them. But I hear my tinnitus all the time.
    Yes. A million times yes.
    For the fifth time. Another permanent increase. More lost hearing. All from someone dropping something too hard.
    How is this even possible?
    My doctors think that I have the genetic predisposition (gene expression or mutation) to lose hearing easier than most people.

    It would make sense since I was born with a genetic defect in my eye that resulted in surgery to remove my lens in that eye when I was ten days old.

    Who knows how many genetic things I have going on.
    Jack Straw
    I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you start feeling better soon!
    You know something? I barely hear my T when I'm chewing food... Guess that's another reason to eat more lol
    I love eating crunchy food cause it masks my T perfectly. Wish I could just eat chips all the time :D
    Thinking of making a video of myself and other sufferers to try to make viral so somebody does something to help us.
    I'd have more faith in FB. Youtube is going downhill fast for new users and even old users because of their new rules and regulations.
    Dylan Blake
    Right, maybe what I should have said was do something cross site, like Dtube or Vimeo, limiting it to one site may make it harder to get the message out.
    Dylan Blake
    Also look up sounds similar to Yours to add to the video as an example to give folks a feel for what it's like, quote key research sites to put facts out, get this community to back You maybe not financially but in other ways, even if as witnesses they could be assets.
    Be educators and advocates. I've already educated at least five of my current doctors about T and VSS and made them listen and learn. :)
    Dylan Blake
    But did it stick?
    One can only hope right? I think with my neurologist it did because I told him "well now when you have patients coming in with my symptoms you won't dismiss it at something else" and he nodded.
    Dylan Blake
    Oooh I would have paid to see that, not that I have anything against Him or whatnot, still professionals today forget that their learning came from folks Who thought outside the box or knew first hand, was there smoke in the room after?
    I choose to believe that one day we will have a treatment at the very least. That's what keeps me going.
    Yay, a fourth anniversary trophy! Thankful for the trophy but not thankful for the reason I have it lmao!
    So. Apparently my new AD, Rameron, makes my T not so intrusive... Interesting.
    ADs can have that capability of modulating the T sound. Sometimes it gets better, sometimes it gets worse. In my case, I would say that is just sounds a bit different, more uniform and slightly easier to deal with. Main AD effect is that I do not care as much about the T.
    @vermillion. I am taking a low dose of Celexa (5 to 10mg). The standard 20mg tends to agitate the T.
    My tinnitus has increased in the past two weeks. I started playing in a live band again. I am about to quit the band because I don't want my t to get any louder or I won't be able to drive my car.
    Band isn't gonna be too happy.
    Dylan Blake
    Yeah, Whisky Tango Foxtrot?! Your just gonna quit? use earplugs, wear headphones during play sessions, don't just quit the things You love because of Tinnitus, do You remember the guy that quit? neither does anyone else.
    Dylan Blake
    I see T and fury are in Your name, is it Tinnitus fury or Your fury against Tinnitus, ROCK ON! seriously if You quit that means one less potentially good band goes with You, and that's just unacceptable.
    I was a pro jazzer for over 50 years - International Festivals, concerts, clubs, cruise ships etc...
    I packed up three months ago.
    A wise decision for me.
    Best wishes
    Dave x
    Welp. My tinnitus loudness has permanently increased. No new sounds thankfully. Just the loudness. I have no idea what caused it this time.
    I'm sorry to hear that. I think not knowing what causes increases/spikes is one of the worst parts.
    How long have you had the increase?
    Welp, I couldn't resist. I ate the salmon again and again a temporary spike! Oh well :p I love my salmon too much to give it up...
    God, how can you like salmon? eeerrrkk
    Well, if you enjoy it that's great :)
    Fingers crossed that 2018 is going to be a whole lot better than the dumpsterfire that was 2017!!
    Ugh. I hate depression. I hate having an unhealthy body and being sad all the time. I hate being constantly tired...
    Hello @derpytia! I came across your posts about the use of musicians earplugs and know that you were a college student when you used them. I would like to ask you more about the use of them but I cannot find "start a conversation" in the "conversation" settings of the forum panel . Would you mind sending me a message so I can ask you questions there? Many thanks!
    Thanks so much for your reply @derpytia!! I have got your message but could not find a reply button in the inbox. So the conversation is read only. I am not sure if this is because I am a new member ... So maybe I ask you here.
    Do your tinnitus amplify after you wear the musicians earplugs? If yes, how is the intensity of it? Can you withstand it when using the musicians earplugs for hours of lectures?
    I need to break my message to two as a popup window said I can only enter less than 420 characters in this wall message ...
    You can reply me by message {"conversation"). And
    It would be appreciated if you can pass me your email address("conversation" again) so I can further communicate with you. Thanks a lot again!
    "Good" T day today on my day off! Woke up from a really sound and extended sleep and went outside for fresh spring air.
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