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  • Tried kratom a few days ago. Felt great. T was loud af! Didn't care. Next day felt sick to stomach & T was annoying af agian. So maybe no 2k
    Feeling exhausted... staying distracted is a full time job. Not to mention the full time job. Time to meditate.
    It sure takes a strong person to balance this out @BrOKeN_1 Hope you are doing okay - circumstances given.
    Just discovered a cool meditation type game on the Oculus Quest called Tripp. Try it if you get the chance. Really Cool.
    @tracyNYC hey girl. Haven't seen ya for awhile. Hope your doing ok these days.
    Hi @BrOKeN_1 - Thank you for reaching out. I've been lurking lately :) My T is still a beast, and I try to stay positive. Not always easy, right?! Hope you are doing ok too.
    @BrOKeN_1 big respect for managing to navigate through this with 6 kids.
    Thank You. They drive me crazy. But anchor me as well. Helps when fighting through the worst of times with this condition.
    I found it tough with just one and I didn't have the additional pressure of working. Hope this is just a bump in the road for you.
    6 kids??? Damn I can barely handle one
    Lol. Did great last night. Then stayed awake too long and drank too much caffine. One bad decision after another. When will I learn?
    The thing to learn is that in life we repeatedly make the same mistakes. :)
    One day at a time... One hour at a time.. One minute at a time.. One second. Time marches on. Hold the line friends. Sending good vibes.
    Standing in the driveway letting the noisy ass crickets drown out the T. Good idea? Maybe not. Don't care at the moment.
    Derailed last night. Left ear has a new hiss. Sleep is probably off the table. Maybe this is why Garfield didn't like Monday's.
    Whoever said to go dig in the dirt. Thanks.. this activity was distracting and oddly cathartic. Plus my yard looks a bit happier. Cheers!
    My son is turning 12 today and I can't seem to get my head out of my ass! I feel like fucking crying but that shit doesn't help. Arrrg! :(
    I feel for any parent that has to deal with this…
    How was it? I took my boy to the fair last week too. Worse ear plugs the whole time and no one could hear me as I was so quiet, but was worth it.
    @SamRosemary It turned out ok. No spike as of yet. Maybe I shouldn't have passed on the funnelcake! :D
    Has anyone developed Hyperacusis over time. Normal noises seems to be ramping up and becoming somewhat intolerable.
    Took my kids to a parade today. Couldn't find my plugs but my skull candy headphones that haven't been charged in 8mon worked in a pinch ;D
    Besides the bed time torture and the morning mourning. T has been manageable. What a sick game we play. Exhausting really...keep moving. :)
    Couldnt run fast enough last night. T stress had me bawled up like a scared armadillo. Clinging to the edge of the fight or flight succubus!
    Same. Been trying everything possible, but might end up on an SSRI… The anxiety is almost worse then the T for me at this point.
    Goodness. What I wouldn't give for one day of quite. Sick of waking up to this piercing crap. I should be grateful I'm even sleeping I guess
    I feel ya! I had insomnia a year from this shit and can now at least sleep 7 hours (medicated of course lol) I dream of a day of silence or waking up. Bam! Miracle gone! lol
    I never dream. But if I did I'm sure I'd have T there as well! Lmao!
    @BrOKeN_1 you never dream! Damn! My dreams are the most weird wacked out things ever.
    Been taking some risks lately.. I need my hobbies dammit!
    Finally pulled the Harley out of the garage after staring at it all summer. Wore earplugs of course.
    T is giving it hell today! I will not bend... I will not break!
    Stay strong, there will be more bearable days in the future!
    Surprisingly upbeat this morning considering such meager amounts of sleep for days now. Attitude is everything sometimes.
    No Sleep equals anxious me.. anxious me equals no sleep. And so it goes... I need more days at the lake.
    I just ranted for a few hours with a friend I feel a lot better, I feel like I had an exorcism. I hope I sleep better tonight.
    @Joe Cuber I haven't in nearly a year. May have to knock myself out with a benzo today. Hoping I'll just crash hard after 3 days.
    Just in case anyone's interested. A really intense sunburn is a great distraction! Haha. PSA Wear your sunscreen!
    On vacation. Been drinking alot this week.. seems to duel the senses.. May not be a good long term solution tho! Lmao!
    I suspect my new tone troubles all started from drinking too often. Just be careful.
    Alcohol is ototoxic. I suspect it's what caused my troubles in the first place, since I was a binge drinker. Yes, certainly not.
    Yea. I don't planning making it a habit.. but vacation Y'all! Gotta live a little.. Definitely spent alot of time with earplugs in.
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