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  • We all have days... today is that day....hopefully the next one is better...
    @Mo8409 yes I do miss it. I miss being able to just enjoy the loud laughter of my kids without T reacting. Today is almost over... hoping for a better tomorrow:) thanks for the support.
    It's also my daughter's 10th birthday and I guess it all caught up to me today with trying to stay positive. First time I have actually cried in a while...just too much today
    @Tryn2BHopeful It's okay to have cry outs. I know it's hard to remain positive for our kids when we're screaming on the inside.
    Rough day... kids wanted to go to the wax museum and aquarium... I never realized how loud those places were until Mr. T
    @Joe Cuber well I am fine today, normal buzzing... it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't react to the sound so much. The loudness is mostly the overly loud music they play.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Do you carry ear plugs just incase? I get the loop ones if you need a brand. Cheap on Amazon.
    @Mo8409 Yes I do. I wore them through the aquarium after tempting fate at the wax museum
    Mr. T has been good to me so far on vacation. Not perfect sometimes he gets mad... but cicadas are amazing. Who knew in SC...
    10 hours of driving... that's rough on the T!
    I didn't, but I don't tend to get long lasting spikes, just buzzing that goes up and down with certain sounds. Still the drive tends to make it go up the duration of the ride
    Also my sensitivity to sounds has gone way down, just the reactivity is still there mostly for droning sounds like fans
    I did have ear plugs at the ready though
    At the ENT, audiologist said my hearing was excellent...
    Ahh the vitamins. They also gave me some lipo flavonoid samples and sent me on my way. You can try going to an audiologist who specializes in tinnitus, they can do more extensive testing but there's only so much they can do since there is no treatment or cure.
    It's not that I expected much... but I wasn't expecting snake oil from the ENT. Maybe I will try them...<shrug>
    I did get a number to a local tinnitus clinic. That's my next step after vacation
    The fan on my wife's work computer.....needs to be torn out and destroyed...
    I switched from a 2015 macbook pro to an m2 mac mini, and I couldn't be happier. Zero fan noise.
    Can you set up her computer with a computer cooling pad so it doesn't get warm enough to trigger the fan as often?
    Nah it's a work issued monster. She could move to a laptop but she refuses
    Hyperacusis?! Now I know how my dog feels! Maybe that's why he sleeps so much...
    I had it in the first month. It's a little bit better now in the 4th month. Hopefully yours gets better.
    It has certainly gotten better... but some things still cut through me like a knife... I have been trying to not use ear protection unless absolutely necessary, like when mowing the grass, or the vacuum.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Yeah that's smart. Try not to over do it on the noise though too. You'll know what you can handle.
    It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." — Aristotle
    Ryan Scott
    Not too dim your late mate, but Aristotle was wrong about a lot of things lol. Just messing with you.
    Not near as long as alot of people here but it feels like forever. Going into 5 weeks. It started one night after my second dose of lexapro and hasn't stopped since, even with discontinuing.
    At my office they have a "Pop a Shot" basketball game right on the other side of my desk that people come and play ALL DAY!
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