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  • I wonder if my tinnitus will stop going with my heartbeat if I get in shape. I don't have high blood pressure or anything though...
    My ears just constantly feel fatigued now. I'm not sure what to do at this point. I've never had this. It's like I'm back to square one.
    My tinnitus is grinding at my brain, giving me a headache and making me nauseous. it's more than just a sound. It's also a sensation.
    I don't think I'm going to make it without anti-anxiety meds. I was incredibly tempted to drive my car off the highway last night.
    I feel the same about needing anxi-anxiety meds. I actually have one (lorazepam) but I only take it occasionally since it's a benzo, so that doesn't really manage things. Had side effects from ADs. Maybe need to try alternative like Buspirone.
    @kingsfan I'm really sorry of your current struggles. Do you have any ability to access a social worker, who maybe able to help lessen the burden to do with job placement? or maybe has other ideas in your vicinity?
    L along the way
    I also take benzo's, and sometimes kratom. About ending it.. :( sadly.. i sometimes think about it too, or feel like.. hope it will end (not by my own cause). The only rule i feel about self conclusion, is to never be impulsive about it, and never while under influence. Take time, go day by day.. trying to go easy.. please may time make things better
    I don't know how I'm supposed to go on like this. I should have never taken my car to that shop.
    You could not have known. You were just trying to live
    @Juliane I should have known. I had been there before. I knew the layout. But last time was in the morning, I think before they started working on cars.

    I should have ran out at the first drill blast, but my social anxiety just kept me frozen, too afraid to embarrass my self
    I understand. But you cannot change your reactions always. I don't think you have done anything wrong
    Well I thought I was going to have a decent T day, but as soon as I start moving around theHighPitch SquealThatGoesWithMyHeartbeat ComesBack
    Having anxiety bc I think I ruined any chance of getting my life back together.
    @Juliane I'm just not sure how I'll habituate to this. My T was already variable where I'd have days that were wasted on just trying to survive and then productive days.

    For the past 3 weeks, besides the temp relief from prednisone, even my best T days are now only equal to my previous worst T days.
    I've had anxiety most of the time since my tinnitus increased about 2 years ago. Some days worse than others and only occasional benzo use after AD's never helped. Life definitely isn't the same.
    @kingsfan I am so sorry to hear that. Worsenings are devastating and I don't have anything clever to say. I just hope you improve
    Took gabapentin. Usually eliminates any high pitch spikes. Helped little. still getting high pitch hissing that goes with my hearbeat.
    I cannot handle the high pitch. I've handled everything else that has been thrown at me, but I'm really struggling here, guys.
    Had a decent day yesterday. Today is my first day completely off prednisone. Woke up with the ultra high pitch squealing and a headache.
    Had an ENT appointment today. Had impacted earwax manually removed. Oh man was it a ton. Going to monitor things for a bit before I report.
    As Susan Shore and the FDA take their sweet time, the device gradually becomes less effective for me. I've had 2 worsenings in 2023 alone.
    or it's more effective for you.. because there's more tinnitus to get rid of.
    Same here :-(
    @cjbhab As my tinnitus gets louder, 6db reduction means less and less. Could be constrained from gaining potentially quiet tinnitus to only less severe, but still severe tinnitus.
    I killed myself taking my car to the mechanic... I'll never be able to work now. I can barely put a single thought together.
    @4Grace That is what I fear some people think of me. So priviliged most people are to not have any idea what T is like....
    @cyberspace I accidentally deleted the post you commented on, can't think clearly, but if you look down through my profile you'll see the progression of events starting from being exposed to an impact drill at the auto mechanic shop.
    @4Grace I knew all about tinnitus even before mine spiraled out of control, and still had no idea what it could become. There is no possible way anyone who hasn't experienced it first-hand will ever understand, so I really don't blame them.
    Down to 40mg of prednisone. The terrible high pitch is coming back. Anxiety setting back in. It was a nice 3 days of bliss. I'll miss it.
    Good to see you atleast got one of the 'better' outcomes from steroids. Get some respite I suppose.

    Hope your spike will still settle soon though.
    @ZFire Yea it didn't silence my tinnitus, just changed it to fairly loud static which I considered a vacation from what I'm normally subjected to.
    Well. Got some prednisone from the urgent care today and a closer ent appointment date.. next Friday.
    @Tryn2BHopeful doctors will usually say that taking for less than month doesn't need a taper, but the standard regimen for SSHL is 60mg for 7 days then a week of taper which seems to contradict the whole "not needing a taper"
    Yeah its funny, when I went in for my follow-up for the other issue the doc saw what was prescribed and the first words out of her mouth were... and they didn't prescribe you a taper?!? Then she kinda just said well it should be ok... My T had started already at this point, albeit not as intrusive as it is now. I have just lost faith in doctors, but I need them to help me through this hellscape.
    @Tryn2BHopeful it can be a real hit or miss with doctors. Unfortunately we suffer when it's a miss.
    I can't fall asleep. It sounds like sirens going off in my head.
    Every night. I sound mask for both sides. Still hear the sirens. No idea how I sleep. It's a miracle.
    @4Grace I had gotten to the point where I didn't need to mask. But now masking isn't even working so it doesn't matter if I do it or not. Also having sensations on and off that feels like my brain is being drilled and scraped
    @kingsfan so sorry. My masking causes me pain but I need it. Go figure. Go insane without. I just wish I could do normal things.
    Ive got to find a way to pull it together. I've been through all this before. Gabapentin isn't helping anymore though. it was my crutch
    Having such terrible ultra-high pitch T since Tuesday.It's absolutely unbearable.Don't know how I'll function in life if this is permanent.
    Sorry buddy. I know what you mean. I have had that level for a while. Constant escape all day. Every second is torcher.
    Ears have pressure after watching some videos on my phone. I'm assuming this is hyperacusis/tonic tensor tympani syndrome. Never had this
    My TTTS always feels like fluttering or thumps. I never feel it as a pressure.
    I get this all the time. Takes all my power not to be stressed. After a year sometimes the stress wins.
    I talked to a Dr. today about that TTTS. I have the pressure a lot, the fluttering in my ears and the thumps today, but I don't get the dizziness and the pain. He told me I have reactive tinnitus and hyperacusis.
    Urgent care was a complete waste of time. I guess I wait until end of January to see an ENT. So I'm just stuck with whatever fate gives me.
    I cant even find an ent or aud that isn't just trying to take my money. T has made me lose faith in the system entirely.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Thank you. I just had my T under control again after some loud noise exposure back in June. It just always sucks to be dealing with it over an over again. Also little by little it gets harder to hear because of all the static and ringing, so that depresses me as well.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I thought maybe I could just some prednisone (I don't advocate taking it for every little thing though), but the doctor was just rude only wanted to irrigate my ears so I didn't feel confident even bringing it up.
    So difficult to tell. I think the static in my right ear is louder now. That's the one tone that has never gown down after a spike.
    I know I keep posting but this pressure in my ears is insane.I hope it's just coincidentally from allergies or something& not hearing damage
    If I was in your shoes, I'd be taking the same exact steps as you have done especially with those supplements. Also Probably spend more time in a quiet setting in the meantime as well just for precaution. To be honest, I'd be weary to take a course oral steroids again unless I went deaf.
    But don't let my reservations about steroids discourage you from considering them if you believe they might be helpful. I just don't think they'll provide any permanent tinnitus relief. But definitely check with doctors, see what say about the intense pressure issues you're experiencing.
    What does noxacusis feel like? Having painful pressure in my ears after having a conversation. I've never had this before.
    Most descriptions of nox I've seen include 'lava or acid burning pain'. There's also stabbing pains, usually described as having a screwdriver or a sharp knife impaled deep inside your ear.
    @ZFire I'm having pain that feels like an ear ache. And my keyboard and even opening mail is triggering TTTS and just feels uncomfortable.
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