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  • Have painful red bumps behind each of my ears now from wearing earmuffs (Peltor X4A) too much.
    I started having neck issues because they are too heavy. Have now switched to smaller muffs with less protection
    Why are earplugs 24/7 looked down upon when it's the only way to protect yourself against accidental noise exposure that'll ALWAYS happen?
    Everyone is entitled to thier own opinion. I can comfortably wear foam plugs 24/7 but definitely feel like there is an increase in my sensitivity to sound when taking them out. This has made it feel at times more difficult to habituate or even just endure soft less intrusive sounds.
    Because they mess up your tolerance for non-threatening level sounds. Try to create a safe space where you can take a break from them for periods of the day.
    You should do what feels best. I haven't used 24/7 earplugs, only for limited periods, but sometimes I notice a spike - an actual increase of a white noise tone I got which goes away after I expose to sound for a bit. Possibly due to reduced auditory input. But that doesn't always happen, so I have some doubts.
    This condition keeps you in an endless state of limbo
    L along the way
    Yeah... it also felt like my life has been in a sort of a stale mate position for too long...
    And I find that people are less empathetic when conditions continue without becoming better. I guess they become bored. For me that has been an excellent opportunity to weed out false friends
    Wow. My tinnitus is shockingly reactive. Was on a phone call on speaker on lowest volume for 30 mins. Crazy spike, multiple brand new tones
    Could someone please respond and help me? Why specifically does taking the bus spike my tinnitus so much even when wearing double protection
    Took the bus today for the first time in months, used double protection (earplugs + earmuffs), have a terrible spike.
    The same ear that was itching from the earplug now feels like it's burning. Is this a sign of an ear infection forming? I'm scared
    How do you guys use earplugs without them causing unbearable amounts of itching?
    Joshua Macleod
    Mine cause severe discomfort after a few hours of using a fresh pair of disposable ones. I don't tend to get the itching much.
    The only earplugs I wear for an hour are the foam earplugs. I never wear them much longer than an hour and haven't had a problem. I wore them about an hour most days through the summer while biking.
    I cannot do ear plugs. Tinnitus with them on is insanely loud. I know it sounds crazy but I need sound therapy even if it worsens me. It's too loud. Way too loud
    Safest way to clean out ears from wax buildup due to using earplugs? I'm not talking about professional cleaning, how's olive oil?
    ENT is going to say Debrox. My recommendation is go to ENT and let them MANUALLY remove earwax. No syringes, no suction. I did let them use suction for just a brief second to get a stuck piece out (probably my fault for using Debrox and making it soupy).
    Isn't earwax natures natural earplugs?

    Why remove?

    Let it stay there, protecting your ears.
    Anyone else get the "tinnitus freeze" where you're hearing the tones blare and you're just in a state of utter speechless shock
    What I learned is that no matter what happens in life, you'll always be fucked if you have tinnitus. Tinnitus is a death sentence.
    feels like i just got locked in a prison cell for a life sentence
    I agree :-( It should be given to the worst of criminals serving life. But here we are! Struggling with hell while people tell us it's not all that bad. It is the sickest joke ever played by nature
    I'm considering just 24/7 masking. I've been isolating from noise for so long, and it just keeps going crazy regardless.
    L along the way
    sorry to hear.. listening to calming sounds helps me & relatively healthy distractions (like gaming) for now.. trying to take it easy, day by day.. wish you well
    I can't listen to calming sounds because it aggravates/spikes my tinnitus
    My tinnitus has NEVER changed this much in such a short amount of time. Maybe something like 5-10 new tones? Much louder, fuller, insane
    That's insane. =(
    I have been buying new shades for the last few months. hissing buzzing space sounds. Have your tones passed? @cyberspace
    (2) Bad spike now and my earmuff was covering one ear but the uncovered ear is having crazy new tones, should I take prednisone?
    (1) Someone kept revving their dirtbike nonstop for 30 mins and I got mad and slammed a metal grid rack that was on a table
    If this tone goes away. I PROMISE I will never go outside again, ever. Please just go.
    What's the new tone sound like? I'm sure it will subside stay in side for a few weeks and let you're ears rest
    If it sounds like a ultra high pitched dog whistle I've had that one
    Is there something wrong with where I live? Everytime I go outside for even less than an hour I run into multiple sirens, fire and ambulance
    TBH you have probably become more aware of it. Its like when you buy a new car and suddenly you notice how many people also have that car when you didnt before..
    @Tryn2BHopeful It just confuses me how people on here are going outside casually and not running into dangerous noise exposures like sirens and such
    I think it's impossible to avoid noises if you go out. Even inside I get accidental noise traumas. It's a loud world. Never noticed it before.
    (2) Time scrolling this forum in the worst mental state in nonstop panic, and I start feeling like I can't breathe and get super nauseous
    Ryan Scott
    Yeah I have pretty bad anxiety too at this point.
    I get that too occasionally! Today, actually. But trying to stay focused on the now.
    (1) Is getting PTSD from tinnitus possible? Sometimes I'll remember the days from around 5-6 months ago when I would be up for days at a
    Don't know if it's comparable to PTSD but I believe T has changed all of us forever mentally in a bad way.
    Can you wear earplugs and does it make yours louder to?
    Mine is 10x louder when having earplugs or earmuffs on
    Mine is too. Do you have hair cell damage?
    I used to dread mowing the lawn because ear muffs make my T so loud, but now I wear my wearable noise generators underneath and look forward to cutting the grass. Keeps the T lower.
    Was walking outside and an ambulance with sirens on drove right past me, was wearing Peltor X4A but it's probably over.
    Don't worry until it's happened - the pelters would have dampened down the noise considerably. I can throw cutlery around with peltors on but have to place them carefully next to each other without.
    I know it's hard but try not to worry about things that could happen before the do.
    @DeanD Is this a normal occurrence though? it seems that I get hit with sirens so often compared to others
    Any update on this? did u get a spike that subsided or a raise? Same happend to me :(
    Sigh I fell for the paranoid overprotection advice (wore earmuffs for 80% of the day in my bedroom) and my sound tolerance decreased
    Now experiencing sharp heart pain every few seconds, have been for a day now. Why I do have so many health problems at my age?
    What to realistically do for money if never had a job before and have reactive tinnitus?
    Just some suggestions:
    1. Look for a work from home position
    2. Start a side hustle online that doesn't involve having to deal with people directly - learn a skill if needs be
    3. Look at places like Fiverr and Upwork and see if you have in demand skills that do not require listening to audio and list as a service provider - much of this is done through online messages rather than voice calls
    @DeanD I've looked at these but some heavy barriers is that I don't have any job experience nor skills since I was just in high school a couple months ago, and I also don't have a high school diploma due to missing credits, especially because I couldn't properly go to school at all the final few months of it due to tinnitus
    I'm really sorry to hear this for you to get this at such a young age. I also have reactive tinnitus so know how challenging this. It is possible though, I do work full time. The suggestions of side hustles and Fiverr etc.. don't need college degree and diplomas. Skills can be learned, knowledge gained, limitations are only bound by your determination.
    Have you any thoughts of something you'd like to go in to?
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