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  • Thinking of you all!
    Thank you, and ditto:)
    How are you?
    @scared8 I'm okay as long as I'm keeping myself busy, resting is still very hard. Ears are so loud that I think it's the T itself giving me ear pain. Mentally, I'm okay. Just hoping things will improve at some point. "Only" 8 months in right now.
    Hi Sarah, sorry I did not realize below was an older post. I hope you were able to get off the meds okay and that you are doing okay. As always - God bless.
    Ginger tea, I do not like it Sam I am. Ha ha. It's spicy!
    @MadeleineHope I was hoping that you would see this since I didn't tag you last night because it was so late and I was tired but, I think it gives me a headache too, so maybe I'll use less next time.
    I don't have ear pain today though! But I also didn't have ear pain before I took it yesterday, it comes and goes. It's so weird! I'll be sure to try it again or maybe just drink a little bit every night since I made a little extra. =)
    Mine comes & goes too. I imagine it depends on what your ears are exposed to that they like/don't like in terms of loudness and/or frequency.

    I drink ginger tea combined with other herbal tea every day, regardless of my ear pain. I feel it helps to keep things under control & I imagine the anti-inflammatory effect is positive as well!
    Dude, my left ear (loudest T ear) has been painful for daysss, and it's warm to touch. I don't think it's an ear infection. What the heck.
    @Zigs Yes it can irritate your ear canals. This is why encourage custom molded earplugs. They are less likely to cause irritation and discomfort provided you get a correct fit.
    @Zigs I was just rereading what you wrote. I didn't realize you mentioned your eardrum was red. I thought you had written your ear canals were red. I'm not actually sure that ear plugs could irritate your eardrum. I think you might want to consult with an otologist about that. Just to make sure it isn't something that could become worse. It makes me wonder if it could be an infection.
    "He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore...
    Your faith in God is absolutely beautiful !
    @4Grace I've just hung in there and haven't turned my back on Him since I got clean in 2008. Did I do dumb stuff since then? Absolutely! But He's been faithful to change me over time. Not perfect, never will be til' I meet him face to face, but continuing on in His Word has given me the strength and hope that I need to carry on. He can with you too! He is good, no matter what!
    Almost 8 months later and I'm starting to habituate, I think, maybe! We'll see how the rest of the week goes.
    The fact you can type that phrase is all the proof you need. It's a terribly slow process for sure. Keep going.
    What Broken said! Hopefully I'm right there behind ya!
    Accupuncture and Chinese herbs have gotten brought up over and over. Has Accupuncture helped anyone here at all?
    I've had acupuncture for a variety of ailments for nearly two decades. I really recommend it for hyperacusis and headaches. The relief won't be permanent, but it eases the pain for a few days, and it's very safe. The only side effect I've ever had is drowsiness afterward, but who among us couldn't use a better night's sleep? : )
    It helped me relax and sleep in the beginning of this nightmare but unfortunately I think the effect wore off so I stopped...
    Thanks for taking the time to comment me the info, guys. ❤️
    My headaches are coming back. Could it be withdrawl from Amitriptyline? I cut down to 25mg from 50mg over the past week.
    It very well could be. I don't know what the half life is on Amitriptyline but if its anything like others it could take days for you to feel the effect of withdraw.
    These antidepressants have some cumulative effects over weeks (particularly for reducing depression), requiring slow taper, which is different than the half life of the medication in your system. So it depends on if it's caused by the immediate medication or the longer lasting cumulative effect. Is it still helping your sleep as well at the lower dose?
    Maybe you've dropped the dose too much? Maybe taper slowly and see if that helps with the headaches?
    @LilSass so you think your T is med. induced too? You've had yours since 2021! Wow, 2 years! I see you have some "quiet days." What do you mean by that?
    @SarahMLFlemmer I think it was meds, not really sure at this point. Actually, it started in late 2019, so almost four years. My t changes loudness from day to day, sleep seems to affect it. As you know, it's almost impossible to find any reason behind this strange affliction. Praying for better days, I'm just recovering from a week long migraine.
    @LilSass yeah, kinda crazy. I have migraines every day too with T.
    Here we go again, crying every day. What a wimp, huh?
    @Tryn2BHopeful at least you got that time when they were little. I'm trying to be a good dad to my son who isn even 2 yet and wasn't even 1 when T and H became constant and intrusive and then visaul snow came on suddenly. So hard to explain why he can't bang things or shout it's awful
    @Utdmad89 I could only imagine. It's hard enough being a parent some days. Just gotta do our best.
    @Utdmad89 it's hard enough being a parent yes. Please do your best and try not to be hard on yourself.
    You have had good days. Rest assured they will return. Praying for you and all of us now.
    Asking for prayer for patient endurance- just to get through, one day at a time. Oh, and that I can start sleeping without Amitriptyline and all-natural again! Please, would you pray?!!
    100 percent
    We are all so much of the same. A strong desire to be happy and habituate to this thing. All the gold at our finger tips but we just cannot reach it due to a sound in our ears. At least just for now. Time heals all. I am sending some big hugs too!!
    I wanted you to wake up to a positive message! Today won't be easy but it will be worth it. You are amazing, strong and beautiful. You are worthy of happiness and peace. So good morning!
    Trying to get an appointment with Stanford ENT. Probably just chasing my own tail, but maybe worth getting my foot in the door there.
    Hi @SarahMLFlemmer . I learned the hard way it is better to make appointments and cancel then have to wait months. Have you seen an audiologist yet? I'm 3.5 years in and life is still surreal much of the time. Hang in there! Sometimes coping is what gets us through to the better days. :)
    I say do it! Cover all of your bases so you know everything is okay physically. All bases have been covered with me. The Drs are kinda referring me to others because they're at a loss on what to do. Last stop is TMJ therapy. Other then that I'm on my own with managing symptoms. I think it's good you make that drive for a peace of mind.
    @LilSass Yeah, I've seen both an audiologist and an ENT. Hearing is good. ENT says, most likely Accutane, but could be allergies. I'm sorry, but it's not allergies.
    Although, anything that involves sitting still is hard. Trying to watch a movie and apparently I'm not distracted enough to "not hear my T."
    @kingsfan sitting down watching TWD now, irritated, torn between choosing strength or choosing dispair. Thank you for the assurance.
    @kingsfan that's a great way to put it. This is how I watch TV. I hear the T and the TV. If it gets overwhelming I go to my phone or something that helps me feel comfortable. It's all about practice.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Get some popcorn or something. It will give your senses more things to focus on.
    High electrical hiss today. I can't tell if I like it better or worse than the pure tone.
    I much prefer the hiss to pure tone. If I only had my hissing tones I wouldn't even be on this forum anymore.
    @Ngo13 now it's back to the pure ring with the electrical hiss on top.
    @SarahMLFlemmer mine is the opposite. I have two+ hissing tones but 2/3 pure tones on top of those. But as someone else said, fluctuating could mean your brain is starting to figure it out!
    Had some pretty good days, I suppose! But, I'm started to get antsy. 8+ months having tinnitus. I get it, you can let go now. =[
    I can't believe there isn't anyone else on here that has Accutane induced tinnitus. Guess what. I'm also losing my hair too. Cheers, y'all!
    @Mo8409 it's been since I started.
    I feel bad for you because I know how hard this is xx
    You can get hair loss from stress/trauma too but as I mentioned before my only chronic side effect from accutane was hair loss. It's been 4 years and it never went away. However, for most people its temporary!
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