Recent content by Mikie_Mike

  1. Mikie_Mike

    How Many of You Have Also Herpes Simplex Virus?

    HSV1 long before Tinnitus, but my ENT stated the ear infection that started all this was viral and probably one of the herpes virus. I've had chicken pox/shingles too, but got a shingles vaccine a couple of years ago. Also had EBV early in life. If I were to guess, I'd guess it was HSV1 because...
  2. Mikie_Mike

    Pulsatile Tinnitus After Being Floxed

    I just wanted to quickly share this with everyone. I got pulsative tinnitus ~6 months ago after taking Cipro/Prednisone. My reaction to those drugs was really bad .... I also got severe depression/anxiety, heart palpitations, muscle twitches and jerks, tight chest, etc. I was basically...
  3. Mikie_Mike

    Acceptance of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hearing aides helped me a lot ... I have widex zen and keep the zen tones on all the time. If there's any noise I can't hear the tones, but if it gets quite, it distracts me from the tinnitus. It's rather soothing. To be honest, it doesn't bother me as much as it use to ... but it has gotten...
  4. Mikie_Mike

    Does Caffeine Make Your Tinnitus Worse?

    T is a funny thing ... it's hard to pin point the cause of all the spikes, but I believe caffeine (coffee) makes mine worse. If I have more than one cup in the morning, the T seems more intense later in the afternoon ... but I can't swear to that. It could be something else I've consumed during...
  5. Mikie_Mike

    What Has Improved Your Tinnitus?

    Massages helped me a lot after I initially got T. My back & neck were in a knot ... especially after the T, and the massages helped me relax. Also, riding my bicycle a lot. I can barely hear the T with all the city noise and wind, so I'd forget about it for a while. I'm also taking vitamin D...
  6. Mikie_Mike

    My Tinnitus Is Back Because of Antibiotics

    Sorry, I wasn't clear about the cause of my T ... it started with an ear infection. The T didn't really shake me up until the end of the Cipro, start of the prednisone. My GP was treating the infection as a bacterial infection (3 weeks) and Cipro was the last antibiotic I took before I went to...
  7. Mikie_Mike

    Prednisone Tinnitus Spike Permanent?

    I got a big spike in T after taking Cipro, followed by prednisone (60 mg tapering over 2 weeks). It has calmed down since. I think it was the combination of drugs, and there effect on the CNS, that caused my problem. I've taken them separably with no issues, with a big gap in between, but I...
  8. Mikie_Mike

    My Tinnitus Is Back Because of Antibiotics

    Cirpo can also lower GABA and Serotonin, so that might explain your reaction: I took Cipro, followed by high doses (60 mg tapering over 2 weeks) of prednisone, and my T got a little worse when on Cipro, and started screaming when I took the...
  9. Mikie_Mike

    Hearing Aids Are Helping Me

    Be careful with the Benzodiazepine drugs ... they are very addictive, and if you take high doses over a long period of time you increase your changes of getting dementia/alzheimer's. Might want to check out Just be informed ... By the way, I took Xanax...
  10. Mikie_Mike

    Feeling Like I Can't Do This

    Benzos (including klonopin), allow the body to more efficiently use GABA, but also causes the body to down regulate GABA receptors over time. That's how tolerance builds, and your need more drug to get the same effect. In any case, its my understanding that unless you've taken it a very long...
  11. Mikie_Mike

    For Gods Sakes... As Soon As I Start Habituating...

    I also had a dull pain in my ears ... during and after my ear infection was treated ... that would come and go. It has become less and less frequent. Initially it happen multiple times a day, and now maybe once or twice a week. My PA just told me it took a long time for ears to heal.
  12. Mikie_Mike

    Feeling Like I Can't Do This

    When did you get off the klonopin? Did you take it long? Did you taper off? I'm took Xanax for a month before I started to taper, and each taper my T gets louder, but so far, each time it has settle down after a couple of weeks. On the Benzo Buddies site they note T getting much louder if you go...
  13. Mikie_Mike

    Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

    I took 60 mg/day, in one dose ... Did that for 4 Days, then move to 40 mg/day, etc. You should do this under the supvision of a doctor, just to make sure you get the right dose for your size, and/or in case you have negative side effects.
  14. Mikie_Mike

    Need a Dr in Dallas, TX That Knows How to Treat Pulsatile Tinnitus!

    I know this is late @PamR, but I live in Dallas and I'm going to The Dallas Ear Institute ... they focus on ears, and have a Audiologist who focuses on Tinnitus. I just recently got T, and started there, so I can't give a lot of feedback ... but they appear very understanding and willing to try...