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  • Took the family tubing and ice-skating yesterday. Was a good distraction. Wish that worked for everyone here. Never a dull moment with T.
    @Orions Pain Have you tried crickets? They are almost as annoying as the T. Yet I've learned to almost enjoy the chirpy little bastards!
    I have :( any audio from a speaker flares my face/ear pain badly. Thank you though
    Sorry to hear that brother. I'm such a puss I can't imagine have pain accompanied tinnitus. Stay strong man.
    Played some FFX Remake today.. tolerated it ok. It's a hard life for a gamer with T. No more FPS for this guy.
    Gareth Davies
    I'd recommend Subnautica; no guns in sight. Buuuut you might want to avoid if you have thalassophobia.
    Uncomfortably Comfortable.. Excitedly Anxious.. Obnoxiously Noisy.. Neverending Nervousness.. Obsessively Compulsive.. Sleep Deprived Daily.
    Tell me about it.
    Would love to have some nootropic of some sort that just allows your brain to *chill* without messing with the necessary functions. It honestly seems like so much of the problem just deals with overexcitation.
    Can someone pull the T over and let me out. Its been fun and all but I'd like to go home now and get some sleep. Does humor help? Idk... :/
    I'm with you there. This has certainly been an experience of which I no longer wish to be a part. When things calm down, I will most certainly have a better appreciation of life. This all has trivialized a great majority of my depressive triggers from before. Quality of life is of utmost importance.
    Certainly interesting indeed, and a lot of what he said rings (sorry!) true, but he also takes a bit of a "doctor good, supplement scary" approach, especially with that last line. He doesn't seem to understand how many ENTs/audiologists don't know/care about the condition and can't really consult with you anyway on supplement strategies.
    @Drachen Good luck with the ENT today. Fingers crossed you'll find some relief bud.
    How I wish that were the case. If you're interested, I updated my introduction thread with how it went and how today is going. Not feeling too hot, but I appreciate your warmth.
    Stuck in a strange sleep cycle.. 4 hrs.. 6 hrs.. switching each night for the last 8 days. Maybe it's the meds? I guess I should be grateful
    I take lorazepam 1mg before bed and Prozac to beat back the Devil. I've quit taking all but a couple supplements because they are expensive and weren't doing much. I wasn't sleeping at all a week ago. That's why I say I should be grateful.
    That's certainly odd. I wonder if your rhythm is still out of whack in some way. I've been going between 3 and 6 straight, but I've never clearly alternated like this.
    Still better then a couple weeks ago. Getting off graveyard shift was the right thing to do.
    Just a couple days away from the 3 month onset. I know acute.. sub acute.. and chronic are all subjective anyways. Just keep Swimming!
    That's terribly unfortunate, but here's hoping there isn't a fourth to worry about!
    Bill Bauer
    I've never heard of it going away during one's fourth month.

    It might go away either during the first week, or after 1-3 years.
    Pro Tip from a newbie... get out of the house! Bird watching may be my new thing :D sing for me you little shit! Haha
    I've been trying out some Oticon hearing aids for the last few weeks. With a masking feature added this week. So I guess we'll see.
    @Drachen No my hearing is still pretty good. But since my tinnitus is in the high Frequency it helps alot to have some masking. Normally I would pass but I'm fortunate to have an employer who will pay for them. At first they were really frustrating because having all the extra noise seemed to aggravate the T. But that has gotten better.
    Audiologist believes they will provide relief as well as help me habituate. With my poor mental state I need supplemental support until we get something like FX-233 on market.
    @BrOKeN_1 Have the hearing aids helped you?
    not much coal where i am from thatcher killed that
    I imagine our incoming president is going to make my life a little more difficult. Obama left the coal industry hurting and Biden just may finish us off. But who knows.. I'm just trying to make it through the days lately.
    Funny. Working in a coalmine I figured I'd shovel enough coal here to avoid doing it in hell. And then T happened. Can I get a mulligan? :p
    @jay777 Live in Utah.. Work in Colorado. You?
    I'm guessing Wales, Scotland? Or North of England or Midlands somewhere? By the way @BrOKeN_1 your profile picture is beautiful. Did you take it.

    Edit: Well. I couldn't have been more wrong on the location haha.
    @Steph1710 Yep. I gotta a couple of shots of this guy with the cell phone leaving work a couple weeks ago. Unfortunately I had to switch shifts because of my sleep so no more morning bucks for a while.
    I just wanted to say how grateful I am for this group. Having others that genuinely understand helps in the healing process.. here's to you.
    Insomnia has me by the throat...
    Great! I don't want to offer medical advice, but I am personally afraid of benzos and the implications of using them long-term. I think it is wise of you to perhaps switch to something more mild, though do be sure to discuss it with your doctor relative to your symptoms.
    I have nothing against using medication if you need it because I have done the same myself in the past. I would encourage trying some of the more natural alternatives just to see if they work so you don't have to deal with any potential side effects. No guarantee either way, but all we can do right now is try things and wait!
    @BrOKeN_1 The graveyard shift business might also be hampering your ability to sleep correctly. I have historically disregarded the circadian rhythm at my own peril, but now that I've somewhat forced myself into one, it seems night time = sleepy time as anticipated.
    It only took 2 1/2 months but I can finally describe my T. It's like I've been hit by a flashbang on COD.. or that ambience post explosion.
    Apparently.. Sleep is off the table today. Gotta love the 48hr marathon.. lorazepam doesn't seem to be effective at the moment. Now what?
    Born To Slay
    A Benadryl and melatonin combo could help u. Take 50mgs of the former and 20mgs of the latter. Good luck buddy. Sometimes I add a shot of vodka if it still doesn't work.
    Benzos don't make me tired either for some reason. 3mg of melatonin seems to help a lot, but I try not to take it often so it keeps it effect when I need it.
    I will echo the above and throw my support in for melatonin. I've been taking it off and on almost my entire life. It generally does the job, and seems to help at least get me to sleep.
    As I head off for another graveyard shift. May the sandman find you all this night and beat your asses to sleep . Gnite Fam.
    To Accept and Habituate..Thats where I'm at.. I have to be. Time to reevaluate my approach. Change course... I will be happy.
    Please let me know what sort of strategies you may come up with, because frankly I am still at the "don't know what to do stage". I fear I could be hurting myself by my indecisiveness.
    I appreciate the support brother. It went away in the morning. It's back to it's normal 2/3. I am praying for everyone on here constantly now it seems. I can only imagine those that are always at a 6 or so. I pray they come up with a cure soon too. Be well and Merry New Year
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