Recent content by Pabl692

  1. Pabl692

    Would a Spike or Tinnitus Worsening Be Instant?

    It's so strange.. You'd think it would be instant..
  2. Pabl692

    Would a Spike or Tinnitus Worsening Be Instant?

    Sorry, just not in the best of places at the moment. I think these dark winter nights mess with my head too. Feeling pretty much how I was when this first started tonight. I did have a quieter period this afternoon. But now it's in full force again. I struggle to believe that I will ever get...
  3. Pabl692


    These things take time, unfortunately. I appreciate there are a lot of people struggling and are desperate. But at least the wheels are turning. This time of year is slow, with holidays etc. Hang in there guys. Also, someone mentioned somewhere they thought it might be priced around €500. I...
  4. Pabl692

    Would a Spike or Tinnitus Worsening Be Instant?

    Right, so I was maybe a bit silly the other night. I was out in loud environments, music playing etc. My band was playing nearby with a substitute guitar player, but they asked me to do a few. So, I did. I just felt like I was so fed up with all this that I don't really care what happened to me...
  5. Pabl692

    Tinnitus Frequency Altered by Light — Can Anyone Relate?

    So my electrical 'airy' hiss is out in full force this evening. A little earlier it was really really quiet. I had some dinner (beans on toast!) and it's come back really loud. I notice that, when I flick between webpages I have open on my laptop - one page is light and one page has a dark...
  6. Pabl692

    Can Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Cause Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    Hi, thanks for your reply. The trouble is, I find it so difficult to explain what it sounds like. Sure, I have 'pure tones' of T, which mainly comes in my left ear, but sometimes both. This is triggered by most sounds, but it is really easily maskable. The 'hiss' is so much harder to describe...
  7. Pabl692

    Famous People with Tinnitus

    The thing is, the majority of these people on these lists are quite wealthy compared to us. They might well have a variety of issues that we don't see, including tinnitus. Being famous isn't always all it is cracked up to be. However, money does help. My biggest fear is what if this gets to a...
  8. Pabl692

    Announcement Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2019!

    Merry Christmas to everyone on here. I know I've not been around here long, but I the help and support I've received has been incredible and really humbling. It's also been a massive wake up call, too. I never knew the extent of the suffering these stupid noises bring. Should my tinnitus clear...
  9. Pabl692

    Emotional Roller Coaster

    While I'm not experienced enough to know how to properly advise you moving forward, I can assure you that you are not alone, and that most people on this forum have been where you have been. Also, it does get better. Your mind is in fight or flight mode. However, this will pass with time. Each...
  10. Pabl692

    Can Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Cause Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    Just want to chip in here.. I think my T is noise induced. I have a couple of 'pure tones' that seem to shift between both ears and do disappear in a quiet room after a while. But I also have this very weird high pitched metallic electrical noise that is above everything and is very difficult...
  11. Pabl692


    All I want for Christmas is for someone to buy it in January and subsequently report on here a significant reduction in their tinnitus over the following weeks. Is that too much to ask?
  12. Pabl692

    Spending Christmas Alone

    This isn't to say I don't have my moments of self pity. In honesty, I'm not someone with much self esteem, if any. I really don't think too much of myself. I try to live without an ego and, when I can, bring a bit of joy to others. But I do get down a lot. Sometimes though, you have to give...
  13. Pabl692

    Spending Christmas Alone

    Sorry to hear you are feeling like that. At this time of year, I think it hurts a bit more because you know that, for most people, this really is the happiest time of year. I'm sorry you'll be alone, I really am. Loneliness isn't nice, and it really is overlooked far too much. Just try and...
  14. Pabl692

    Why Does My Tinnitus Disappear in Silence? Is This Positive?

    This electrical noise is driving me crazy. I'm at work, and when I move my eyes it shifts and changes. I can't even describe how annoying it is. I do think it gets worse after eating sometimes, like as if it reacts to my blood pressure. Who knows. It's approaching 4 weeks now, so I really can't...