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  • Hey, just wondering how your doctor diagnosed the fluid in your middle ear.... did they use a simple otoscope or did you have tympanometry done?
    They looked in my ear and shined a light.
    hi, what were ur initial symptoms of H and how long did the onset take?
    Honestly, time is the only thing that really helped. I protected my ears around uncomfortable sounds and gradually stopped protecting so much as I felt more comfortable.
    i'm happy to hear that! yeah definitely think i have TTTS the way u described it. does TTTS always come with h? i'm still going to protect myself regardless of it's H or anxiety
    @Ellaenchanted868 no TTTS doesn't always come with H. It's actually really rare. I would definitely protect when you are uncomfortable, and if you can use natural sound enrichment as much as possible like being outside
    My ears are loud today, the new tone from a few months ago hasn't faded yet but I don't feel like crying over it so I guess that's a win?
    Need to break this obsessive, anxiety cycle. Even when T is masked, can't stop thinking about it &being depressed. Want my life back already
    Just in case it helps: when you find yourself obsessed, ask yourself, is this where I want to put my energy? I found it helps me to refocus on other things. Many times a day.
    @Ngo13 I understand. It's hard not to obsess about something that's causing so much heartache. I was thinking about removing myself from these sites eventually to help move forward.
    I have to be physically active while masked to genuinely stop obsessing. Being idle while masking is barely effective.
    Thinking about asking for hearing aids with maskers. Unsure if it would make T worse but I feel like I need to do something to cope.
    Depending upon the amplitude of your tinnitus, hearing aids with maskers may be ineffective. I had very expensive ones and the maskers were a joke compared to my T.
    @Ngo13 did you ever get maskers and did they help you?
    I believe in the future, ppl will think of today's medical prof's advice for T/H the same as we feel about blood letting today - utter BS
    I'm saying that I think the way medical professionals today treat T/H will be viewed the same as letting out "bad blood" in the future. Basically they have no idea what they're talking about.
    @Ngo13 and they want us to believe that we went to the moon. Bah ha ha, doubtful.
    Went to ENT, told him about my TTTS & clogged ears. Saw some congestion in my nose & prescribed methylprednisolone. Unsure if I should take
    From what I've seen from those who have taken steroids to treat spikes/tinnitus. Either one of three will happen:

    1) you'll get temporary tinnitus relief at best. Once you begin to taper, your T will return back to the way it was or back to baseline.

    2) your tinnitus will worsen. Temporary or semi permanent.

    3) Nothing happens to your tinnitus at all. This seems to be the most common occurrence.
    Sorry to butt in @ZFire and NGO, I was prescribed fluticasone for etd and seems to make headaches worse and I definitely feels like my hyperacusis is back and the chatter sound becomes more noticeable from my fans, which reminds me do you guys get chatter sound from fans?
    I often wonder if the prednisone (for an unrelated issue in my back) I was prescribed in the weeks prior to me taking the Lexapro contributed to my current situation. I didn't even finish off the prescription and was not given a taper!? I had no idea what otoxicity was at the time...
    Living has become quite exhausting. I hope someday soon it becomes more like living and less like surviving.
    One thing tinnitus has taught me is how much I'm still able to function without sleep.
    I don't think it's a lesson; I think it's a standard tinnitus curse.
    @Ngo13 I wake up many times in the night, but one thing that helps me fall asleep is to focus on the sensation of my belly rising & falling as I breathe, & repeating to myself that I am safe & that this is not forever (even if this may not be entirely true). I think it helps to transition my body to a parasympathetic state.
    17 months in with very little improvement. In tears today, didn't realize how much hope I was holding that it would quiet some with time
    I'm approaching 17 months since my tinnitus suddenly elevated in volume. I lost hope it would settle back down quickly. And it seems to be squealing a little louder in the last few weeks on the single tone days causing more anxiety for me.
    I can relate. I'm approaching my 10-month anniversary of T&H. I feel more exhausted now than I did at the start. It must be the accumulation of daily stress.
    Just seen my Doctor also, have a middle ear infection I think. Didn't take it all in but 2 weeks ago my left ear drum had bubbles, now my right ear drum is red and bulging. Have Antibiotics
    I'm sorry you have the infection but once it clears you shouldn't have the pain. Did your tinnitus spike too? My other ear hurts now too but it's not the radiating burning pain. Doctor said I had fluid in that one too. Never had ear problems before all this!
    It is indeed spiking, increased volume and different tones. It's very annoying! What about yours?
    @Hardwell no spiking, just increased sound sensitivity and TTTS. My T fluctuates in volume throughout the day though so sometimes it's hard to tell. I hope the spike passes for you soon!
    Developed burning sensation around my ear, jaw and side of my face the past two days. No idea why - toothache? TTTS flare up?
    @Hardwell same. I have been really careful so I hope I wouldn't get nox out of nowhere
    @Ngo13 I recently learned that the trigeminal nerve innervates the tensor muscle of the tympanic membranes of the ear. So it may be TTTS related (I've got this too, along with nox).
    Diagnosed as an ear infection because of fluid behind my eardrum and redness. But I am not sure if that would cause the facial burning. Worried it's a misdiagnosis and it's actually noxacusis
    Hi Ngo13! How is your aural fullness nowadays?
    @Kasia was your onset due to acoustic shock? Mine was and I believe that's why my ears are still full, I have TTTS too. I fully believe that my tinnitus was caused/made worse by the TTTS and am trying to tackle inflammation.
    Mine was due to various unfortunate circumstances, I think. I experienced acoustic trauma for sure (very loud concert and speakers in the restaurant day after) but didn't realized that at first. I didn't develop tinnitus right away. My ears started ringing month or so after the incident when I started taking medication prescribed by my firs ENT (vinpocetine)...TTTS interesting. Is it curable?
    @Kasia sounds like it was more medication induced then. Maybe you could try anti-inflammatory supplements like curcumin and fish oil.
    TTTS can be cured by surgery, but then you lose the function of the muscles protecting the ears so it's a risk.
    Hello! Saw one of your posts from a year that you have ear fullness.
    Did it ever calmed down or it's still the same?
    Best wishes!
    Unfortunately its still the same. It doesn't bother me too much though, it's more annoying at times then distressing.
    Tinnitus stole my life from me, a decade ago life was going PERFECT i had so much to look forward to, then BOOM. a decade later everyones has passed me by and life has moved on. I say that to say i feel this is the decade for change. with susan shore and these new discoveries and with A.I, i feel this has to be it.
    I'm so sorry you're suffering for so long. I hope you get relief sooner rather than later!
    Make sure you document your journey and tell you story via webcam or camera, Get your story out there. nobody cares about us but we must make them care.
    we all must do this if we want change. but that aside i hope you are doing well brother. Have you tried hearing aids? also be on the look out for susan shore's device. susan has been researching this since the 90s
    I don't have any detectable hearing loss, even in my extended audiogram so I haven't tried hearing aids. I'm trying to hold out for the Shore device but I have my doubts it will work
    Which brand of NAC does everyone take?
    I use the Now Foods brand. 600mg each capsule. It also contains selenium and molybdenum.
    I also use the Now brand, 600 mg, just like ZFire does. I like it.
    Got my first ever ear infection, ringing is at a 11 and the whole side of my face is in pain. Hope the spike subsides soon!
    @ECP I think the infection is gone but some fluid remains. Spike is slightly less but have a new tone now. Hoping it goes away.
    @Ngo13 do you also notice your ears popping more and feeling a wierd pressure when breathing hard sometimes? My pain is fading but T randomly spikes and i feel a blocked sensation
    Hope you feel better soon.
    Has anyone been to a bar (with ear protection) and been ok?
    I've been to a few restaurants/brewery with my 20db plugs and been OK. Although these places werent overly loud, topping out at about 75db/80db. Your milage may vary though.
    Just an update to say with foam plugs, frequent breaks and being mindful of the speakers, I was ok! Not planning on going again anytime soon though.
    Pre T I have been to bars, clubs, concerts, with ear plug and sometimes just z bit of toilet paper. I always was good after. Even if u had a eee it wouldn't last
    I hope I get as lucky as some do so that my annoying loud beeeeeeep turns into the elusive hiss at some point
    It's the possibility of it getting worse and worse that really gets to me...never being safe anymore.
    Same here :/
    Same, never ending cycle that prevents alot of us from being truly free
    Isaac Ramsay
    Same, if I knew with certainty that mine was just going to stay the same I would be feeling so much better and on the road to habituation, but I know too well that anything could make it worse for a long time
    Exactly one year ago today was when I got tinnitus and my life forever changed. Was hoping I'd be better by this point.
    @Ken219 no, I don't think so. It changed a lot in the first months but has since settled. Sometimes I feel like it has gotten softer sounding but I'm not sure if that's just the beginning of habituation.
    @Ngo13 I really didn't start to feel better until about 18 months.
    had it for a decade and i feel you. it ruined my life, but im still hanging on, but barely. whats keeping me going is the hope that one day soon a cure will be found.
    I've never had to try so hard to relax but I think I'm figuring it out and it's helping my mindset
    Nice. I'm assuming you're referring to the combination of reading from a kindle and drinking chamomile tea (my personal favorite tea too) while bathing in epsom salts and using sound therapy that you've been doing lately?

    Not going to lie, I kinda want to try this out too.

    You're so cooL, @Ngo13!
    @ZFire yes, I see you saw my post in one of the threads. I think anything that can be done to bring joy to a small part of our day us important.
    Yeah definitely agree
    I've been trying and trying but I can't seem to get residual inhibition to work for me at all
    Same. It use to work for me, but not anymore after my severe onset.
    I wonder why. It seems like it works for most people.
    I spend way too much time fantasizing about using Dr. Shore's me the motivation to keep chugging along
    Kind of crazy that people are involved in literal explosions and don't get T, but then some of us get it from like, a minor cold. *sigh*
    Really crazy. I have a lot of friends who play in hardcore bands and others that are DJ's, but the person «presented» with T and H was me…
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