L along the way

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  • My mood is swingy, and i do feel anxious a lot sadly.. t painful.. and looking for solutions.. but sleep has improved which is huge
    Awesome news with sleep!
    L along the way
    Thank you :), last night was quite horrible again (3-4 hrs tossing and turning, and then having thought of how too ridiculous for words this all is). I'd also not believe it if it weren't happening. But trying to have faith, better days ahead some how some way friend
    Last night terrible insomnia again.. awake for 4-5hrs.. hearing painful tsskkshhkksss.. god.. how i hope to find easeful sleep again
    I feel your pain. Last 2 nights were bad for me, and that's even taking 50 mg Quviviq (newer sleep med) before bedtime and 3 mg Ambien overnight. Broken sleep and waking up with high anxiety, to boot.
    L along the way
    Pfuh bro.. sorry to hear to that as well. Tonight i took a double dose of temazepam, and i was already very tired yesterday. I slept like a rose, wow heh. I feel much better today. Still there is the anxiety and t.. but i feel that today well.. just some renewed energy. Sleep is so crucial i learn more and more. Hope someday we can all sleep easefully again
    To us all.. should not forget, we didn't ask for this.. this madness.. man.. trying to be kind to ourselves, this is harshness.. sigh
    There are joyful moments too.. but the overshadowing of t is just so painful and sad.. sigh.. go easy.. a new day.. things may get better
    Joyful moments are good. It's something
    Love you
    L along the way
    Thank you brother, love and much appreciation for you too!! Honestly, sometimes when i struggled so much, i were thinking about you too, and kinda came up with an imaginary conversation (sounds weird i know hehah)..
    L along the way
    Then i do remember harsh words you've genuinely used, (every second a mountain, i felt that one a lot).. and i don't know.. it's just.. weird.. but yeah.. i can honestly relate, and feel not so alone, that ppl on tt are in this together !! Appreciation!!
    I can only go day by day, i gotta try to not stick too much to negativity.. breathe..let go, hope to find calmth, ease & healing some day...
    What a ridiculous joke this all have been.. pfft.. cheer up.. the future looks bright right. Why oh why all this... pfffft...
    I only gotta be cautious im not becoming a day time drinker.. i now only drink before sleep.. and well.. that did help me to fall asleep..
    By all means if it helps you drink! I so would if I could
    I'm kind of reserved using harsh words, but really, daily life has become mostly a painful experience.. the blasting t is hurting me so much
    L along the way
    But then i feel in the actual situation the discomfort (to put it mildly), and just feel like overpowered by the painful sensation. I guess when i feel more calm it's a relief in itself.
    L along the way
    So then i say, okay i have to try to accept the t for now.. but my thoughts i can try to let them calm, t i cannot control, but thoughts calm down please. Somehow i do feel that's the right way to go about it for now, but it has been a massive struggle to say the least. Because it's real damage, and there's really no real sense of comfort or wellbeing in that situation..
    L along the way
    But yes, somehow to find some sense of calm in the storm feels like a right direction.. i hope somehow that can happen (i feel like it can't be forced, it has to come from a place of non force).. How are you doing? Hope you're doing well brother
    Just heard a song.. 'easy, take it easy'.. in this weird situation.. breathing.. trying to just go as easy with life as possible..
    "Breathing...is the hardest thing to do
    With all I've said and all that's dead for you"
    - Stone Temple Pilots
    (6) of course, i, like we all, want to have pleasant life experience too.. so i hope and pray i/we can find calm natural wellbeing some day
    (5) Personally, i find eating of animals 1 thing (not the worst), but a mass industry where they are treated like objects is just berserk
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