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  • Hey, just wondering what you use to clean your custom musician's plugs? I know anything with alcohol is no good, & I don't want to keep taking the filter out (don't want it to fall out easily!).
    No dought I just keep going in circles. Can't help it… I wish this thing did not change every minute.
    Thank God I can sleep with a sound machine. I don't know how but I do. I think i just love turning in since every day is a super long day. I am thinking of going back on mirt! That's not helping the anxiety.
    I am saying that if medication could make T worse, I wouldn't take it. The ONLY reason I take Amitriptyline is for sleep, and now I am starting to think this is why my T has gotten worse, but if I don't take anything, I won't sleep! What a conundrum. I hate this.
    @SarahMLFlemmer You should really check with your doctor on a taper schedule. Its usually half for two weeks, then half of the half for two weeks, then half of the half every other day for two weeks... etc...
    @SarahMLFlemmer the nortrip came in 10mg tablets. I'm not sure if your amitrip is the same. I would feel comfortable going down 10mg every 6 weeks. But of course talk to your doctor of course.
    The T in my right ear is getting seriously loud. My MRI is not for 6 months. I am really getting worried. It's getting seriously loud. Noticeable by the day. Not my perception of it. Kings fan you mention that you wear double ear protection when vacuuming. I have been staying away from super loud places but that's about it. When I put hearing protection on of any kind my T really blasts.
    It sounds like you have somatic tinnitus, and that might be a good thing since the Michigan Device that is coming soon is specifically for somatic T.
    Honestly I think it was many things, took 3 different sleep meds plus 3 ad's and Benzo's for a few months), insomnia induced - 5 months no sleep, injury which began everything, my daughter yelled directly in my ear Christmas Eve for 45 min it began 1 week after that .. listened to music with head set while biking for 5 years!! 1 hour a day. Played very low but still. Then my daughter 18 years.
    Ear plugs - MY T is unbearable with them on. I don't know how anyone with bad T can wear them
    I miss going out care free. Leave the problems at home once and a while and just go out. This problem seems to follow you around.
    I was always really good at running away from my problems.
    I was just thinking how I used to frequent bars that were so loud we had to yell into each other's ears just to talk. Crazy stuff.
    Neighbor boy is mowing the lawn with giant peltor muffs on. Attaboy!
    My neighbor does that, but he's in his 70's. I started using well-inserted foam earplugs to mow over a year ago. Never used to use anything the previous 20+ years.
    @RunningMan I only wore earplugs in the practice studio, but would regularly forget them. No way I'm coming near a mower now. I can't even vacuum, even with double protection.
    Spike has been better the past couple days. Been burying my head in React documentation. I wonder if dopamine from my reward center helped.
    Is this still the same spike from your Tyre incident?
    @Hardwell No that hasn't subsided. It does fluctuate a bit, but has not yet gone back down to my previous baseline.

    This was, I guess, a spike on top of that, possibly from taking mirtazapine.
    Mirt began working for me after 6 weeks. Felt better but unfortunately the T was still bothersome. I came off for fear that it was worsening T. Perhaps not the best thing to do. It did cure 5 months of insomnia and when I came off by some miracle my sleep stayed to some degree.
    Tinnitus is listed as a common withdrawal symptom of mirtazapine, so it could go back to your previous baseline once your brain reaches homeostatis
    I came off of mirt slowly. I don't think it caused a problem for T. Just be sure to come off very slowly.
    I only took a single ~3.75mg dose. I cut a 15mg tablet into 1/4ths. I don't think I could have tapered any lower. But it really had a huge sedating effect on me. My ringing intensified as the sedation wore off.

    I believe it should only be acting on H1 histamine receptors below 15mg. Zycam also shoots my tinnitus up, but it doesn't cross the blood brain barrier so I don't know what's up.
    It's the afternoon. Time for my tinnitus to kick it into overdrive!
    @kingsfan Me too! Can't wait to go to bed and wake up with it screaming in my ear. Haha. How relaxing. How are you doing today?
    Ryan Scott
    Mine does the exact same.
    @Joe Cuber yea it steadily increases as the day goes. usually by afternoon it's at full force.

    @Mo8409 Usually if I stay up late enough (like 2am) it resets back down to a more bearable level, but that hasn't been the case recently.
    I think I'm spiking from that mirtazapine. It's been a brutal day. Hopefully tomorrow will be back to normal.. whatever that is now a days
    I wonder if mine hasn't improved as much as I was hoping due to the mirtazapine. After vacation gonna try to taper off and see I'd I can sleep without it again.
    All these drugs are such a crapshoot for us all.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Just do it very slowly. I hope I didn't mess myself up with this stuff. It was already elevated before I took it, so I'm not sure if it's too blame or not. It's so hard to tell. It's stressing me out.
    Does anyone take mirtazapine sporadically? Do you notice increased irritability as it wears off?
    I don't think your supposed to take it that way as it takes time to build up I believe.
    @Tryn2BHopeful well I was going to start taking it regularly, but I couldn't function on even a tiny dose.
    Trains, creaky floors, and an always hungry cat. I just want one night of undisturbed sleep.
    Reminds me of Planes, Trains & Automobiles. :)
    Same here. I live in an area with a lot of construction work going on and it's driving me nuts...
    Mirtazapine it is. It was that or Prozac. Making me jump through hoops for an adhd assessment.
    Whats up old friend. Glad you are seeking help! I'm that bad off too but Zoloft killed my ears in the past. Cant risk another med. Hope it keeps you going and calms your head!
    @MaxRabbit Well hello. You in Georgia now? I don't want to take antidepressants, but I can't get an adhd assessment until they first rule out my symptoms aren't from depression.
    Ryan Scott
    You think adhd meds will help you @kingsfan
    Almost out of savings. Went from enough for a down payment on a house, to jobless, homeless and broke. Tinnitus fucking sucks.
    Ryan Scott
    @MeadowLane22 Dang man I am sorry to hear that, how long ago did you have to stop driving. I always thought being a truck driver would be a cool career. The noise exposure is pretty loud inside a truck?
    Ryan Scott
    @MeadowLane22 Pretty much the same here man, I only leave my house for food. But nobody in my family can understand this, I try to explain to them how just driving effects my T and they just think I'm lying. It's pretty heartbreaking when you are trying everything you can to survive and no one understands.
    My heart is breaking for you guys. Honestly. Praying for everyone on this forum.
    I can trace all my tinnitus problems back to a singular event in which I chose the 2nd floor apartment instead of the top floor one.
    How so?
    Quickly after moving in I found that I could not stand both my upstairs and downstairs neighbors, and decided I would be moving out after the 10 months lease was up. So I decided it would be too much hassle to unpack all my home theater gear, and just used my AirPods every night watching hours of tv and movies since it was all during the pandemic and there was nothing else to do.
    I've always had misophonia, and my upstairs neighbor was very heavy footed and wouldn't shut the cupboards lightly. I wore earphones a lot to drown out the sounds as well, bc it would give me panic attacks.
    The fireworks begin
    They seem to be ever present in my neighborhood, especially around the 2-4am time frame.

    4th of July is a two month holiday of increased noise. Sucks.
    @Jammer The areas in the OC I lived in the first couple years of my tinnitus had literally 0 fireworks. It was nice. LA always sounded like a battlefield. Last year I was in middle of nowhere Utah so I also lucked out, though someone did set off a firework near my hotel parking lot in Vegas the night before while I was getting out of my car.
    The once, very calm static in my right ear has nearly transformed into a full ring. Soon I'll have bilateral pure tone ringing.
    I hope it doesn't do that to ya ☹️ 1 ear is bad enough.
    I've been stuck in a cycle of going between a high pitched hiss and a high pitched single tone ringing that can go a couple days or so, or less, no set pattern or trigger from what I've been able to discern. In in recent weeks, the single tone has a more intense squealing that comes in and out as well, even more unmaskable and bothersome than it had been. Left ear worse.
    @RunningMan It always seems to be the left ear with everyone, myself included.
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