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  • Having a bad day following a very bad night with intrusive loud T. Wonder how long I can continue when life seems pointless....
    Just hope for better days!
    Are you new? I'm told the first year is the hardest. I still struggle 3 months in but not as bad as the 1st month. Someone just told me a great quote "don't look for the silence, look for the happiness."
    Zopiclone helped me sleep in the beginning of my tinnitus worsening, but now I worry it actually made it even worse :-( Feeling regretful.
    7.5mg mirtazapine here... I wouldn't call it a perfect solution but I'm not sure what is.
    Thanks. I do remember at least one post where someone was stating zolpidem increased their tinnitus. Perhaps I would have an issue at a higher dose, like if I took 10 mg regularly, but I'm trying to keep it minimized to reduce tolerance and so my Dr. will keep authorizing refills. It's helping, but I'm still lacking sleep.
    A side effect of these kind of sleeping drugs is pretty severe anxiety - it doesn't occur in everyone and it can vary how bad it gets to you but it really got to me. When taking Zopiclone, think very short term windows of time. I use it only in the absolute worst emergencies, like if I went 7 days in a row without sleeping or something like that.
    T since 2003, was managing fine (as in not even thinking about having T) and then all changed in January 2023 after new acoustic trauma :-(
    Keith Handy
    Seek out stories from people who had acoustic trauma and took a few years to recover. Those helped me tremendously. In the worst period I just laid on my side watching videos on mute. I called it "equilibrium" because it was the most bearable time. It was worse than any other health condition I've had because no one understood what I was going through.
    @Keith Handy Thanks a lot for the encouragement. That gives me a bit of hope. How long have you struggled and how are you today?
    Keith Handy
    Three years and much better. I'll write an official three year update post in a couple weeks.
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