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  • Wondering if I'm going through a spike or what but my T is loud, like, severe T, no joke T...
    @SarahMLFlemmer I believe that being stuck in a fight-flight-freeze mode, which you may be in, can make your t way much more intrusive. Being terrified, scared, anxious and stressed out makes t/h (and many other conditions) temporary worse. Have you checked out opportunities to get into counseling with someone knowledgeable within t/h? Without breaking this downward spiral its hard to turn it around for the better.
    Same here. I started working at a new job and think that might be it... This is pure hell.
    If the anxiety attained because of this doesn't kill me, the depression might. =|
    Hang in there. I know it's easier said than done. I just talked to a friend of mine who has struggled with worsening of a tolerable T. His encouragement was: It does get better. I hope he is right.
    @Juliane that's the thing I hear over and over again is that is does get better.
    This anxiety is going to kill me.
    This took me to today where I took a Stress Echo, which is a treadmill test but with an ultrasound of the heart... Well I took that and its perfectly normal, actually above average for my age... SOOOOO long story short... if things were done correctly to begin with I may of never ended up in this mess....
    Sorry for all the post... its was a long story. I feel so let down by the system its unimaginable... I honestly dont want to go to the doctor for anything ever again. UNLESS its to get rid of MR. T.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Dang dude. That's crazy and so not cool. I agree with you, I don't trust the doctors too much at all anymore. Most seem to want to earn a buck so they push a drug, not even explaining the potential risks. =(
    Everyone I've found whose taken Accutane that developed T either; T went away within less than 3 months or T has remained LOUD. I'm toast.
    Your perception of t will change, no matter the loudness. Try not to compare yourself to everyone else, and stay away from certain threads. You will get to a point, eventually, where you feel you can start looking ahead again, and believe in better days @SarahMLFlemmer
    I honestly don't know what reassurance I can offer, but the more you Google (search) the more anxious your gonna make yourself. I understand I searched what I got going on until there were no more links to click on!
    My theory is that accutane is a chemo drug when given in higher doses so maybe it damages the ears like other chemo drugs do. But since it's given at a much lower dose than a chemo dose, it is much rarer for it to affect people.
    @Ngo13 I took only 20mg every other day for 4 months. I think my age hls something to do with it too.
    I took accurate when I was a teen, it made me asexual during that time, but didn't get liver problems or T, I'm sorry you're going through this, did u get a hearing check?
    Just found a crap ton more people who took Accutane who now have tinnitus. I think I'm burnt toast. Cheers to better days.
    I am gonna need to have a cavity filled soon. =/ Suggestions?
    Yeah, I took NAC and magnesium in advance and afterwards. Earplugs don't help. I asked the dentist not to drill too long at once. No laser available and couldn't have been used on the existing filled tooth and some other situations.
    I took NAC before and after my last dental appointment, and I didn't feel any pain. Not sure if that helped, or if that was just a placebo, but it certainly didn't do any harm. Also wore my Peltor earmuffs the entire time, as well as a foam plug in my worse ear.
    I wear an Earplug when they're drilling. I never had a spike from it. Also when I get my teeth cleaned I tell the hygienist to hand scale and I opt out of ultrasonic Scaler.
    Has anyone on here had their tinnitus volume fade to a lower volume? This is insane. 8 months in today. ={
    Tbh I couldn't tell you it seems to vary from day to day and sometimes hour to hour. The only thing I know is the sensitivity has gone down.
    I have, but it has been sloooooow, and inconsistent. Month to month progress, but a lot of fluctuations. Not yet what I would call quiet.
    I have. It's certainly faded into a lower volume than what it used to be, but unfortunately as with most things to do with this condition - it takes time. But right now my current experience with T is very livable and stable.
    Is tinnitus that is caused by medication induced ototoxicity irreversible?
    I feel lucky that I have not had ear fullness, pain, popping or anything like that. Mostly sensitivity which is getting better and reactivity which has its good and bad days.. along with this buzzing which caused me insomnia initially. Who knows what that all means... I'm just 'trying to be hopeful'
    @Mo8409 so you did or didn't have ear hair damage?
    I think I have TTTS. I think it's the reason why my T traveled also to my R ear. Feeling fullness w/ pure tone. What do you know about it?
    @SarahMLFlemmer Did they ever do any additional tests other than the one in the sound booth? If they did, then I'm pretty confident you had both the tympanometry & the acoustic reflex test - they're a standard part of a basic hearing assessment. Other tests - like the OAE (the hair cells test Mo was referring to) are additional.
    I've had this fluttering just a few times in left ear to certain sounds in quiet environments over last 1 1/2 yr. But happened in right ear first time a few days ago immediately after some stressful news and kept fluttering even without external sounds, even after put foam plug in, and after an hr of biking, and did some the next morning. But fortunately hasn't returned in the few days since.
    It's nice that you seem to be having some good days. That's a great sign!! God Bless
    God bless you, Frank! Today seems okay, so far. My T is fairly low and tolerable in the AM, but come late afternoon it gets louder. Either that or my tolerance for it lessens.
    I heard acupuncture did not work. I am willing to almost try anything but my understanding is that you need to be carful since they can cause more problems then they fix. I guess there is a little risk with everything.
    Why would stopping a medication cause tinnitus?
    @SarahMLFlemmer I got it starting Lexapro. Just 2 doses and bam! Ears screaming at 3am! Previous experience with Lexapro I got ocean sounds and brain zaps withdrawing but that usually went away quickly. At the time I likely never associated the ocean sounds with tinnitus. I was much younger then... In my 20s
    @4Grace mirtazapine comes in a 7.5mg tablet... I have them. What is a compounding pharmacy?
    We only have 15, 30 and 45 mg tab in Canada. Compounding pharmacy can make any strength you want in a capsule.
    Wavering between hope, anxiety, and depression. One day I'm hopeful, one day I'm filled w/ angst, and another depressed. What a wild ride.
    Quiet rooms are anything but. =|
    Quiet rooms are a disaster. My brain goes completely haywire.
    @cjbhab quiet rooms are wonderful until now. Now I start to panic because the T is actually in my whole head and ugh, this is just too much. =[
    I don't want to live like this. But what else can we do? =|
    Good day at church and the lake yesterday. Today, I just want to fold, sleep, and wake up in silence and without ear pain. =(
    I've been able to string some good days together. Trying to relax in my room w/ my kids. TV on, 2 fans, tablet & ears are screamin'. Why? =|
    Fans typically make mine louder but I started using them again. You'll have good days and bad days and days that don't make sense. My brother told me this. You're gonna hear the noise and he rates his a 10 but it doesn't bother him. It's not about hearing the noise, it's about carrying on happily despite the noise. Maybe we will get there?
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