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  • Blasted myself with a youtube video through my studio monitors for about 3-4 seconds. Put on double protection and measured 84dba.
    This is why I don't do YouTube anymore...
    Well my monitors have hardware volume controls on each of them which I usually have set to 70dba max. But I guess I forgot to readjust them after moving them not too long ago.
    Still is surreal that 5 days before my T back in 2020, I was out shopping for new guitar amps with the ambition of playing live music again.
    Same thing happened to me. Lol…life had other plans though!
    Same.., I was just healed from stomach and wanted to start go to concerts and bother women...
    Now I have only one 4khz tone in my left ear of extraordinary volume, but all the other tones are gone. Static in my right ear is much less
    Is this more pleasant for you?
    Is this good?
    it's... something. I don't know wtf is going on. Maybe covid is destroying my cochlea. or maybe I'm getting superpowers
    8 times in the last hour now. Twice now all my tones have dissipated and it has just been static. I hope maybe my brain is recalibrating
    Crazy fleeting tinnitus right now. Going on for over minute. All the mess is replaced with one piercing tone. A nice change I suppose.
    Anyone's tinnitus such a volume or tone that it causes actual pain?
    @kingsfan I also had the fullness sensation and it would always get substantially worse along with the spike. I found that sometimes I could get the spike to drop back to baseline by using a saline spray, plugging the back of my nose by closing my throat, filling my sinuses completely with saline, and then blowing my nose.
    @martinberryhorse I'm actually convinced I made my right (and better) ear worse doing this. When I did it I felt pain and later that day the soft static in that ear changed to something similar to air being let out of a tire.
    @kingsfan Oh shit I'm not sure if I should tell people to try the saline now.
    I'm going to give it a couple more weeks, but my tinnitus feels much worse after recovering from Covid.
    I also had airpods in yesterday (I can explain) when my roommate texted me and Siri proceeded to read off the message at full volume. It was probably 3 seconds before I could get them out of my ears. I have a volume limit set on the phone at 75dba, but I'm not sure if it also limits Siri. =(
    Harder Calm
    So sorry to hear! Hang in there, I wish you and we all recover from this hell one day...
    @Harder Calm Thanks. You too. It can be all-consuming at times.
    Second night of not being able to sleep bc of the volume.. I've never had a problem sleeping before.
    Left ear is just blasting away like never before.
    Sorry to hear that. Do you think it's covid related? Hope it gets better for you...Sometimes it seems to me that no matter what we do things like this will happen anyway...
    My ears are blasting now too. My daughter dropped something on the floor next to me. It's amazing how such a small incident generates a storm in my ears.
    @aura I don't know if it's covid related, but I'm struggling more than I ever have with this right now. I don't know how much longer I can handle this.
    Hey, thanks for checking in =). I'm getting better but having a spike. I don't know if it's from Covid, the antihistamine I took over 48 hours ago, coughing so much or something else. My ears weren't bothering for almost a week and then this ultra-supersonic ringing started on top of everything else.
    My usual bothersome ringing is also bothering me again..
    Just read on r/tinnitus someone's tinnitus being reduced using hearing aids even though they don't have hearing loss.
    Did they use them as a WNG or because of their hearing function? I'm doing the first and it makes my tinnitus bearable but has no effect on the noises themselves.
    They wrote that they use the hearing aid function and not the wng. They wrote something about having it set to boost the frequency their tinnitus is on by 10%
    Thank you, Kingsfan. I'll talk to my audiologist about it and see if something like this can be done with multiple tinnitus tones.
    Locked in a room for daysssssssssss
    @aura I just have the absolute most terrible cough. I definitely don't want to experience this again.
    Sorry to hear that. Did it affect your tinnitus?
    @aura At first my tinnitus was bothering me. I think it was just the headache was making it seem worse. Then I didn't really think about it much for about 5 days. When I started coughing I started worrying about my coughing damaging my ears more, and it started creeping back into my mind. Then yesterday after taking some Zyrtec it has been loud and unavoidable.
    Can't get a Covid test anywhere
    @aura my rapid test cam back negative but I'm waiting on pcr results. I'm having the same symptoms as my daughter so I'm positive I have Covid. It hasn't been too bad besides a really bad headache and my tinnitus is way louder.
    Get well soon!! We all gonna catch it sooner or later...
    Does static always turn into a pure tone ring or should I expect this static sound to just get louder?
    But i don't think you should expect it getting louder. My brain/ears static hiss tends to get louder after noise exposure,but at a manageable level. Pure tones, on the other hand, did get louder.
    @aura i have the hissing underneath all the other sounds. But my right ear is static, like an old crt tv without a connection, or that walkie-talkie sound you described. It's become a lot louder and now almost sounds like air is moving through it. Left is a softer static with horrible pure tones.
    Just worried that "air" sound is going to transform into another pure tone ring. The louder static is already become really difficult to deal with when it wasn't a problem before.
    Absolutely horrible today. I think my noisy rental car is worsening me.
    @Wrfortiscue , i don't use white noise,i tried listening to it but i don't like it.
    @kingsfan i understand the mess of noises with plugs, it's why I take mine off frequently. You may just need higher db like your 16's. I realized I wasn't seating my left plug in and exposing myself constantly. Kept jamming the plug and causing aching lol so dumb
    @aura yeah my ears start ringing louder immediately with white noise because of frequency. Just wondering if ours spike to road noise because of that
    Louder static/tire air noise in my right ear is really bothering me. I keep trying to ignore it but no luck so far.
    Time is your friend. Sorry you're struggling, I'm having a depression day and just want to fade away. T is also making itself known because my walls are down
    Brian P
    Some people have tones that go away, like Stacken. Not me!
    How did your T become so severe?
    Then while getting tests from an audiologist, my nightmare truly began. It just kept getting worse from there. I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or what.
    Brian P
    Yes I didn't know the dangers of headphones either. I used to listen to them everyday on the bus to school from 5th grade through 12th. I have Ménière's disease, but I'm no noise Virgin. I wish I knew the risks of noise when I was a kid. Holy shit.
    I just thought I'd lose some hearing from not wearing earplugs. Didn't know the ringing could get so loud. I thought I had my AirPods at a reasonable level, but I guess not. Funny apple now has a monitor for the loudness of their earphones, after I got tinnitus.
    Right ear is developing a soft whistle that sounds like the pure tone in my left ear. Anxiety is 1000%. I can't have this ring in both ears.
    Yes my friend, why can't we just be the people who are like yes! I've had the same tinnitus for the past 20 years! I have a coworker who's like this that suffered an acoustic trauma around two months ago (he's 62) from shooting a gun but forgot protection and still says his tinnitus remains the same.
    @Shoon thats really all I want at this point.. for it to just stay the same and I'll deal with it.
    • F


    Hows the whistle i was trying to find experiences too .. i developed one 3 weeks ago seems active to sounds like fan i hear it more
    Just got my car back from the shop. Might need a new engine. Fuck I'm having the time of my life. 20 out of 10 experience this whole year.
    You'll be that much stronger when you come out the other side
    This is definitely some fucking mental gymnastics
    Had a good day yesterday. Took a shower. Right ear felt clogged. Did a very soft valsalva. Ear pain and the sound of air out of a tire now..
    I can tell from the new tone of the static that it is eventually going to turn into a ring identical to my current left ear. At that point I'll probably just throw myself out the window.
    Fuckin A I did it again. Wtf is wrong with me? Had to recreate the scenario to see if I was being crazy or not? Hopefully it doesn't get any louder I'm fuckin panicking.
    Well over a year has passed. Where is the habituation I was promised?
    I know that isn't the best encouragement, but you'll be okay. ❤️
    I don't really get anxiety from my T unless I try to do something that requires a lot of focus, then I get frustrated. But I'm constantly thinking about it. The first I think every morning when I wake up is "how does my T sound today?" it's automatic.
    I just want to not care about it anymore, like how it was back when it was mild. I'd hear it every night and when I had earplugs in but it didn't bother me at all.
    It's official. I'm sick of being alone.
    @Steph1710 dogs are loud...maybe a cat? And then he can do what i did last year when i adopted a cat: hyper-fixate on training techniques.
    ...and watch endless youtube tutorials about cats...i recommend cat behaviorist, YouTuber and the host of the television show "My Cat from Hell " Jackson Galaxy.
    I had two cats. Left them when I moved out. My roommate says they are allergic, so no cats =\. I've been having the delusion I'll get my two boys back.
    Looking for something new to hyper-fixate on
    • B


    H. Brezis - Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differential Equations
    @kingsfan wow! We are so similar! I do the exact same thing. I love outdoors equipment, so it's easy to get fixated on it haha. I've been researching at work recently. Being paid to get fixated on something is extra fun.
    @Steph1710 What kind of gear have you been researching? I want to see!
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