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  • Please stop using headphones.. even if you start feeling habituated.. I'm really hurting now. Read @Michael Leigh posts.
    Yup. I would never touch headphones again. I know people have an issue with some of the stuff old ML says, but I have to say that I've always found his advice to be pretty damn good.
    I'm sure there are some other factors here as well. But good advice is only good when adhered to. Hoping I can dig myself out of this hole I dug.
    Yeah, Im never touching that shit again even if there was a cure. Humans have not evolved to have speakers inserted into their ears and be blasted all day long
    Decent sleep last night. Brain still feels like oatmeal today.. what the heck? Hope my TT frie ds are doing better then me today.
    Maybe needs more sleep. Sometimes it takes me a few days to catch up
    The Mental Exercise to get your basic faculties back with T (spike) is all the Exercise any of us should need for the rest of our lives!
    Sleep is off the table today.. praying this isn't something I triggered. Gonna get busy and distract.
    Pharmacist just accidentally gave me Moderna for my second shot instead of Pfizer. WTH! Wish me luck I guess :_(
    T is officially unmaskable. Nothing seems to work at this point besides maybe the shower. Can't stay in there forever.. now what?
    It's one of those things where you either keep going or you don't. Personally I try to stay busy, do things that take up all of my concentration, and hope that maybe one day it gets better.
    I second ^^
    Here's the deal. Have not had vaccine. I had CovDelta 12 month ago. Didn't effect T. To go on cruise Vax is mandatory. I'm skeptical.
    Conundrum. I'd skip the trip
    I had vaccines so I could travel. They didn't effect my T, so I guess I was lucky.
    There's like a 28% chance of an autoimmune reaction. Probably lower chance of that effecting T. Still a gamble
    Trying to stay positive.. Noise is ramping up. Or perception... I don't know anymore.
    Hope your feeling better soon @BrOKeN_1 .

    I jellyfish like you to know that when my T stresses me out, I now find myself reciting 'annoying, not destroying'. It's became like my new mantra, thank you for that little gem.
    Stupid.. High Pitch... BS! One day I'll wake up.without your ass! #iwantadivorcefromT
    I'm currently filing for divorce with T as well. It's a rough road.
    How long do I alimony for? You know that T is going to want to maintain its life style! LMAO!
    Seriously.. researching T is a joke. Its literally all just opinion journalism. Forgive me.. just tired today. Tapering SSRI's after 500daz
    Has anyone tried peyote.. or psilocybin for T. I'm thinking about getting experimental.
    I have not, but have read some people on here had success with psilocybin
    Funny. A year ago I thought habituation would be the ability to completely ignore the ringing. Not true.. its about how I react to it. #fact
    What's the worst environment for T? Mine is large crowds. Lots of voices stress me out. Makes it hard to focus on the people with me.
    Screeching grocery carts and loud kids
    Kitchens. Urgh! Those plates on plates, and cups on cups… that's what caused my H.
    Found out my little brother has been dealing with two wildly different tones for nearly a decade now largely thanks to his military career.
    And he never mentioned it. Funny how some people don't. I mentioned my T to a work colleague the other day, and then he told me, he has had bad T for years!
    Standing on the beach listening to the waves come in. Ave decibel is 73-78. Not bad.. Not bad at all.
    Ocean waves are my favorite sound…I would spend all day there if I could.
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