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  • Been dreaming alot lately... no T in my dreams as far as I can tell. I should dream more. (If only)
    To Lenire.. Or not to Lenire. That is the question. Insurance doesn't cover costs so big gamble. Any thoughts?
    Garbage. Don't.
    I haven't heard anything good about it on these forums, but honestly I haven't heard much good about anything on these forums and really don't expect to. I thought about trying a 9V battery and random noise JK
    @Tryn2BHopeful Maybe if we try taking a tazer to the head something might get reset! Lol
    It's so unrelentingly loud. I feel like I could cry at any moment. Yet that's just too exhausting. It's amazing what we can endure. Kind of.
    I understand.
    Its amazing what we can endure. Kind of … Yes. As I type this I am in my basement while my daughter is having her 8th break down of the day. Yelling and screaming for 15 min. I'm on life level 11 out of 10.
    Silence is but a fleeting memory now... mornings are tough. 1st wake up. 2nd find the will to live. 3rd do the damn thing.
    I keep getting fullness or pressure in my ears. I went in dollar general and came out and that's what happened and then it went away. Anybody deal with this and what is it? I ate a biscuit earlier could that have been it from salt. I just don't know.
    Every time I walk into the gas station that happens to me. Goes away immediately after I walk out. It's wierd
    I have been having some pressure on both sides of my face by my ears. Anybody get this. It comes and goes. I had pressure like that when my tinnitus first started , but so much worse when I woke up that morning and went to urgent care.
    Forever hopeful
    @SharonBell I have TMJ. Same symptoms. Aggravates tinnitus big time. I am a big clencher. It can change the nature and frequency of Tinnitus. Getting a night guard. I would look into it.
    Can anyone that has hyperacusis please explain it to me please.
    Hyperacusis basically means your are oversensitive to ("everyday") sounds. Your tolerance of sound levels are not as they should be. It could be loudness h, pain h, or both, and a lot in between this... I suggest you do some searches on the forum about it @SharonBell to get more insight.
    How do I deal with hyperacusis? My audiologist thinks I have it to because of certain noises that make my tinnitus worse. Can someone tell me about hyperacusis please. I don't really know much about it.
    Hey @SharonBell I think you are posting inside my profile. Every time you post it is tagging me. There are others here that may have alot better advice. Especially for hyperacusis.
    Ok thanks.
    I havnt heard anyone say anything about Tinnitus in winter time. Does it change for some of you?
    Sarah havnt seen you on here how are you? You must be doing good.
    I'm here. Been doing okay this week.
    Your T hasn't been bad? Mine has been terrible the same as usual.
    My T is I say a 7/10 but I'm not crying all day everyday this week so that's a win.
    Broken_1 did you have tinnitus before you started taking trazodone?
    No. My T started around the 20th of Oct 2020. I've only been using trazadone for around 2 months because I went through a massive spike that caused really bad insomnia.
    ok i was just checking
    Helped the kids build a tree stand in the apple tree today. No hammers allowed. Cordless drill only. And hand saw kept the dbs down.
    Forever hopeful
    @BrOKeN_1. How are you? Been off for a while. Was doing pretty good and then ended up with another inexplicable spike. Friends took me to dinner at a loud restaurant but I had my custom-made earplugs in. Been dealing with an ailing parent I'm sure the stress and lack of sleep isn't helping. Now have reactive tinnitus. So much fun not being able to mask. Hope you're doing OK
    @Forever hopeful Sry to hear you are having trouble masking. That stress can really be a SOB. I've pretty much quit trying at this point. Besides the shower nothing works. Luckily I've been able to sleep more then 3 hours a night lately so I'm doing ok. I'm probably as habituated as I'm gonna get so I'm just working on acceptance. One day at a time :)
    Broken do you have hyperacusis? I was hoping someone could explain it to me.
    First time to the dentist in 3 decades. Cracked wisdom tooth extraction. Not as bad as I thought. Mostly.
    It seems strange that the noise in my head creates anxiety in my body. Alas the frailty of mankind.
    Celebrating/Not Celebrating 3 years this week. Exact time and place not 100% sure. But my life was changed and I've fought hard to be here.
    @BrOKeN_1... 3 years... Have it improved at all over these 3 years? Tell me it did...
    Damned headache going on 4 days... most likely Trazadone. May have to quit and figure out another way to get sleep.
    Sleep has become difficult at the moment. Most likely due to the reintroduction of AD. Thrown off my circadian rhythm maybe? Must Stay Calm
    I know that when I started Wellbutrin, or whenever my dosage was increased, I would have terrible sleep for a few weeks.
    I've resisted ADs. No Tradozone, Zoloft, Mirt, Clomipramine, I was prescribed. Bought all of them, and just put away. I am still too scared but I wonder if I should relent.
    Anxiety seems to be stabilizing and AD side effects letting up. They ain't lying when they say it gets worse before it gets better.
    That's for sure. Was increased anxiety one of the side effects?
    @RunningMan Yep. Although it can be difficult to blame the anxiety on the AD or the increased perception of T. Have to ride it out now.
    Not gonna lie.. struggling a bit with the side effects of resuming the AD prescription. .Maybe worse beforr better moments?*sigh*
    You will feel much better soon I am sure. The meds can be a life safer. Hope you feel better very soon.
    @Ryan Scott fluoxetine (aka prozac) low dose 10mg. Hopefully they get to work and I don't have to bump up.
    @4Grace definitely.. I'm pretty sure if successful I'll commit to staying on them long term. At least until there is a sufficient treatment for my type of tinnitus. Which I'm 99.9% sure is the culprit!
    Day4 back on the meds. Body having that uncomfortable anxiety tingle. I know this shit will pass but damn it sucks getting used to.
    @BrOKeN_1 I had to go back on meds too. Now I don't know if it's the Meds making me worse. Every time I go on them it's because I can't take it anymore. Then when I go on them and begin to feel better I want to come off. Afraid it's making T worse. I am sure this back and forth not good.
    @4Grace yea.. I came off the meds in May thinking I was feeling much better and I could handle going it alone. But for some reason my tolerance took a nose dive nearly 2 weeks ago and now I'm in getting used to the meds agian shit cycle. Emotions are flowing.
    @BrOKeN_1 - so sorry to hear that… I know how you feel - The irony that the meds we need to survive can make the condition we suffer from worse is the glaze on the cherry that sits on top of the icing on the cake.
    There is a cricket IN my bedroom. In the past I would have found and put outside. Now. I'm like.... Sing Little Cricket Sing!!
    Same! There was one in my garage! He left. I'm sad, lol.
    Dylan Blake
    Were not for Your anguish of Tinnitus I would let the little Diva sing anyway, I like the songs, on a similar note they are supposed to be good luck.
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