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  • slowly starting to loose hearing on my left ear.
    Michael Leigh
    Sorry to hear about this dpdx. Make an appointment at ENT to see if anything can be done to help you...
    Good luck and try not to worry.
    Oh god its so bad. I can hear it over everything. Hyperacusis so bad that I cant urinate without the sound of water splashing hurting me.
    People do not do ear tests. I have permanently increased my T. Next month will be an entire year with Severe H and T, no progress at all.
    didnt sleep last night one bit. T was so loud. Is it bad that T is louder than my own voice?
    Depends. Do you mean that it's audible while speaking or it drowns out your voice while speaking?
    audible while speaking
    I am so so so tired. I didnt sleep for a couple nights because of Tinnitus. Right now its a 9/10. Cannot be masked.
    I hope you find relief soon man, what do you use for masking?
    Didnt sleep last night Tinnitus was so loud. I can only mask it with the shower. Hyperacusis is still really bad.
    Oh god its so loud. I can hear it over traffic. H is so bad that I cant even stand 90% of noises. Pain each time I talk or somewone else
    Let's face it, we need a treatment for this. We cant simply live life with terrifying noises in our heads.
    Crying its so bad. I cant even turn pages of a book without the sound hurting my ears. T is 10/10 :( :( jet engine
    So sad :( I know it is expensive and maybe you can't afford it but have to thought about trying stem cells?
    What about large doses of curcumin, which John Adams did?
    It didnt get better. My H and T have worsened again. T was a 10/10 last night it dropped to a 8/10. H is still very bad on both ears.
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