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  • Cut the Amitriptyline down to 25mg again and took only 5mg of Melatonin. Slept well again, yay!
    @Tryn2BHopeful I hope I'm not cutting it too quick. I should probably reach out to my doctor.
    @SarahMLFlemmer Would you recommend amitriptyline? My psychiatrist prescribed it when I mentioned ear pain but I'm extremely hesitant. Which symptoms do you take it for?
    @scared8 I only take it to help me sleep. I don't think it helped my ear pain. I won't take anything I absolutely don't have to anymore, probably because my T is medication induced.
    Trying to get off medication for sleep. Took a half of Amitriptyline last night (25mg instead of 50mg) and 10mg of Melatonin! It worked!
    Glad it worked for you, just be careful when tapering and dont do it to fast!
    Great news. Yes. Slow is key.
    I should prob have something better than basic earplugs for when I vacuum, blowdry, kid's karate, etc. Where can I buy musician earplugs?
    With the exception of magnesium & B-6, these supplements are also best cycled so that they don't stop working and/or have negative side effects. Hope this helps!
    I've tried those ingredients separately at higher doses (except the melatonin dose), and they didn't help. For example, I've done up to 200mg L-theanine and up to 200mg 5-HTP and never helped. Took 5-HTP at 100mg for about a month. But, they apparently help some people. No luck with those, GABA, Valerian, Glycine, NAG, Inositol, NAC, Taurine, Lithium Orotate.
    @RunningMan Sometimes I think it depends on what exactly you take. For instance, mag glycinate powder from one company worked really well for me... capsules from another company don't. Similarly, Valerian capsules don't do much for me... but tea can have a larger effect. I think sometimes you just have to experiment... frustrating as it can be!
    This is too much. IDK how anyone is supposed to live like this.
    Feel the same way
    I know - that's what I keep saying. How? I don't know how you can live like this too.
    Feel the exact same way, and I feel like giving up all the time. But you have kids, please hang in there. Ugh really wish I could give you and others on here a big hug.
    I have 4 tones now & the T is so loud I can't think straight & have a headache 2 days in a row now, face pain & numb.
    Is Amitriptyline making my tinnitus worse? What else can I take to sleep???
    You have been my inspiration of hope. Let us be yours. You will forever be in my prayers.
    @4Grace This made me cry a few happy tears, thank you for your kind words and your faithfulness in praying for me. God bless you and keep you!
    Take time to cry and know that it is more then okay. Please take time for you. Taking time for you will allow you to take more time for your kids later. It's okay to feel how you feel. Honest. You must know that … you have zero reason to feel guilty. This does not make it easier. You can feel sad but not guilty. With everything going on in your life you took time to write me something nice.
    Sarah. My heart aches for you. Your faith in God makes me believe you are going to be okay. Time will heal this for you. You are a beautiful person. This forum has had me miss all of your posts below. I'm on a small old phone and following conversation is hard. I am so sorry to hear you suffering. If there was a way I could help. It's more then okay for you to feel like this. Your kids will be okay.
    I feel like the biggest POS. ;(
    Ryan Scott
    Don't, if there is one thing for certain I have learned about tinnitus it is that people who don't have t truly have no understand of how much it can effect someone. I mean I've been walking 5 miles a day just because of the sole fact o hate going home. You are a good person keep praying my friend.
    No one who loves their children as much as you do can even be close to that. I promise. I've never met you, but even a stranger can see it written large on your page. Go easy when you can, you deserve it.
    You are SO far from that dear Sarah - SO far.
    My kids just want their Mom to play with them, but I am too busy crying my eyeballs out in agony over the pain and the noise my ears create.
    Being a mom to young kids and having T/H is a whole set of struggles I don't think many here understand. I isolated myself from my perfect newborn for weeks when I first got T. I spent the first year of his life feeling so isolated from him, wearing earmuffs every time I held him and being so, so afraid and guilty.
    When he started crying, I had to hold back and let his dad comfort him even though he was screaming for me. All I wanted to do was comfort him. No one understands just how much T/H robs a mom. No one should have to live this way.
    But it DOES get better. Kids adjust to Mommy's sensitive ears. Eventually you learn your tolerances and I've switched the earmuffs to musicians plugs most of the time. It's ok to have time for yourself, get a cry in. You are still the most amazing mom to your kids, I'm sure of that.
    Good day today. I ask for prayer every week for patient endurance to make it through another day. Praying for you all tonight too!
    Between my bladder (interstitial cystitis), my ears (tinnitus), and whatever else I have going on, I find no rest. I am exhausted.
    I'm so sorry I know what it's like to have this problem along with other health issues, it makes even worse. I hope you get to rest.
    This one issue would have been enough for anyone. I wish you and your family rest and peace. I hope things get better for you soon.
    It's so loud, it hurts. I am 8 months in. Why has it only gotten worse and not a smidgen better yet? =|
    The baseline itself is hard for me to tell given that my main problem is reactivity but my tinnitus is now more resistant to spikes than before.

    I no longer notice my tinnitus in places that I did noticed it before.
    So given that it is more resistant to spikes, it means that there are less increases in volume and in general, it's quieter.

    Sometimes, I experience intermittent silence that last minutes but I believe that has always being the case, even thought those periods were more brief in the past.
    Well, I guess that's something to look forward to. Thanks for taking the time to share with me!
    Risk verses benefit, I'll be sure to weight it all out.
    If I was close enough, I would do it. It doesn't seem very invasive.
    Just like everything with this God forsaken thing... try at your own risk. It might work, it might not, it might make it worse... you gotta look at the risks vs reward and that is a personal assessment. if you do get into it, I wish u the best of luck!
    Well, today is loud in my R ear and my eyebrows are twitching?? Tinnitus is fun.
    Could be stress/anxiety as well. Who knows it's all a mystery to me anymore.
    Maybe the tinnitus is giving you a headache causing a headache and therefore twitching? Hope u r better
    @SarahMLFlemmer Probably anxiety or caffeine. Coffee can cause twitching.
    Low T day today, I think. Either that or I was able to "push it" behind my consciousness. Either way, yey!
    Joshua Macleod
    These smalls wins are worth fighting for. Hopefully this respite lasts a while for you!
    Yassssss! You got this! Enjoy your day ❤️
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