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  • So so tired. It's been less than 6 months but it feels like 2 years, I'm damn serious rn. ONLY half a year...I CAN'T believe this. CAN'T
    Any improvements that are worth noting?
    Hi @Thizzle, unfortunately I had no improvements at all. Probably my hyperacusis is less bothersome, but my tinnitus is getting worse by a little bit. I am getting new tones every 2-3 months even tho I protect my ears as much as I can :/
    When you say new tone do you mean like a new sound you can hear or like a pure tone
    Yesterday was my 5th month anniversary of T/H and today my T is 1/10. I think abituation started to kick in finally
    Only a 1? That should be easy to habituate to. My mild to moderate tinnitus of a few years ago in the 3 to 4 range had me pretty much habituated all the time compared to when it jumped to 7 - 9 over two years ago, and I dishabituated.
    I am happy for you! I hope you can find peace and leave this place.
    I bought the sound dampening blanket for my window but just in case decided to order the size that covers the whole wall lol. I'm desperate
    Today is finally a day. I wasn't able to sleep at all these past weeks. I can't believe today is (maybe) the last night when I sleep 5 hours instead of 7! I hope it will work. If not I'll buy another sound dampening blankets and hang them in front of the others lol. I will make my room sound proof one way or another
    Fuck dog owners who let their dogs bark nonstop at the balconies before 8am. And fuck motorcyclists who try to make their bike as loud as possible and go over 110db for some reasons
    Today my soundproof blanket should arrive. I have no idea what to do if it won't help....I haven't had a good sleep for 2 months. I'm crying
    Started crying. Apartments are hell. Dogs are stupid af animals that bark at tree (leaves make sound) for 2 hours. Since 5:12 am. I can't...
    My sound dampening blanket for window is coming up next week! Can't wait! I hope it helps with 4 different dogs barkings! I will SLEEP!
    Lawn mowers are mowing on Fridays...my b day is next Friday. All day in walk-in closet...I wanted to make pizza and bake some cupcakes...
    My normal heart rate is 90-110 bpm. In grocery store it's 140 and on parking lots it's 160-200. Yep. Agoraphobia is my new friend for life
    I haven't had a headaches for almost 2 weeks now. Wow. Habituation helps probably. The loud ringing was the main reason that caused them...
    I have survived the first day with a new faint sound in my right ear due to a loud car exhaust. The day is easy but night time is the worst
    I think I'm so shocked this happened that I started spamming my tweets like crazy. My apologies
    Good morning to me and you all. This new static tone in my right ear didn't go away during the night. It wasn't just a nightmare after all..
    My 22nd birthday next week. I need to make it to this date. And I will walk in insanely loud downtown with earplugs in. I will celebrate it!
    I can't believe I got blasted by the loudest car in probably the whole city just 5 seconds before I got in my car...Just 5 seconds. I can't
    How am I supposed to sleep knowing that even protecting ears 24/7 wont help from getting more tones? I hate cars louder than 100db.Just why
    I have about 4-5 different tones and half of them 5 decibels and can be masked by simply removing earplugs, and the other half is 60db lmao
    Great. A new very faint tone. Every month I'm moving further away from hearing a true silence ever again lmao. I should protect better...
    Well. I have a new tone on the right ear. It's about 5db in loudness. Maybe less. Thank you loud car. Ugh. At least no need in habituation..
    I'm feeling okay today despite all the shit that happened yesterday. I am shocked 122 db car didn't spike my T or H...at least yet. Lucky!
    Residual inhibition. The sound sometimes 'shocks' our systems into settling for a bit, or something like that.
    Gonna play games and watch anime as a cope strategy for my overwhelming stress and anger. I hope you all ppl are doing alright today :')
    @_Shoto_ What shows are you currently watching? Do you only watch dubbed, because as a sub enjoyer, I am already at level 100 when it comes to reading subtitles. :)
    Hi @Kiyomi! I have decided to rewatch Breaking Bad (nostalgia) and have also started a new comedy anime called Assassination Classroom. I usually watch the dub with subs on. This helps me keep the volume as low as possible while still understanding everything! I am also a pro now in reading subs :D
    @_Shoto_ I also did a Breaking Bad rewatch. :)
    There's zero countries where cars and motorbikes are banned. Zero. Only some neighborhoods in some European cities. I was born too early lol
    There are some car-free islands.
    I kinda wish dogs were banned in city limits, particularly those outside ones. But then you have the mowers, lawn trimmers, leaf blowers, and everything else. Thank goodness for earplugs.
    I think Vienna is one of the few European cities that has massive no car zones.
    I'm considering never leaving the house unless necessary (pharmacy) or unless it's a nature preserve outside of the city. No stores/parks...
    Three of my last posts start with "I don't understand..." and that's actually true. I don't understand this world, these laws, and norms.
    I don't understand why there's no exhaust noise limit laws. I just don't. 122 decibels while parked. Foam earbuds block only 32 db max...
    I don't understand how ppl with nox leave their houses in USA. Foam earplugs won't help in 80% of situations. They are heroes in my eyes!
    I don't understand why some cars can produce the sound of 122 decibels while being PARKED. I was in foam earplugs but I'm not sure it helped
    Truck was parked right next to me when I was walking down the street and it made a noise of 122 DECIBELS. I want him dead. I'm not kidding.
    I am at small restaurant and the whole squad of teens entered right after me...Jesus Christ. 14 teens between 17-20. HAHAH my luck! :D
    In restaurant rn. 32db earplugs is not enough for me. Headache and ear pain. I feel sick and awful. I'm definitely not be able to hold a job
    I feel okay today. But I definitely can't go to a busy restaurants anymore. Just some fast food big chains alongside highway where 90% of ppl are going to drive-thru instead of going inside. Very sad because I loved buffets :c
    It's funny how I don't notice my moderate hyperacusis at home or parks but any real loud place and my head is going to explode even with foam earplugs. Goodbye restaurants lol. Thank god I still can tolerate big fast food chains where they have only 5-7 tables inside because everyone is going to drive-thru
    These past weeks I've been getting only 5 hours of sleep per night. I have to do something quick. I hope getting rid of window will help
    One more night of no sleep. I cannot understand how people can live in apartments. My neighbor #1 play games and screams slurs. Neighbor #2 and #3 left their dog on the balcony. It's 12am... I mentally can't take this anymore. 3 neighbors and all are awful pieces of shit :/
    I wish I had some family members that live somewhere in the mountain village that has population of 22 people. No motorbikes, ambulances, barking dogs from all 3 directions. Just a small house in a village with garden at backyard and a forest nearby
    Every day in a city is hell. And I don't have noxacusis. I can't imagine living in a city with nox...
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