BrOKeN_1 Jan 6, 2022 Standing on the beach listening to the waves come in. Ave decibel is 73-78. Not bad.. Not bad at all.
Standing on the beach listening to the waves come in. Ave decibel is 73-78. Not bad.. Not bad at all.
BrOKeN_1 Jan 1, 2022 Really need to lay off the caffine... dont think it's helping the situation. Happy New Years T Fam!
BrOKeN_1 Dec 19, 2021 Sometimes it feels like my subconscious hit pause when this all started. If you spend all your time listening you almost stop thinking. Idk
Sometimes it feels like my subconscious hit pause when this all started. If you spend all your time listening you almost stop thinking. Idk
BrOKeN_1 Nov 28, 2021 Having one of those nights.. T is being reactive. Refuses to be ignored. Ignorant SOB! *let it pass*
BrOKeN_1 Nov 7, 2021 Celebrating 15 years with wifey... loud music and alcohol. Tomorrow could be interesting... gotta live tho. Y'all be careful out there. YOLO
Celebrating 15 years with wifey... loud music and alcohol. Tomorrow could be interesting... gotta live tho. Y'all be careful out there. YOLO
BrOKeN_1 Nov 6, 2021 Latest Tinnitus Talk Podcast was a good listen. Helps to just understand what others have gone thru. Thanks.
Latest Tinnitus Talk Podcast was a good listen. Helps to just understand what others have gone thru. Thanks.
BrOKeN_1 Jul 28, 2021 Guess what I woke up listening to today? If you guessed some kind of ringing you nailed it! Alas... hope you all have a distractful day
Guess what I woke up listening to today? If you guessed some kind of ringing you nailed it! Alas... hope you all have a distractful day
BrOKeN_1 May 7, 2021 It gets better. The ringing doesn't rule me anymore. It's there it's loud its a part of me. But thank God the fear is gone. Better days
It gets better. The ringing doesn't rule me anymore. It's there it's loud its a part of me. But thank God the fear is gone. Better days
BrOKeN_1 Apr 26, 2021 Officially 6 months since onset. Mild acceptance at best. Still quite bothersome. All day.. every day. At least sleep has improved. YOLO!
Officially 6 months since onset. Mild acceptance at best. Still quite bothersome. All day.. every day. At least sleep has improved. YOLO!
BrOKeN_1 Apr 13, 2021 Sleep is starting to slip away agian... course correct.. course correct!! Hold the line!
BrOKeN_1 Apr 2, 2021 Took my son to see Godzilla vs Kingkong! Glad I took plugs! Awesome Movie. Very Loud! #protectyourself #livealittle
Took my son to see Godzilla vs Kingkong! Glad I took plugs! Awesome Movie. Very Loud! #protectyourself #livealittle
BrOKeN_1 Mar 16, 2021 At this point I don't think the T volume changes.. merely my perception of the volume. Highly dependent upon environment and stress level.
At this point I don't think the T volume changes.. merely my perception of the volume. Highly dependent upon environment and stress level.
BrOKeN_1 Mar 14, 2021 May be sabotaging myself. Trying to enjoy previous habits got me spiking a bit. I know.. I know.. 'stupid is as stupid does'. Forest Gump
May be sabotaging myself. Trying to enjoy previous habits got me spiking a bit. I know.. I know.. 'stupid is as stupid does'. Forest Gump
BrOKeN_1 Mar 7, 2021 Just another T-eriffic Saturday night! Evenings are always annoyingly loud or at least precieved that way... another day in paradise.
Just another T-eriffic Saturday night! Evenings are always annoyingly loud or at least precieved that way... another day in paradise.
BrOKeN_1 Mar 1, 2021 @twa started Journaling about 3 weeks from onset.. I've actually gauged my progress on less but more positive entries.
@twa started Journaling about 3 weeks from onset.. I've actually gauged my progress on less but more positive entries.
BrOKeN_1 Feb 27, 2021 It hurts my heart that other can not at least enjoy low volume entertainment. Please don't be too hard on yourselves. Much Love!
It hurts my heart that other can not at least enjoy low volume entertainment. Please don't be too hard on yourselves. Much Love!
BrOKeN_1 Feb 27, 2021 @Steph1710 Music and Podcasts are essential to my sanity.. I cannot.. Will not.. stop. Music stays at or below comfort level always.
@Steph1710 Music and Podcasts are essential to my sanity.. I cannot.. Will not.. stop. Music stays at or below comfort level always.
BrOKeN_1 Feb 25, 2021 Must manage perceived volume.. had to return the hearing aids today. Skeptical of aid help. Or if tolerance improved. Either way.. looking^
Must manage perceived volume.. had to return the hearing aids today. Skeptical of aid help. Or if tolerance improved. Either way.. looking^
BrOKeN_1 Feb 20, 2021 Hurry Up And Wait... On the cusp of month 4 now. Coping better and not downward spiraling anymore. T is still constant.. life goes on.
Hurry Up And Wait... On the cusp of month 4 now. Coping better and not downward spiraling anymore. T is still constant.. life goes on.
BrOKeN_1 Feb 14, 2021 3 1/2 months later.. tone and pitch remain steady. Tolerance much improved. Steady we go... baby steps.
3 1/2 months later.. tone and pitch remain steady. Tolerance much improved. Steady we go... baby steps.