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  • 2 hours walking in downtown park near ocean with my db meter. Quietest was 88db, loudest 129. Average around 97-105 decibels. Hate this city
    129? That's insane. Do you remember what caused it?
    Hi @Calapsodis, yes, it was 12-15 motorbikes going 60+ mph in 10-20 feet from me and my decibel meter
    Wouldn't surprise me that they were that loud then. I hope you had something in for protection though.
    Hyperacusis and USA is so fucking awful combo. Loud cars and bikers are all over downtown and parks. It's "cool" to be as loud as possible..
    All walkable places in my city are above 90 dbs. There're so many bikers and "cool" loud cars in downtown park. Average 100 db, peaks 130
    I love when my neighbors dog barks 30 minutes non-stop because it saw a lizard or a bird somewhere in a kilometer away from it :')
    Used to love dogs all my life. Ever since T got worse, they've turned into a big dislike. No hate to them of course. I know that when they bark they don't know better. I'm just glad cats aren't loud (most of the time lol).
    My only wish is to hear good news abt Auricle from FDA/Susan Shore by the end of this year. In early December would be perfect timing too!
    Mixing Clonazepam and delta 8 to help with spike. I hope it will help at least somehow. Unbelievable
    Careful with the clonazepam. Loses effectiveness quickly.
    I'm genuinely have no idea why I'm having this spike today. Just praying everything is going to be okay tomorrow/later this week
    Tinnitus is 10/10. I hope this is temporary just like hyperacusis is. I can't imagine habituating to this level of noise
    My hyperacusis now is 11/10. I hope this is because of tapering down of methylprednisolone. I want to hope, I reject the reality. My oh my
    Have you tried clomipramine?
    @Utdmad89 hi, no, I'm scared of any antidepressants. I can't afford destroy my ears even further :(
    I'm going to. Clomipramine Is well know to help H
    Can't do anything without headphones. I knew my hyperacusis is permanent but damn why it's slightly worse than before? Anyway whatever
    Since T/H onset my left side of head is very sensitive to touch. Especially ear and neck. Why? No idea. No doctor knows. I've seen 5 of them
    My T/H back to normal thanks to methylprednisolone. Sad I didn't know abt it half a year ago when I first got my T/H. I hate my family doc
    I am so happy that the medication worked for you! Stay strong.
    Methylprednisolone started working. The muffling is gone. The ringing subsided too. Oh what a day... I hate lawns so so much. Plant flowers!
    Did the prednisolone get rid of all your t or just helped lower it?
    Using Google maps to find a city with the least amount of lawns. Villages in death valley look so depressing but not a single lawn in sight!
    I got prescription for prednisolone, hope it will help. I'm considering moving to Arizona or death valley in California. Lawns are evil...
    I can't stop crying. I lost right ear for such a dumbass reason
    What happened?
    Did you suddenly lose your hearing in one ear because of the lawnmower this morning??? I hope the medication brings it back. So deeply sorry about this.
    Hello @ECP ! Yep, this situation is so dumb. Fortunately, methylprednisolone seems to work. My muffled feeling is gone and ringing is back to normal
    Right ear lost all hearing. Ringing louder. Going to urgent care rn for methylprednisolone prescription. Crying. 6mg clonazepam don't help
    So much pain. I was so dumb. Why didn't I left the room as soon as possible. Earplugs and NC headphones wasn't enough. What was I thinking??
    This condition is inhumane :(( pure survival
    I found the only lawn-less apartment in my city. 3 more months and I'm in. But I won't survive this long in this apartment. Holy shit why
    Does your apartment complex have a predictable schedule for landscaping and lawn maintenance, for example, every Friday? If so, try to avoid being home that day if possible. If the schedule is not predictable, see if your landlord can give you a heads-up the day before so you have time to prepare.
    I can relate because they use leaf blowers and lawnmowers every Tuesday at my apartment. And I had crazy-bad luck because my husband and I have only one car, and although we both work from home, Tuesday was the only day of the week he needed to go into the office.
    So I'd be home alone every Tuesday, moving from room to room throughout the day to avoid the noise. Even with ear protection, it was distracting and painful. I felt like a moving target.
    My apartment has grass from all 4 sides and all 4 sides are with windows. My ears hurt. It's always 95+ decibels inside when they mow lawn
    I found an appointment in my city that doesn't have any lawns in front of windows, I can't wait to move there. My ears hurt. I'm crying
    Lawn tractor outside of my windows is 113 decibels. He was riding it right in front of my window for 40 minutes
    it's terrible! my neighbor is at it again mowing his barely any inch grass. can hear him even from a few houses away. Worse is those people have no tinnitus!
    Many people say clonazepam helps them tremendously, but for me it's my ADHD meds. Maybe my ADHD is what makes habituation harder?
    Conazepam can become far less effective after using regularly for a short time and cause even bigger problems. ADHD and OCD could make it harder to habituate, or if you have severe T.
    My ADHD meds (dextroamphetamine) somehow make me ignore my tinnitus COMPLETELY. I can hear it only when I think about it. Feels so good...
    That's a new one, meth suppresses T
    Leaf blowers are not only bad for the environment, but also bad for your sanity... Three hours of this every week. Every week
    My decibel meter recorded 102 decibel thunder right now. I miss enjoying Texas hurricanes/heavy rains so much...it was so relaxing back then
    Well. It happened again. A new tone in my right ear. Out of nowhere. I was protecting my ears ALL these days. Music at 10/100 volume...ugh
    Yep. Very strange how once it starts, it doesn't seem to stop. They build up, sometimes go away, and sometimes become louder.
    It went away after 2 hours. Not for long probably tho
    Can't sleep. It's just too loud. 6 months in and still almost zero habituation :/ It's not even the loudness, it's the frequency...
    I dishabituated when I turned severe 27+ months ago. It's always severe and getting worse with time, but the squealing high pitched single tone days are the worst. I can't sleep well, even with meds.
    Does your T frequency ever change or has it been consistent?
    Hi @Higo, my frequency unfortunately never changes, however sometimes I get new tones for a few days/weeks. Some stay and some go away
    I've got a new static tone in my right ear. It's around 5-10 db. Hearing this is so weird because my other tones are around 60-70db...
    60-70db? Compared to last month when you were 1/10? What went wrong? My effected ear is 60-70db and I could never habituate.
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