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Jan 19, 1989 (Age: 35)

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Member, Male, 35, from Netherlands

Today someone's little Malteser dog ran out the door while I passed by and started howling at me at max volume. Lucky me. Aug 28, 2024

TheCapybara was last seen:
Sep 16, 2024 at 11:32 AM
    1. TheCapybara
      Today someone's little Malteser dog ran out the door while I passed by and started howling at me at max volume. Lucky me.
    2. TheCapybara
      Second Anniversary trophy.... joy
      1. 4Grace and beefling like this.
    3. TheCapybara
      Anyone with hearing loss trying to listen to piano music sometimes and some tunes just sounding false/flat? I miss my regular hearing.
      1. beefling likes this.
    4. TheCapybara
      Kids on their fatbikes that make enormous screeching noises right nearby while I'm walking the dog, could barely stand it. Love summer.
    5. TheCapybara
      Hate how sensitive I've gotten to cars when they hit the brake, it's this loud squeal and today one stopped right next to me as I passed by.
      1. streifzug, Kiyomi and Utdmad89 like this.
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      3. 2049v
        @TheCapybara ENT told me to get a MRI scan while I still have my hyperacusis. I told him about my concern but he didn't even give a f... Have you had MRI while having H?
        Jun 21, 2024
      4. TheCapybara
        @2049v No I never had an MRI, I always hear people saying they're incredibly loud and I didn't want to risk a worsening. But that's just me being overly cautious.
        Jun 21, 2024
        2049v likes this.
      5. HearingHell
        @2049v Definitely don't get an MRI. Those tests can go up to as loud as 130 dB. They have worsened many people with tinnitus, hyperacusis and/or distortions, even with hearing protection. And the chances of an MRI finding anything related to your ear symptoms are absolutely minimal.

        ENTs are extremely dumb about ordering MRIs and other noisy tests for people with ear disorders. It's honestly baffling.
        Jun 21, 2024
        2049v likes this.
    6. Utdmad89
      How are you now? What are your symptoms?
      1. TheCapybara
        At least better than I was two years ago. I have distortions in a high frequency which are still around but they've gotten a little better over time. At the time I also had increased sound sensitivity but that's luckily faded. I'm still trying to live carefully around noises and not expose myself to artificial audio too much.
        Apr 14, 2024
        Heal82 and Utdmad89 like this.
      2. Utdmad89
        I'm glad you have improved. And hope you see more improvements
        Apr 14, 2024
        TheCapybara likes this.
      3. TheCapybara
        @Utdmad89 Thanks mate, I've had some setbacks in those two years too so I hope I will, nothing's a given with hearing issues. I hope you're doing alright too.
        Apr 14, 2024
        Utdmad89 likes this.
    7. TheCapybara
      Two years ago, dealing with onset tinnitus and dysacusis I never thought I'd enjoy music or games again but I slowly got there again.
    8. TheCapybara
      Glad the fireworks hell is over, the reactivity wasnt exactly pleasant. Hope everyone managed through the night.
      1. Juliane and gameover like this.
      2. cyberspace
        I didn’t. Wore Peltor earmuffs the entire time and was inside but got a spike.
        Jan 1, 2024
      3. cyberspace
        Fireworks will probably continue tonight
        Jan 1, 2024
    9. TheCapybara
      Dreading the fireworks again, with dysacusis it's reactive squeals one after another. Never liked fireworks before but now it's even worse.
      1. Juliane and tpj like this.
    10. TheCapybara
      Merry Christmas folks! I hope everyone's doing alright and able to enjoy the holidays.
      1. PennyCat likes this.
    11. TheCapybara
      Distortion seems a little worse and more noticeable lately. Not sure how and why it worsens when I didn't do anything to make it worse.
      1. beefling likes this.
      2. beefling
        Same here. In my case the only thing I can think that might be the cause is I had to temporarily adjust where I sleeps. No idea if it has anything to do with it but...

        This shit just don't make sense, does it. Some answers would be nice but...we got nothin'.
        Nov 27, 2023
        TheCapybara likes this.
      3. TheCapybara
        @beefling It makes no sense at all, dysacusis is a riot isnt it? I've had it for about a year and a half now and I'm wondering if it'll go away at some point as we get older and naturally lose hearing in higher frequencies or if the weird beeps and whistles are there to stay.

        Hope you're managing yours alright, you've had it for a bit longer than I did I think.
        Nov 28, 2023
        beefling likes this.
    12. TheCapybara
      Ears are painful and red, especially the right one. Think it's an ear infection, definitely the last thing I want right now :<
      1. View previous comments...
      2. xLuchiaaa
        Happy to hear that you are doing better :) Ear infections are so worse. You got some meds for Hooikoorts ? I am doing not so good today, Worried about my hearing that there is loss. Hopefully the muffled hearing will be better
        Nov 6, 2023
      3. brixenbrixen
        Hmpf btw the distortions are lower
        Nov 11, 2023
      4. TheCapybara
        @brixenbrixen That's great brixen! Good to hear from you again, are you doing okay lately?
        Nov 11, 2023
    13. GG_Ear
      Hi @TheCapybara sorry that your distortions are still with you. Does it ever go away for some? I hear a whistle sound over certain external sounds that instantly stops once the external sound ceases. E.g. running water with *beeeeeeep* over sound of water.... turns tap off, *beep* instantly gone. Is this reactive T/hyperacusis or sound distortion?
      1. 4Grace and SarahMLFlemmer like this.
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      3. GG_Ear
        @TheCapybara I'll pray that it eventually goes away for you too!
        Oct 18, 2023
      4. GG_Ear
        @TheCapybara I had it subside by about 80% for three weeks in July. So it's definitely possible!
        Oct 18, 2023
      5. TheCapybara
        @GG_Ear It definitely is a crazy condition, who knew something like this could exist? I would have been 200% more careful with music lol.

        I did notice it reacts less to things than it used to. Back then, it would have beeping noises over the teapot and stuff like that but it did improve over the span of a year. I hope we'll both keep improving.
        Oct 18, 2023
        GG_Ear likes this.
    14. TheCapybara
      Can't believe it's been over a year since I developed distortions. I miss indulging in music without worries.
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      2. Strawberryblonde
        I still listen to music, just on a much lower volume. Not quite the same but ill take it.
        Sep 18, 2023
        TheCapybara likes this.
      3. TheCapybara
        @Cmspgran I think it's distortions from a dead hair cell that controlled a high frequency, but that's what I think at least. I've seen some improvement in the year I've been dealing with it. Trust me, the first few weeks/months are hell but it does get a bit better and your mental health will improve once you stop hyper focusing on it. And it takes time but you'll get there. Strawberry and me have both been there.
        Sep 19, 2023
        Cmspgran likes this.
      4. TheCapybara
        @Strawberryblonde Me too. I also only listen to music that has 0 distortions and beeps in them because that just ruins the enjoyment.
        Sep 19, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    15. TheCapybara
      I miss listening to music on headphones without a care, now I have to mind the weird distortions and it sucks.
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      2. TheCapybara
        @Strawberryblonde Do those happen randomly or does it react to sounds with morse code beeps? New developments out of nowhere suck, I hope it goes away soon ):
        Aug 10, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      3. Strawberryblonde
        @TheCapybara the beeps are more prevalent with white noise sounds such as air con etc driving today and the beeps were going crazy! Hard to tune out of something so erratic today.
        Aug 25, 2023
      4. TheCapybara
        @Strawberryblonde I hear you, it's kind of impossible to tune out such noticeable distortions. Hopefully they'll go away entirely one day because there's no habituating to that lol.
        Aug 26, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    16. TheCapybara
      Watching Tour de France and seeing bystanders yell at the top of their lungs at riders and I wonder, do those people not get tinnitus?
      1. brixenbrixen likes this.
    17. TheCapybara
      Dentist check up used to be nothing to me but now that I have a high frequency distortion, hoo boy. Glad it's over.
      1. brixenbrixen likes this.
    18. TheCapybara
      Reactivity's been going up again lately, always random ups and downs with these distortions.
      1. brixenbrixen likes this.
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      3. TheCapybara
        @Strawberryblonde About the same as you, in a better place than I was almost a year ago, and I don't get too anxious hearing distortions anymore. I just hope that one day the ear/brain decides to stop picking up the frequency for good (or maybe that's impossible, who knows)
        Jun 18, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. aura
        @TheCapybara , can you tell me more about your distortions, please? I have them too, they are coming and going.
        Jun 20, 2023
      5. TheCapybara
        @aura Hey Aura. It started as metallic/morse code beeps a year ago in everything with a certain high frequency like showers/toilet pipes/music. I still have it a year later, it hasnt changed a whole lot except my response to it.
        Jun 20, 2023
    19. Zigs
      Hey, how is your reactive tinnitus now? In the sense of hearing beep sound over noise?
      1. TheCapybara
        Hey Zigs. I'm a year in with it and while it's still around, I've gotten more used to it. I can still hear it in music but with everything else it's less noticeable than before.
        May 31, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and Zigs like this.
    20. TheCapybara
      Constant construction noise in the neighborhood and the walls are so thin that I get to enjoy all of it.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. MadeleineHope
        So frustrating! Sorry you have to go through this. My area is due for some major construction soon too, so really not looking forward to that. Will have to stay somewhere else :/
        May 28, 2023
        TheCapybara and Christiaan like this.
      3. Christiaan
        @TheCapybara Ja hoor! Dank voor het vragen. Tinnitus is behapbaar en hyperacusis is compleet verdwenen. De tijd heelt alle wonden, zo blijkt:) Woon alleen in een druk deel van de binnenstad in Den Haag, dus ik probeer zo voorzichtig mogelijk te zijn (o.a. buiten oordopjes dragen). Voorlopig zit het wel mee;)
        May 28, 2023
        TheCapybara likes this.
      4. Christiaan
        May 28, 2023
    21. TheCapybara
      I'm having cricket tones again which hasnt happened in a long time. Not sure if it's worsening but it's nothing loud at least.
      1. Strawberryblonde likes this.
    22. Jsm_Joestar
      Yo capy, i bough some edifier speakers today. Thx for the reccomendation. im going to test them out when they arrive tomorrow. I do heave a question do you notice any static from the speakers?
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. TheCapybara
        No problem! I hope they're the right ones for you. I dont think I've noticed any static no, nothing weird unless it's distortions.
        Mar 2, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      3. Jsm_Joestar
        Great to hear. I saw someone post about the speakers giving a static type of noise that can be harsh on the ears so i was a bit worried. Either way ill see it when they come in.
        Mar 2, 2023
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        The speakers are amazing bro thx for the recomendation. Do you use an external Dac in combination with it?
        Mar 4, 2023
    23. TheCapybara
      Why is it that T can sometimes randomly spike in the middle of the night for just a couple of seconds before it goes down again?
      1. NYCGuy and Strawberryblonde like this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        thats probably transient tinnitus
        Feb 6, 2023
        Strawberryblonde and Sammy0225 like this.
      3. TheCapybara
        Always freaks me out when it goes up but it doesn't seem to be harmful.
        Feb 6, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        thats understandable. unfortunately we dont know when spikes are long term or even permanent. From what i know it isnt harmfull and even people withouth T have it
        Feb 7, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    24. TheCapybara
      Anyone else have neighbors that decide to be noisy at 7 PM and do things like drilling randomly? If not, you're lucky.
      1. Strawberryblonde and NYCGuy like this.
      2. Jsm_Joestar
        Let me guess you put on hearing protection and when you think they are done and want to take it off they start drilling immediately. It sucks that the walls here in the netherlands block almost no sound.
        Feb 4, 2023
      3. TheCapybara
        It was real sudden so I didn't have much time to react but I just covered my ears real fast lol. And it's true, the walls here are paper thin. You can easily hear anything that goes on outside too.
        Feb 4, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      4. Jsm_Joestar
        I hope you didnt get any damage from it. Im looking forward to the summer but summer time also means alot of my neighbors wil be playing songs in their backyard.
        Feb 5, 2023
    25. TheCapybara
      I miss listening to music with headphones, speakers just arent the same. Some days I'm tempted to just try again but I know it's a bad idea.
      1. Monkee Man, Sammy0225, NYCGuy and 2 others like this.
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      3. Jsm_Joestar
        Jan 22, 2023
      4. TheCapybara
        Jan 22, 2023
        Jsm_Joestar likes this.
      5. Jsm_Joestar
        @TheCapybara Yea if speakers cause some distortions then headphones are def a no go. I would even go as far as saying to avoid them when speakers dont cause distortions anymore.
        Jan 23, 2023
    26. TheCapybara
      Think I'm back to square one with the reactive distortions after the fireworks, it was finally improving a bit after 5-6 months too.
      1. Jackson Brady, ashcash and NYCGuy like this.
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      3. Jackson Brady
        Jackson Brady
        Had the distortions improved? And in what way?
        Jan 3, 2023
      4. TheCapybara
        @Jackson Brady I'd hear it less over voices on tv, and I had less whistling tones over things but it kind of came back recently. I'll just have to wait it out again.

        @ashcash Hope you're pulling through alright Ash, that's a lot of noise to deal with.
        Jan 3, 2023
        Zigs, ashcash and Jackson Brady like this.
      5. Jackson Brady
        Jackson Brady
        The waiting game really sucks, i also am going through a very bad set back right now, hoping to recover to previous level.
        Jan 11, 2023
    27. TheCapybara
      Dentist appointment tomorrow for the first time since the sudden hearing loss/distortions, bit worried it'll worsen but maybe it'll be fine.
      1. NYCGuy likes this.
      2. CRGC
        Hope it goes well! ❤️
        Nov 27, 2022
        TheCapybara and tpj like this.
    28. TheCapybara
      Wish I had gotten to speak to some of the people on here that had distortions before they disappeared. It's such a rare thing no one gets.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Aschenherz
        i also having distortions. 2 Months in. I hope, this helps you. I have it over every sound. electric hizz. Will stuck into my brain, when i have a "normal" day. (like going to work, lot of noises etc.)
        Sep 11, 2022
        brixenbrixen and Jackson Brady like this.
      3. Heikai
        I have these same distortions too! I'm still very sad but it's nice to hear I'm not alone and that it can become better!
        Oct 21, 2022
        brixenbrixen likes this.
      4. Wao
        I have the same thing as you guys. 2 weeks in. Had my T for 5y but this is super annoying. It's hard to find people that had it for a long time. I also don't know what to expect.
        Oct 24, 2022
        brixenbrixen likes this.
    29. TheCapybara
      Today my reactive/dysacusis tone changed from the usual beeping to grinding crickets, I'm confused. I'd rather deal with regular tinnitus.
    30. TheCapybara
      It's near impossible to avoid loud noises in this neighborhood. Neighbors, kids, dogs, drills, construction, there's no rest.
      1. MaxRabbit, Steph1710 and tracyNYC like this.
      2. Stacken77
        Protection. Double up if need be. As long as we don't use it as much in our own home, it's fine.
        Jul 24, 2022
        Damocles likes this.
      3. TheCapybara
        I did mean at home actually. Unfortunately we have pretty thin walls over here and loud sounds easily go through.
        Jul 24, 2022
        Steph1710 likes this.
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  • About

    Jan 19, 1989 (Age: 35)
    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    Likely headphone noise