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  • I cant handle my right ear.The static is too loud and harsh and the tone too variable.ear feels clogged bc the static is blocking my hearing
    @kingsfan / this is insane. So sorry. Just no words. Last year you had mentioned mirt. Did it help? Gabapentin - help? Any medication that helped? I have Nox and need something.
    Are earplugs a waste of time? Ive been wearing them since the beginning. Ive experimented with many different kinds.But I continue to worsen
    Joshua Macleod
    They've been really beneficial for me, I think.
    @Joshua Macleod I think I'm just going to get custom solids. Filtered don't seem to be enough, and I use the strongest filters available for my customs (ACS Pro26).
    I've gotten worse from wearing them. That's why I stopped pretty much.
    At this point, this Auricle device will only get me to less horrible tinnitus. If I could have had it before Dec. I may have been saved.
    The alarm going off on me at target has definitely made things worse. I'm hanging on by a's crucial i find a job in the next month
    But how can I with this much adversity? It's a struggle to function. If I owned a gun I'd have used it already.
    @kingsfan Don't say that. I know life feels unbearable. It does for me too. We have to believe in better days. I have hope for you
    We have to believe these hardships will end for us
    I cant take this stress anymoreTruck besideme set off itsalarm as I was changing earplugsin my carThen setthe alarm off at the grocery store
    the gabapentin.
    Sorry to hear this. Really am. Hopefully with time it goes back down. I feel like it's like trying to avoid air when we go out. Stressful and impossible.
    @4Grace I'm surprised anyone could read my rambling. I was on my phone in the parking lot just having a mental breakdown.

    Too many mistakes on my part. I should have been just doing curbside orders instead of going into stores these past 3 years. I probably would have avoided a lot of misfortune. Feels too late to bother now.
    Cool cool cool. Set off the alarm at Target twice. That thing is at ear level when you walk through it. Not gonna freak out....
    My ears have that pressure like they need to pop again, but my eustachian tubes are completely clear. Worrying. I can't believe I forgot there was a security tag on my stuff. I'm never careful enough. I really think I have ADHD and it's a terrible combination with Tinnitus.
    Not T related,but I'm losing the hair on my legs and they burn when I wear pants. I look goofy & even uglier now
    wow my tinnitus is insane tonight. It's like a plasma gun charging then resets, causing a zapping sensation, then charging up again.
    Same here…mine is seriously pissed off about something!
    Suffering is interesting. I have had pain in my ear. Kinda went away. Now massive soar throat for months. Swollen lymph node. If the pain goes away I feel like this blasting T won't be so bad. The pain is unbearable. I would appreciate just T. A least for a short while.
    I was actually stringing together some decent days until I ran some errands today. Back to end of December levels.
    What's the point if AI will replace anything I've worked hard to learn. Might as well put the barrel to my head now and save time.
    Human beings have really made a point out of making this planet inhabitable. In so many ways
    @Juliane Our purpose is to fulfill the ultra wealthy. That whole "a nice recession will [solve the return to office dilemma]" that mega-wealthy CEO said and Bob Iger saying that actors losing their homes will force them to end the strike is messed up.
    @RunningMan And the AI bootlickers solution is to "transfer to new roles specializing in prompt-writing" is ridiculous. Artists, designers, engineers don't want to sit around and write prompts. They want to create hands-on.
    Few things hurt quite like hearing your teenage child tell you they are saving up to visit you bc you can't afford to visit them...
    I'm about to just let my tinnitus worsen and get a job at a factory or construction or something, anything to get out of this shame
    Widening your net is probably a good idea. Good luck in your search. Sucks about the tech layoffs.
    Just found a piece of my cat's string toy is missing. I think he ingested it. Distraught whether to go to get x-ray, but I have little $$$
    @Tryn2BHopeful maybe 2 inches of a thin, stretchy, elastic string. I have read it can entangle around the intestines and kill the tissue. I just don't know if it's long enough for that to happen.
    hrm.... you would think if it was on a cats toy it would be safe! I get what your saying though.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I already had to take him before because he ate a toy. That one was like a fluffy worm. I usually put everything away when unsupervised, but I guess I forgot this one time.
    Those stupid little alarms in Best Buy went off twice while I was there today. My watch only said 67dBa, so fingers crossed.
    It's like my family knows when I'm having a bad T day and make all the noise they can.
    I asked my wife as she was about to start vacuuming right next to me what she was doing and I got a disgusted response that she was going to vacuum. I said we'll can I leave the room? She doesn't get it.
    I don't want to be this way, but a little empathy and understanding would go a long way.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I am sorry. I cannot imagine such a reaction from a partner.
    weird how I can go a couple of days without this nasty new ringing, and then it just pops up in the middle of the day out of nowhere
    Happens to me too. New rings come and go. Also the heartbeat in my left ear comes and goes. What a strange condition.
    @BellaMia I've had the heartbeat thing on and off many times. Seems to always appear when my tinnitus has permanently worsened and then goes away after a couple months. Still waiting for it disappear again this time.
    I'd much rather just have louder ringing than this static with it's scraping sensation. It's driving me insane. I'm so tired..
    Some peace of mind for all of use would be priceless
    That's what I think I have. I have a static sound and can almost feel it. Depends on how bad it is. In the beginning it felt like I had poprocks in my ear. It's the eeee tone that drives me nuts. Funny how we all have different tolerances.
    @BellaMia Well I've had 3 years to get used to the couple of pure tones I have. They still get unbearable when I'm out and about.
    Didn't know how good I had it just 1.5 months ago.
    Same. I just want to go back to the day before my birthday when I didn't catch covid and didn't have long covid. I'll do anything to go back to December 17th.
    It's crazy how that works. Know a guy that went crazy because of T. Since he got vertigo he told me that his T with V would be nothing
    I can't do this anymore
    Yeah, the breaks don't do much. I tried.
    @gameover I took a break, I can't remember exactly when or how long, probably around Sep '22 - May '23, and when I came back some of the people I talked to had left.
    That's a horrible feeling. I so wish I could not relate to that … but I do. You are not alone. Thank God for this place
    Another rough day. 1 or 2 minutes of focus, then time to breathe and disassociate. Rinse and repeat. Taking all day for an hour of work.
    Making a little bit of progress with my new level of T, but tonight has been a bit of a step backwards.It sucks even having to do this again
    Ryan Scott
    @kingsfan I feel like us people who are blessed with tinnitus will have to deal with these oscillations for the rest of our life, that is just the nature of the beast. The condition is just so complex, and no one seems to really understand. Considering there are people who get T from medication and despite having no acoustic trauma or noise exposures it still gets worse.
    @Ryan Scott Yeah, I had prepared myself for this from the very beginning, but the rate at which I keep worsening is beyond my expectation. I only get a short time of any sort of habituation before I have to start over.

    Now I reminisce of being able to enjoy movies and music without so much noise in the mix.
    Ryan Scott
    @kingsfan I totally agree man, mine has progressively got worse over the first year of having it. If I could go back to how it was at first I think it wouldn't really bother me all that much. But I think the reason mine was so more noticeable for the first few months is from the steroids reducing inflammation.
    Feeling under the weather yet again. And yet again, worried about Covid.
    Long covid is a nightmare, it's worse than tinnitus so far
    Either zicam is very effective for me, or my immune system has been good at catching illness before it gets out of hand, or I just haven't actually been ill at all...
    (1) Do I have H? Have I had H? Has it been getting worse?
    (3) Car Stereo Volume Observations:

    - Pre-T: 32.
    - Post-T: 16.
    - 1 month post: 10.
    - 3 month with 19snr earplugs: 14.
    - Currently( with 26snr earplugs): 10.
    Maybe you're just worried about making the T worse, so you're turning things down to safer levels to make sure T isn't aggravated?

    Does the world actually sound louder to you?
    @HearingHell I mean when first I cut the volume in half that was the case, but a few weeks later I noticed that volume felt loud when it used to be feel almost too quiet to enjoy.
    Well would you look at that, someone set their car alarm off beside me as I was walking through a nearly empty parking lot.
    Jon R.
    I think sound is out to get me. I was at the supermarket yesterday putting bags of shopping in my boot (trunk) and out of ALL the cars that an alarm could go off on is the one opposite me with NO ONE even near it to set it off. Sound is definitely out to destroy me.
    I've worn out my welcome. I need a job that pays a livable wage or a new place to stay, like, now.
    @RunningMan I applied to a data annotation company, was accepted, passed all the assessments and then was never given any work.

    It's all automated so there is no one to contact. Has been incredibly frustrating bc it would have been some much needed relief. Didn't pay enough to get back out on my own but would have stopped me hemorrhaging money.
    @crescentsky Not real lucrative, but I may have to try it...
    it's worth trying out. i have heard ppl have successfully used it and turned it into a full time business.
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