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  • GP said no. Knew how bad I am. Still made me come just to tell me no to my face. Hell get in trouble. I don't want to do this anymore.
    Yes. Because I'm not an addict and he'll lose his license prescribing it.
    Surely not being an addict is a good thing! Can you be refered to someone else?
    Not sure how others on here got LDN and who through.
    Low dose naltrexone has an activating effect. Completely different to normal dose naltrexone
    Tomorrow I have to go to my Doctors to try and get LDN.. I'm so scared I feel sick.
    Hormones make me pretty anxious at times and they definitely effect me and my ability to handle my T :-/ have you had a complete blood panel done? @Moni97
    Good luck, @Moni97 !! If unable to get there, are they willing to do over the phone with you ??
    @Strawberryblonde im just curious cause I got a lot worse at the end of my cycle. I have before but not since all this business with my ears. And @ErikaS I haven't been able to use my phone in a month. My mother and partner have been making all my phone calls for me. My dr said he'll only consider if I come in…
    I'm trying so hard to stay calm and positive but I have no safe place to run too.. Everywhere in my home is loud. I feel so helpless
    Life is so boring when your ears have declared war on the rest of your body.
    @Joe Cuber Unfortunately it seems my T and Nox react every time I move, even just my arm to pick up my phone. Maybe after some rest with double protection, I'll give puzzles a try :)
    Woke up to a bad pain in my left ear, according to my db reader, there was a 81db sound at some point. Joy.
    Terrified about the three hour round trip to the ENT tomorrow. God I pray my ears will be ok T.T
    I have pain and loudness H. But it has improved compared to 2019/20 where it was bad. ANC is particularly good for these low frequency sounds which trigger pain H for me.
    I do as well. And it's been getting worse since onset. What kind of ANCs would you recommend?
    I have the Sony WH-1000Xm3. Maybe now there are even newer versions of it. They are top ranked when tested for ANC. But you need to wear foam plugs underneath. Some messages "Battery 90%" are quite loud.
    Ok. So a sound near my L ear caused my R ear to flutter. But the same sound didn't make R or L ear flutter when sound was next to R. Ideas?
    From my own experience I noticed the flutter or spasms go hand and hand with H. By that I mean if I experienced the spasms it agitated my H also. I didn't get medicine unfortunately I just prayed I'm time that it would heal on its own.
    @Sammy0225 you didn't happen to develop Noxacusis did you?
    I wanna say I was borderline I was starting to get deep stabbing sensations and nerve pain started shooting around my jaw and neck. I didn't get the burning but I feel it could have gotten to that point @Moni97
    Alright. Trying not to panic but does anyone else hear their eyes move??
    Also does anyone else get ringing, outside of your regular T, when you shake your head?
    @Joe Cuber Since my AT it's been at a 3-4 fluctuating different sounds in both ears. But yesterday my T dropped to a 1 in my R ear. I really only hear ringing when I'm inserting my earplugs. I'm concerned its SSCD or something like it. But I had numerous MRIs and CTs in the last two years that came back normal
    @Joe Cuber the autophony, hyperacusis to environmental and bodily sounds especially vibrations, PT, intense ringing when I shake my head, dizziness, T and headaches are all common symptoms of sscd.
    Throwing myself into meme wars and watching The Nanny reruns is turning to be a decent distraction.
    It's about time the Nanny returned.
    No kidding. Can't believe they did Full House comeback but not the Nanny. *eye roll*
    I feel so discouraged. My hyperacusis just seems to get getting worse. Even my own voice irritates my ears. I don't know what to do :'(
    Aw Sammy I'm so sorry :( I was hoping your setbacks wouldn't be so bad. How are you handling it?
    Thankfully it's calming down took more less 6 days thank you for checking on me the last few days ^.^
    Of course! ^-^ We all gotta be there for each other. My T is only spiking a few times a day now and settles within in 10mins. So yay us!
    I have an appointment with an ENT next week. After the last few days I've had, I'm so nervous to go. .-.
    I had a hearing test in June and it was OK. Just horrible with those headphones that block sound out cause alls you can hear is your tinnitus lol :-(
    Oh. Then I think I had one last year with my neurology team. I'm just nervous because I feel like my H is pretty severe. I really can't handle any sound above 60db with protection on..
    I have H and it didn't effect it in anyway. But everyone is different. Do what you think is correct.
    Trying to stay sane. How is everyone else doing? I hope you all are having a good day <3
    How are you feeling today, @Strawberryblonde ? I hope everything is alittle better for you <3
    Still got annoying tooth pain but it keeps moving around my jaw so I think it may be jaw related rather than tooth issues, well I hope so anyway lol Dentist appointment Friday so we shall see! :) how are you @Moni97
    @Strawberryblonde Aw I hope they can help. Maybe try hot or cold compression and see if it helps? Can't hurt right? :) and I'm ok, thank you for asking. Today T was a 3/10 with only a few anxiety spikes. After the few days I've had, I'm calling it a win lol
    If I pop my ears and yawn…my T gets quiet for a bit… what is that all about xD
    Eustachian tubes?
    That's what I'm thinking. Since every time I swallow my ears crackle.
    Anyone else feel overwhelmed with anxiety in the morning? Idky, but I always wake up shaking with it, but tend to get better through the day
    Sometimes I feel this at the very end of the day when I lay down to sleep. Awful.
    Some mornings I do wake up sick to my stomach and shaking and then other days I wake up feeling light and euphorically happy.
    See my mornings, I'm always so anxious it's sickening. Even when I'm tired and want to sleep in, I can't. Like my anxiety is high off my T or something. I'm hyper aware of it in the morning. Which I feel is strange because most people seem to have a better time in the mornings then at night.
    Does anyone else jump or cringe at visual images because we know they make sound that would be uncomfortable or hurt?
    YES. especially tik tok when bishes be slamming their glass cups or throwing spoons on the table hahaha
    Lmao bishes.. deadddd
    Man, I can't even with those. I was watching Ratatouille and I cringed each time they moved pots and pans even flinched during the bread scene. T-T
    Woo! Started eating again, slowly working through the anxiety \^o^/
    Thanks Sammy! ^-^ It's been a touch and go kinda day but being able to relax enough to have an appetite, is just so ..reassuring.
    How are you feeling today? :)
    This is so great to hear !
    Thanks guys! Your support means a lot. I know to some this doesn't seem like a big deal but till yesterday, I had collectively eaten 7 times since going into sound isolation. I've lost ten pounds. Yesterday I ate throughout the day with minimum issue and it feels good to have some control over myself again.
    My T really doesn't seem that loud till I try to listen to it.
    That's good that you can tune out of it you want too :-D
    Sometimes, then other times it hits like a fire alarm. It's been up and down all day .-.
    It happens, I've had a quietish week and now my head has static overlay and morse code has flared up again. I cherish the good times.
    I know I'm still new in this journey but this just doesn't seem like a winnable condition..
    @Moni97, I don't like SSRI's or SNRI's because of their bad side effects. I would sooner use Lyrica or Gabapentin. I did try generic Cymbalta but felt weird on it. I can't remember all the side affects but I didn't like it.
    I was on Lyrica for about 7 weeks, but I suspect that's what caused my sensitive hearing, then acoustic trauma sent me into full H. I was just wondering if you knew if Cymbalta affected the ears. I'm use to all the other strange side effects of antidepressants. I was on Prozac for a time, and felt like a zombie.
    I don't know if Cymbalta affects the ears as I wasn't on it very long. I take Lyrica mainly for pain in my toes/feet at times. Lamictal doesn't have noticeable side effects for me but that's more of a mood stabilizer. I take 50 mg which is a low dose.
    Welp… there's a piecing sound in my left ear now and a droning sound in my right.
    The drone usually pops it's ugly head out when I get sick or ear infection once it clears up I'm sure the droning will fade away, sending positive vibes <3
    My GP says he doesn't think I have an ear infection, just irritation from the foam ear plugs. My T keeps changing but it doesn't bother me to much when I'm not wearing ear protection but becuz of my H and distortions, I'm always wearing protection. Feels like a vicious circle T.T
    "Scurry, Sniff, Flinch!"- Uncle Max Lion King 1 1/2 aka when I learned I had anxiety
    Uncle Max throwing down some profound words of wisdom leading to an introspective epiphany, as usual.

    Typical Uncle Max.
    Growing up, I hoped I'd be like Nala or Sarabi. Grew up, and accepted I was most likely a Timon. Hyperacusis hit. I'm Uncle Max.
    Woke up to a spike in my T .-.
    @Moni97, did you start the medication?
    No I didn't. I keep seeing to many horror stories about them on the forum. Now with this spike, I'm even more hesitant, not wanting to make it worse, while also acknowledging that it could remedy the problem.
    Clinic gave me methylprednisolone and amoxicillin.. And I'm to petrified to take it. Anyone got any words of wisdom?
    @Moni97 I can understand the concern, ultimately the decision is yours to make. That said, amoxicillin is said to be non ototoxic and the prednisilone does a great job reducing inflammation, I believe you should be safe to take them but again it's your choice.
    It sounds Like your over stimulated nerves are calming down! This is great news! Definitely be careful with new medication, depending on how severe the infection Is definitely consider taking something to stop the inflammation. As always best of luck :)
    @Moni97, I think the doctor gave you the best meds for your condition. I recently took a tapered pack of methylprednisolone. One is good for infection and the other for inflammation. Maybe using an EarPopper and Flonase would help open up your Eustachian tubes also.
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