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  • Its just a sound right?!? Doing normal things doesnt help, but not doing normal things doesnt help either. I guess I just do the normal...
    @Tryn2BHopeful and @4Grace, I'ma need you to a a voice of reason for me again too, I've just been fighting like heck this week!
    @Tryn2BHopeful That laundry list of life's priorities you rattled off is precisely the thing that keeps me going. I have to find a way to tuck all my bs into my back pocket and move forward. It can get damn near impossible at times to find the strength to keep going. 3 months after my original onset my wife was actually calling psych wards to see if I could get admitted for a time.
    2/2 I was completelybitter and broken. I realize how impossible it feels to juggle all of you responsibilities but you will find a way. I'm fairly confident about that. I pray you find the endurance to overcome this condition and agian find some joy that's been stolen away. Stay Stong!
    Damn, I hope that someday this gets better or I habituate. Maybe a little of both...
    You're still really early in. There is still a good chance you will see improvement. I'm 11 months in next week so i doubt I'm going to improve, so habituation is my only hope.
    @Utdmad89 thanks for the little bit of hope. I keep trying to fill my days with positive things, but sometimes its just hard. The days the low hum gets me are the worst. Not sure why that one comes and goes.
    @Tryn2BHopeful, no worries. Yeah that's probably the best thing you can do. I totally get the low hum ive had it a few times a couple of months ago. It didn't feel likentieas even coming from me. It's awful.
    My T changes if I 'flex' my jaw/neck... is that normal?
    I am asking because I am trying to determine if it's worth pressing the doctors to do more than an audiogram. On the off chance I am wrong or atleast partly wrong about the cause.
    I had a bunch of upper neck pain prior to this to the point I was icing it daily, which has since resolved. It has left me questioning it recently.
    Marina Moon
    I was reading that upper cervical misaligment is a common cause for T. Something funky through the C1 to C4 vertebrae.
    Just checking in. I think I can finally say sound sensitivity is nearly gone. T sound is still there, one day closer to trying to habituate.
    That's a really good sign! How long did it take before your hyperacusis improved?
    Low hum or high pitch... Mr. T just cant decide how to torture me today. Maybe both...
    I should look at the positives here... small victories right... T Volume is shitty today but maybe it will get better tomorrow.
    I was able to go to both my kids football games this weekend.
    I was able to listen to the radio in the car on low volume.
    I am still employed.
    I still have my family. I wish they would listen, but hey small victories.
    I haven't driven off a bridge.
    Lots of positives. It could be so much worse even though it's hard to imagine.
    I told Mr. T today I am going to live my life with or without him. He isn't going to make it easy!
    Mr. T can kick rocks! Life goes on and T wants the spotlight.
    @Tryn2BHopeful hello - Hope you are better. I am already tapering off of Mirt. I was feeling better but worried about potential negative side effects, It can really take me out of a bind. Was not sleeping 3 days.I know it's not something you should use on a as needed bases. Might you know how bad it is to use as an occasional sleep aid?
    I took 3 mg and no sleep!
    @4Grace I should have mentioned that bc it binds to H1 receptors, you can still have some non-tinnitus related withdrawal symptoms if you take it long enough. Mainly itchy skin. So be aware of that.
    @kingsfan thank you for taking the time. I feel like I need something to get me through some times. The Med helps me a lot. My personality fights me being on a med.
    How do you find any good help for this condition? Are audiologist the wrong way to go? I feel like I have been dismissed everywhere.
    I believe T, at least in my case, may have melted away the original worries because most of my other personal problems are meaningless when compared to T. Does not mean that the other issues went away. What makes it frustrating is that the nature of it makes it seem like such a small problem. Just mind over matter. Obviously it's a bit more complicated but I really do think you can do it. It will just take some time.
    Depends what you are looking for... therapy, maskers, or benzos? Those are pretty much the only options.
    @kingsfan Not sure of what I was looking for, guidance I guess. All I got was deal with it from so called Tinnitus specialist. I don't even know what would help in my case. I try "sound therapy" which consist of me playing sound on my cell phone and it just seems to aggravate the situation more.
    @Tryn2BHopeful I am just having a few moments of happy. Thank you once again for reaching out when I kept repeating myself. :) not saying the negativity is all over… lol just saying for that for the moment it is… I thought why not share some sunshine with a friend. :) have a great night.
    Its all good. I am glad you are finding some "moments of happy" Take them for all they are worth!
    @Tryn2BHopeful - maybe it's the med talking but i am sorry for all the negativity I sent your way :) maybe I am having a brief moment of clarity so am sending a few messages while it lasts - lol. I am realizing now that I often came here when I was in a massive panic.
    Tired. Just Tired.
    @Tryn2BHopeful - you are an incredible human being. Honest. I know you will be okay. Tomorrow is a new day. With everything you have going on you always take the time to reach out to others. You have so many positive posts. You recently came off a low dose of Mirtazapine. Maybe that could be making things a little worse for now but it will pass. Thinking of you and hope you feel better soon.
    Same. But we got to keep holding onto hope for better days ahead. You never know!
    yeah. Today was my day. Take it easy. *bro-hug*
    Interesting that the audiologist suggested white noise. I would have thought that was more important for tinnitus caused by acoustic trauma. Did the audiologist mention anything significant regarding the fact that your cause was medication?
    I think going to all the different doctors gives us hope and something to look forward to. Makes us feel, at the very least, that we are being proactive in attempting to find anything that may help. Even if just a better understanding of our specific condition. Same garbage place after place is correct. We have to keep trying until we make peace with this beast.
    its a one size fits all approach...
    Or more like a one size fits none :)
    When do I wake up from this!?!.....
    Marina Moon
    Literally me every single day. Hang in there!
    So many times I hoped this was nothing but a bad nightmare. You are so very kind and really do live up to your user name. You always sound hopeful. I truly think you can beat this based on all your posts. Today you may feel tired, but that's just today. As you mentioned everyone of us is on our joinery.
    Another audiologist appointment today... Hopefully this one goes better than the last.
    That sounds disappointing. Was there any specific treatment that you were hoping to get? And do you have other major appointments in the coming times?
    @jimvee I honestly dont know what I was expecting, a game plan, an idea of how to manage this monster in my head. TRT? CBT? Some confirmation on if I have damaged the actual auditory system since this seems to be med induced.
    Somedays I still wake up in disbelief as to what has happened. I need to say goodbye to what was, and try to live with what is.
    I do this every day. It's like living in a dream or involuntarily being a character in a David Lynch movie. Or a parallel universe. I guess we all are still traumatized and in shock by all this.
    @Juliane I suppose at some point I will be like the woman I work with. I just won't remember it being another way. Atm however how, when and what happened are very fresh in my memory. It just hurts in a way I never expected.
    Now that you are coming off of Mirtazapine. Do you think the 7.5 helped you cope a little better?
    I think it helped me sleep better in the beginning. I am not sure if the idea of having some sort of control or the actual medication made it seem like I was able to cope better. The first few weeks I was a wreck. I was mad, upset, depressed. I still have my days but they are not as many. Generally I am just annoyed at this point.
    Generally speaking I think it got me out of a potentially horrible place. If there had been a button to just end it I might of. I now realize that was pretty premature, but I was already in a bad place from all the shit I had going on prior. T makes that all seem pretty trivial now.
    That's what's holding me. Mine is different. Food drink everything
    God help me if this thing gets worse... ugh... Knock, Knock, whos there, T, T who.... TEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
    I so understand the emotions behind this post.
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