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  • Without the reactivity of the new tone i would be in a place, where i could say, i can life with that. But this tone is an Asshole.
    at least the dysacusis is nearly all gone.
    at this point i was very lucky. 3 Months.
    And, as much as i want to, i cannot say anything, which was the kicker. I just stayed during the uncomfortable sounds and over time it got better. I know, that this could get very wrong. As i said, i was lucky. The encountering of this sounds gave me relief, not worsening. Running water, porcelain and plastic are still very distorted, but these also the things, that give me pain, so i must avoid this anyways.
    how long did you have Dysacusis?
    hey bro just please hang in there, in the mean time get a hearing aid and wait for susan shores results.
    my flat has a new fire alarm. My Landlord said, if i put it down, he will fire me immediately. i have no safespace anymore.
    I have had never H before. If it is getting worse, you will soon read from me here..
    Love you brother. Best of luck!
    you too! If i come online in a couple of weeks/months, you will be have a success story! I am sure of it.
    Wishing you a quick recovery man ❤️
    I am wishing you all a quick healing, but all i will do now is focus on the good things in life. Maybe this helps, even with H. I don't know
    I will leave this board for a couple of weeks. I know, you have it bad, but i am so scared about the posts.. my anxiety is through the roof.
    I wish you all the best in your recovery, try to keep things as calm and quiet as possible and don't let anybody guilt you into doing something that challenges / hurts your ears. There will probably some headshaking and complaining about you needing to be more social but the people who do have no idea how painful dealing with hyperacusis can be.
    Hopefully it will get better, it did with me after about 3/4 of a year, and if or when it does your body will let you know, so don't let anybody shame or push you into something that will be harmful to you. Gute Besserung und versuch, dich nicht zu sehr runterziehen zu lassen!
    Best to take breaks from here occasionally it's good for you. I find myself becoming more paranoid with certain things I read on here and it increases my awareness and anxiety related too it than it ever did before.
    after how much months your anxiety got better?
    i already use anxiety-meds. They don't give me much. CBT-Training/Therapy has a waiting list for 2 years here. It is a good thing and a bad thing living not in the noisiest of towns.
    lost my Job due to T and H..
    There are many jobs that allow you to get away with tinnitus and hyperacusis, but working with little people isn't really one of them. Kids are far too unpredictable in the carefree way they go about the things they do.
    My hyperacusis is far from what it was before but children's voices and voices coming through speakers still set it off.
    I'm really sorry your condition forced you out of a job that you loved!
    I really hope, that my H also improves over time. Only time will tell.
    This post made me emotional.
    I am in a stage, where i can't life alone with myself. So, what should i use? Nortriptylin or Clomipramine? I need to do it, unfortunately
    do you think, that every tinnitus stays the same for anyone? Like, if you once habituated, you do it again? please be honest..
    It totally depends on the level IMO. When I first got my tinnitus I habituated in 15 months. After my spike in 2020, 2 years ago, I still haven't habituated to this baseline. It's too loud to ignore + hyperacusis which is even worse
    The tooth is dead. It must be pulled out. I heard even general anaesthetic wouldn't do the trick. I can't imagine to recover from that..
    The infection was only found while i've had another treatment. Since that there are 3 months already. I don't know what do to.
    The thing is.. i also need to go to the dentist, guys. I really need to. There is a secret infection. And my H is already so bothersome..
    I think i will not push through this a 2nd Time. Ive got 2 years of habituation. It was more than I ever hoped for.
    Hang in there man. If you've done it before, you can do it again.
    you are all so lovely.. really caring. I am literally in tears. We don't deserve this at all.
    one moment.. tinnitus can be related with sleep apnea? My mom has it severe and i am having it too, i am sure, but not tested for that.
    how long does it took, until your concentration improved? It is 2 months for me and even a childs game it too much to handle.. it is a joke.
    It was a continuum for me. Probably started improving at 6-9 months with painful situational forcing further improvements at 1.5-2 years out. Still improving at 3 years
    My anxiety is insane. I never thought, I would be in this again. And here I am. In a much worse situation than 2017. With no help at all around me. This was better 2017.
    I tried meditation, affirmation and PEP, daily walking etc. I have an anxiety personality disorder and therefore know many methods which helped me in the past, but T and H are much harsher monster, as we all know.
    The world per se got harder and harder. And we must nagivate through this with such a harsh condition. This isn't fair at all.
    This world is hard and cruel.. but also amazing and beautiful. I'll never understand why we are given this awful condition to contend with. Sometimes the only thing that gets me through the day is knowing there are others that truly know how debilitating this condition can be. One day can good while the next can smash your heart and soul. I hope and pray you/we can get some relief.
    Thank you so much.
    I really don't know if i can habituate to this again. It is consuming me. How can you all be so strong? wow. And this is only ONE problem
    hey there,
    you are also back again after 2017. Just dropped by to say hi and good luck to you.
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