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  • Tinnitus never stops CHANGING. 3 months in and different sound every damn day. EEEE, metal cutting, buzz, hiss, tonal beeps, JUST STOP.
    Today marks 3 months. It's not as bad as it was at first, but so tired of this noise. Horrified I may be saying the same years from now.
    Tinnitus is bad today. No constant tones, just hellish irregular fast rhythm. Multiple asynchronous pulses per second in each ear.
    The "like" function seems inappropriate for negative posts e.g. going through hellish spike right now. Basically schadenfreude button.
    Took a Xanax today - I was speaking to someone when suddenly I thought I lost all hearing in my right ear. Turns out no, it was just the T.
    What is up with tons of ear/head pressure in a dead-silent room? Even when the T is not a clear tone - it's like this vague "wall" of noise.
    Tinnitus is very bad today - low, cool metal noise that for some reason is extremely unnerving. Days like today I struggle just to endure...
    Tinnitus is low-ish, but I still want to rip out these incessant cochleas and stomp on them. Lowi-ish != silence.
    Woke up to the quietest morning yet. Am sitting in a carpeted room, no windows open, no electronics running, and I feel okay. Hope it lasts.
    Spoilers: it didn't last!
    My T is now "head noise" for the first time. I think this is easier because it doesn't seem like it's in my actual ear. Is this good or bad?
    Pramipexole has softened the character of my tinnitus and made it easier to put into background. Problem is it only works so for so long.
    Musical ear syndrome confirmed. I listened to Mozart for 1 hr, and after stopping, I still hear vague violins, like someone in another room.
    Inflection point - I've gone from feeling like steady tones are going to kill me to feeling like I have schizophrenia and am going mad.
    Massive spike from driving to neurologist and noisy office visit. This is so loud I can hear it clearly outside. Please give me relief.
    My tinnitus is like pro level - all these scrubs think they have T but they just have ᵀ. If you're on T talk you're in the big leagues.
    Like all of the random rapid pinging demands attention, you can't tune it out sort of like you would a steady tone.
    Having more days with no steady tones e.g. EEE and more with a ton of pings every second - it's quieter but sort of harder to wade through.
    For all my bilateral peeps who know what the true struggle is, like to sow unnecessary division with our unilateral comrades.
    Does anyone else's T have a distinct texture? Mine is sort of like if you walk up to a noisy cricket and listen, at close range you feel it.
    I think I have musical ear syndrome instead of normal T, so in prior centuries I'd prob be burned at the stake, or hailed as a prophet.
    I'm like that character in war movies who says he can't wait to see his girl back home, but a sniper is already dialed in on my skull.
    Starting a manukah honey, cinnamon, apple cider vinegar protocol because, why not, I'm living in a hotel and my life is bullshit.
    New hypothesis is that damaged/inflamed nerves are providing some input the brain isn't used to, and brain is off balance.
    The first month or so was a constant high pitch piercing squeal and now it's like a computer program of stock sci-fi noises.
    Noises keep cycling - sometimes high pitch, sometimes low, sometimes continuous, sometimes pulsing, sometimes both ears, sometimes just one.
    Tinnitus sounds like if you could rub metal on metal to create a harsher version of finger on top of a wine glass. Ears are stupid.
    I hear an air tire noise - pfffffff - in my right ear. Please god let this be a permanent shift. It feels like heaven.
    Went away after a bath but was nice while it lasted.
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