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  • I'm planning putting 3 bookshelves next to window to block dogs kids music and motorcycles. All of this starts each day at ~5:40-6:00 am...
    If some of you considering moving to the apartment in USA, DON'T. Especially folks with nox. Everyone has dogs and speakers. Walls are thin!
    Why would Susan Shore refuse to test her Auricle device on herself if she has mild tinnitus? I don't understand her logic tbh
    1.5mg of clonazepam + 5mg of thc and I wasn't thinking abt T for 2 days. My Hyperacusis also went away for ~40 hours. Experimenting lol
    Be very careful with that high dose benzo. I limit myself to 0.5 mg Lorazepam once every 3 days. And that Clonazepam dose you took is 6 times as potent and a much longer half life. People report tolerance building pretty quickly, even when taken only 2 or 3 times per week at a lower dose.
    Hi @RunningMan. Thanks for the comment but don't worry. I use clonazepam only once every 30-60 days, but at bigger dose. I want to keep tolerance as low as possible, but enjoy my T/H-free day as much as possible. Low doses do nothing and big ones upping tolerance very fast, so I would like to experiment with moderate doses once a month/two
    I wanted to see eclipse but my neighbor that moved in today let their dog to be on the balcony and its barks are at 76-82 db...God why. Why.
    Nothing is as refreshing as walking up at 2:23am because of jet engines in your ears...two days in a row. And my T is only 5/10 thakfully
    It's funny how all these years my city always had one mile of beach closed for cars. 10 yrs. But, they opened it for cars the month I got T!
    What a beautiful day. Warm, not windy. But all beaches in my city are open for cars and every single one is blasting music with barking dogs
    I decided to move my bed into my walk-in closet. I just have no choice. Peace was taken from me and I want it back. Discomfort over loudness
    It didn't work. I could hear my neighbors typing on their keyboard and breathing. I have no idea why they make walls from paper in the USA. I have been to many countries in Europe and I have never experienced anything like this. I didn't even know it was possible to make walls off paper/cardboard. Anyway, I'm just going to sleep on my back in earmuffs for gun shooting. Discomfort over pain
    Daily motorcycle at 7 am...98 decibels this time. Yesterday it was 109. I hate this apartment. I hate the road in front of it. Oh my god
    Guys remember. DON'T rent apartments near/facing the main road/highway. Motorcycles are legal and they are 109 decibels according to DBmeter
    I still can't believe I'll have to live in this apartment for another year. Not only are there loud barking dogs in every single apartment, but there is also a motorcycle that passes by every single morning at 4:55 am. And HVAC units of the 2nd floor are right below my bedroom windows, which means it's always 70-75 db inside the room. This is so much hell for my ears. I want to live in forest somewhere in Vermont
    My laptop charger just died. Well...minus one coping mechanism that saved my life not once not twice not 7000 times...
    Tell me about it, I built a pc right before my T appeared and the gpu has coil whine that makes my T flare up smh
    @SumGuy I ordered 2 new pairs of headphones 2 days before my T onset and they arrived the day after this tragedy :') I was soooo pissed. I still tested them out but on very low volume lol
    I don't have T and H in my dreams. There's no worse feeling than waking up in permanently disabled body that torturing you every second...
    4 mg of clonazepam and I feel no change in tinnitus loudness/perception. I won't go higher. I had so much hope in benzos when I got them...
    4 mg is a huge dose. It's 16 times as potent as the benzo dose I take. It should help with anxiety when you first start using it, but it will build tolerance and become less effective when you take large doses frequently. And worse effects if you try to wean off.
    we are close in age, such a shame we are cursed by this. Lets hope for the best
    Why do so many US cars honk when u lock them? Why are motorcycles that are louder than 100 decibels are legal? Why do I live near highway :(
    Woke up in the middle of the night due to T. It's getting worse week by week but mentally I'm more prepared than 4 months ago
    @_Shoto_ for what it's worth, I think everyone or nearly everyone has visual snow in darkness. I think that's fairly natural from what I've read. That being said, Trobalt isn't very safe.
    Where can you even get trobalt now?
    @Gateway in pharmacies in Spain and Mexico. Online as well. Probably labeled as a research chemical and shipped from China or something
    I think my loudness hyperacusis comes back if I'm not exposing my ears enough during the day...I fear I'll have to do this permanently now:(
    Yesterday was my 4th month anniversary of this new reality. Yeah. Looks like habituation with my severity is going to take more time...
    Tbf in the grand T/H world that isn't very long atall. I didn't see improvement in my T till atleast 8 months in and it was a very very small improvement.
    Average people praying to gods. I'm praying to Auricle, XEN110, and BHV-7000. We are not the same :')
    Hyperacusis went away after 2 weeks of zero hours of noise cancelling headphones use. Looks like overprotection was an issue? Hmm. Okay...
    Don't say that too loudly lol apparently there is no such thing as overprotection!
    You might of had sound sensitivity from over protecting your ears.
    My T got 50% louder in my right ear and I'm not sure why. And it's kinda fluctuates this past day. Maybe I do have somatic T? It's weird...
    Can you modulate your T with neck or head movements?
    @Utdmad89 no but 3 months ago I accidentally did something and my T got louder for 10 seconds. Yesterday was the second time this happened. However, I can't do this whatever I want. I try to open my mouth, yawn, touch neck and face but nothing happens. So weird
    That does sound weird. I don't think yours is somatic. But tbf Doc Shore said mot was somatic even if you can't do it with movements.
    Oh wow. Only one month left before my 22nd birthday. April is def going to be a fun journey for me. Oh my gosh. I should prepare myself...
    Woah a user with similar interests hey hi
    Also is that link click in your pfp? I Never rlly got around to getting into that!!
    @_Shoto_ i should definitely get into it then, I've heard it was good!!! I haven't been watching much lately, last thing I watched was probably either one piece or blue lock
    @lanterns&coffee ohh I loved blue lock! When you have time I also suggest to watch Noragami. Probably my favorite anime of all time. It's very unique too! So far all my friends liked it lmao
    @_Shoto_ I've heard of noragami but never really watched it, maybe I should :-)
    Went to the beach. Never again. 3 concerts in bars/cafes, cars all over the beach, no access fo people, seagulls, 50% of cars blasting music
    I would sell my kidney for a ONE pet-free apartment in my city. Saturday 7am. LET ME SLEEP OH why would u let ur dog on a balcony at 6am?
    Can't open a bag of chips without triggering H and TTS. Incredible life I've got at 21 year of my life
    I decided to find an audiologist who will agree to test my hearing up to 20 khz. I can sense that it's going to be hard in my town lol
    I had that test done. While informative it did little for the outcome at the end of the day. I have hearing loss starting at 9k - 14k then back up at 18k which makes no sense... age will play a part in extended frequencies as well.
    Never mind. No once in my city can do this test. Well...I expected this outcome :D
    Consuming 3 different types of information right now so I can't think about my T and H :D Anime, news, background music, and drawing!
    What anime do you watch, what are your favs?
    I really enjoyed darker than black, talentless nana and angels of death, to name a few more unknown ones.
    I also started the one piece life action series and I love the nostalgic feeling.
    @Kiyomi To be fair I've watched so many I can't even remember 50% of the names. Currently, I'm watching Synduality: Noir. I've never heard of this anime but I really like it. I've always wanted to have a list of all the anime I've watched but it's too late to start now. The most nostalgic ones are definitely Bleach, Death Note, Attack on Titan, and Naruto. The Disastrous Life of Saiki is probably the funnies one :D
    Waking up with a headache and T+H spike is not cool experience. Susan, respectfully, please, hurry up
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