SarahMLFlemmer Jul 27, 2023 Well, today is loud in my R ear and my eyebrows are twitching?? Tinnitus is fun.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 27, 2023 Low T day today, I think. Either that or I was able to "push it" behind my consciousness. Either way, yey!
Low T day today, I think. Either that or I was able to "push it" behind my consciousness. Either way, yey!
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 25, 2023 Of course my T is lower in volume again today. Still bothersome but I suppose less bothersome, eh?
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 25, 2023 I am almost wondering if trying to mask my T w/ a pure tone at 8,000 khz yesterday caused my T to be insanely and obnoxiously loud today.
I am almost wondering if trying to mask my T w/ a pure tone at 8,000 khz yesterday caused my T to be insanely and obnoxiously loud today.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 25, 2023 Wondering if I'm going through a spike or what but my T is loud, like, severe T, no joke T...
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 24, 2023 Fine... Let's do a reset, start my day over at 3:16pm. Shower, dinner, breathe, Bible study.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 24, 2023 If the anxiety attained because of this doesn't kill me, the depression might. =|
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 24, 2023 Everyone I've found whose taken Accutane that developed T either; T went away within less than 3 months or T has remained LOUD. I'm toast.
Everyone I've found whose taken Accutane that developed T either; T went away within less than 3 months or T has remained LOUD. I'm toast.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 24, 2023 I'm gutted. =(
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 22, 2023 Just found a crap ton more people who took Accutane who now have tinnitus. I think I'm burnt toast. Cheers to better days.
Just found a crap ton more people who took Accutane who now have tinnitus. I think I'm burnt toast. Cheers to better days.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 21, 2023 Has anyone on here had their tinnitus volume fade to a lower volume? This is insane. 8 months in today. ={
Has anyone on here had their tinnitus volume fade to a lower volume? This is insane. 8 months in today. ={
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 20, 2023 Is tinnitus that is caused by medication induced ototoxicity irreversible?
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 20, 2023 I think I have TTTS. I think it's the reason why my T traveled also to my R ear. Feeling fullness w/ pure tone. What do you know about it?
I think I have TTTS. I think it's the reason why my T traveled also to my R ear. Feeling fullness w/ pure tone. What do you know about it?
4Grace Jul 20, 2023 It's nice that you seem to be having some good days. That's a great sign!! God Bless
4Grace Jul 20, 2023 I heard acupuncture did not work. I am willing to almost try anything but my understanding is that you need to be carful since they can cause more problems then they fix. I guess there is a little risk with everything.
I heard acupuncture did not work. I am willing to almost try anything but my understanding is that you need to be carful since they can cause more problems then they fix. I guess there is a little risk with everything.
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 19, 2023 Who else has medication induced tinnitus (either from the med itself or withdrawl from it)?
SarahMLFlemmer Jul 19, 2023 Wavering between hope, anxiety, and depression. One day I'm hopeful, one day I'm filled w/ angst, and another depressed. What a wild ride.
Wavering between hope, anxiety, and depression. One day I'm hopeful, one day I'm filled w/ angst, and another depressed. What a wild ride.