Marina Moon

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  • T is getting better, however pain is worse...Today's goal: NOT TO HAVE A MENTAL BREAKDOWN :D
    Marina Moon
    TBH i'm not sure if this is really improvement as the pain is terrible...
    Well it atleast shows it can change, and that your symptoms such as T might be resolvable if your TMJ is addressed.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful You're right, (T is still reactive though...) i should be looking at the bright side, because lately i hate living.
    got stung by a yellow jacket yesterday.....oh y'know just another day in my fabulous life lmao
    Oh man, I hate wasps so much. Did it hurt?
    Marina Moon
    @TheCapybara when i got stung It! HURT! SO! MUCH! I was walking under a tree with low hanging branches and it fell in my hair. at first i thought it was a leaf until I picked it out and it stung my thumb. I ran back home wailing....At least it wasn't my face or neck! it's the third day now, so my thumb is just sore, but still slightly swollen.
    Hope you are doing ok, on top of being a teenager (I think) your dealing with this as well! Try to stay strong.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Hi, thanks for asking. Mental health hasn't been good. The pain spread from my face to my neck/shoudlers/back and i'm in constant pain, plus tingling in my arms and legs. Then i was stung by a yellow jacket recently, which intensified everything i was already feeling and i had a breakdown yesterday. I wish i had good news to share, but i'll try to stay strong, thank you. I hope you're doing ok too!
    i am a burden to my family.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful I'm gonna start seeing doctors in November, hopefully they'll help me!
    Marina Moon
    @Mo8409 Thank you T_T We're all strong for enduring through this awful thing. The resilience to edure is a powerful one.
    Marina Moon
    @Juliane You're so right T_T <3 I'll keep trying my best. People's conditions should never be disregarded because we don't look stereotypically ill. As if we need to walk about with bandages strapped around our heads and wear eye patches just to be taken seriously...When people are in constant pain everyday, it should be looked into because something is clearly not right.
    I'm starting to notice pulsatile tinnitus in my ears. How do you go about treating it?
    It's hard because there can be many different causes just like normal tinnitus. Mine is caused by venous sinus stenosis.
    Is it weird that i'm sort of getting used to T? Still hate it though. Or maybe I'm just going batty.
    Take what you can get... habituation is the next best thing to it going away
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Sometimes I wonder if I should just be thankful because at least it's not exploding electricity going off in my head like it was in June or roaring in July.
    Marina Moon
    @TheCapybara My dad has T and it doesn't affect him (he has NEVER talked about his T until I told him about mine) He has changing pitches and volumes, guzzles coffee all the time, and takes NSAIDs. But my dad has other problems that bother him more, like a hernia. But he also has, i would say, an otherwordly optimistic personality, not to say he doesn't have down days.
    There are so many Fall and Halloween Festivals coming up, I want to have fun! But I'm afraid of anything making my condition worse.
    I miss the days of cuddling with my kids and watching cartoons.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Thank you! When I finished my test, i thought i failed because my instructor didn't ask me to do a 3 point turn! (I practiced so many over the weekend too!) But i guess they don't do that anymore, maybe haha XD Good luck to your son!
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Aww, that's sweet. After these last few months, i've been watching more movies with my dad, also with my mom, to distract me from my pain and comfort me. It's a nice thing.
    i'm in pain, my dreams on hold, while my old bully becomes an all star hockey player with a hot model girlfriend. Karma messed up big time!
    Marina Moon
    @kingsfan That would be a dream come true, for real. He was arrested for assaulting someone before, but his lawyer essentially blamed the victim for 'not being able to handle a few punches,' and was let off with just community service, it's so insane.
    If I was in your shoes maybe I would think the same, so fair enough.
    @Marina Moon It sounds like he's battling his own demons, so maybe things aren't so great for him behind the facade
    I thought TMJ was treatable. In actuality, TMJ is a fucking shitshow with a multitude of symptoms and multitude of causes. I feel broken.
    What are your TMJ symptoms?
    Marina Moon
    @SarahMLFlemmer trigeminal neuralgia pain (2+ months, but stopped), ear pain & popping, bilateral tinnitus, pain in neck & shoudlders & spine, nausea & vomiting (that stopped), pain in face (all day long, everday, it hurts so much), clicking (stopped), my bite fluctuates all day, burning facial features (tongue, eyes, sinuses), sensitive teeth, lock jaw (fluctuates throughout the day)
    Marina Moon
    @SarahMLFlemmer Every day my parents tell me doctors can't help me, and it feels like i have to fight two battles . Making it through the day and defending my experience that it's real and making me miserable.
    Y'all. Protect yourselves. Don't let your guard down just because people stopped wearing masks. Covid is nasty and terrible and UGGGGGHHHH
    Please please please please please please don't let covid make my T worse!!!!!
    I know everybody is different - but it didn't make mine any worse
    Marina Moon
    @hopefuldede Hi, thank you for the hope. I did notice one sound of mine spike, hopefully it will go down to baseline when this is over. My dad, also has covid, has really bad ear pain (sharp stabbing) and said his T did increase too. My ears ache, but not like his. Hopefully, this nightmare ends for all of us soon.
    I have covid. i don't think my suffering will ever end....
    Marina Moon
    @Ryan Scott I took an at home Covid test (positive result) but don't know the strand, sorry! But I guess it would be one of the newer ones :( considering me and my dad have similar symtpoms, including fever, chills, body aches, malaise, coughing, ear pain (his is worse than mine) and an increase in T. My eyes also burn, but his doesn't.
    Marina Moon
    @Juliane Thank you for the encouragement <3 Currently everyone in my family has it and we're all suffering T_T My sore throat subsided, it felt like swallowing something sharp. I'm not 100% better yet, but now I feel well enough to walk around a bit and sit in a chair to watch some shows. Thank you again!
    @Marina Moon I am sorry to hear you and your family are suffering but glad to hear you are now seeing improvement. The sore throat is so painful, I remember the feeling. Wish you a speedy recovery!
    I want to go back to April. Back when everything was normal and I was happy and hopeful. I don't have it in me to be strong anymore.
    I still have pain, but lately it has been concentrated in my cheeks. T is the same & sounds include: EEEEE, wine glass, beeping, and a hum.
    My dad caught covid.... WHAT MORE DOOM MUST BEFALL MY HOME!? T_T (he got 2 vaccines and 1 booster, so he'll be fine, right?)
    Likely, I had Covid before all this and was fine.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Thank u for the encouragement! His O2 stat is 93 and my mom is going to buy an antiviral med tomorrow, in case any of us need it. There's an uptick in covid cases, stay safe!
    My dad laughs at me and my mom gets angry at me when I 'complain' about my symptoms and beg to go to a dentist. Honestly? WTF
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful sometimes i think if they experienced what I did then they'd be scared too T_T They also want to choose the right dentist, my dad had bad experiences with dentists (in the past and present) and wants to find one that will be good and not just want to take our money.
    Marina Moon
    @jimvee Yup, they're in charge. It's not that they're denying me medical treatment, but are hesitant and stubborn about taking to me a dentist. They cancelled an appointment (that I begged for) because my dad didn't want them to do a CT scan on me (because of radiation) MRI is okay tho.
    Marina Moon
    @4Grace I'm so sorry, i hope you're feeling better :( I know the face hurts more when I get all worked up...My mom tells me all the time 'you look fine' but we're physically hurting on the inside LITERALLY. It's invisible pain...
    I wanted to have a mermaidcore summer this year, maybe I can salvage what's left of August and live a little of that dream.
    I have no idea what that is... but good luck.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Thank you! I will try my best! Activities like swimming, collecting seashells, watching mermaid/beach movies, plus books, incorporating more blues and shimmery colors into everyday things, those kinds of things :D I can't go snorkeling (my favorite!), but hopefully next year. Oh, and recipes too! I wanted to make my own clam chowder this year.
    Tinnitus really wrecked my love for reading. But today I tried again and found myself enjoying the story and not (totally) distracted by T!
    Marina Moon
    @jimvee Oooh nonfiction is cool! And those are very impressive topics! I enjoy history too! I'm currently interested in Celtic cutlure and slowly learning more about it. Along with Colonial america, and whaling history XD What do you like?
    Hahaha I love the specific topics, interesting!! Sounds like you have a really diverse taste. Is there a specific reason you're getting into Celtic culture? Such a great goal to see the Wicked musical one day!! I'm looking up all the titles you mention and they look really cool. I don't have much fantasy reading experience. Is there anything you'd recommend to a noob?
    Marina Moon
    @jimvee It was my interest in mythology that led me to Celtic culture, faeries and folklore XD If you're new to fantasy then I'd recommend works by Neil Gaiman! Good Omens is really good, and it was made into a TV show. David Tennant (who played the tenth Doctor in Doctor Who) is in it :D
    How are you doing?
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful Hi, tbh I'm not sure. When my jaw stopped clicking, my bite became misaligned & the pain got worse. The pain subsided over the last few weeks and my bite evened out again, but I fear both of my TMJ discs displaced because I don't think my left disc recaptured itself and now my right jaw makes cracking sounds. However, I need imaging to confirm that and I need to find an entirely different dentist now.
    Marina Moon
    @Tryn2BHopeful My tinnitus is kind of better, in somes ways (I'm always scared of jinxing myself when I say things got better lol) But I think it's been pretty low lately, I still hear it over other sounds, but it gets softer in quiet rooms. My ears still pop to sound, and it's still really annoying. Thank you for asking, how are you doing?
    @Marina Moon Sounds hopeful... myself.. I think I am just getting used to it, but I guess thats better.
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