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  • Henna night part two in progress! Also ps I miss my friends on here, hope you guys are okay *hugs*
    Glad to see you improving!!
    @eagerUser welp it certainly helps my mood lol
    @ErikaS yes to all the above. It makes my H semi adaptable. Let's me able to socialize and leave the house more, and as for T, it makes me less aware and anxious about it which tunes it down in my head.
    It definitely helps my awareness of both.
    @Sammy0225 slooooowly but surely I think lol how are you doing??
    So my conclusion is Cymbalta helps my H and T. Went three days without it after a setback and it's been rough.
    Happy Easter/ Passover, everyone. Hope you all have a calm day with no pain, new tones or setbacks <3
    I listened to music today. For an hour. With little discomfort. Minimal spike. I cried so hard. <3
    it is very important to start listening to music again. One of the best ways to facilitate habituation. :)
    @Strawberryblonde I listened to mostly country and rap yesterday :) but I love all music, Im very polyJAMerous xD right now Im listening to Heather Dale which is folk type music
    @InfiniteLoop I feel like it really is, though I will say that speaker and car sounds are still the hardest sounds for me to handle
    Welp todays the day! Finally seeing an ENT!
    I feel like an anomaly, I swear it feel like my ears get less sensitive through the day.
    Do you sleep in silence @ErikaS ? I tried in the past for a good month and somehow managed to get decent sleep. A cold a month ago gave me louder T and a new tone with with recent bout.
    @Strawberryblonde I usually am sleeping to the sound of our baseboard heating system, which isn't loud in the room I sleep in but enough to be a background noise that mixes in with T. However, as weather gets warmer and heater doesn't run all night, like last night, I slept in silence. Will be interesting when weather officially turns because the heating system is kind of like a security blanket for me.
    @ErikaS yes I do. Actually I'm still in db 32 ear protection almost 25/7
    Ok guys…wish me luck. I'm going to try to attend my grandmas 70th surprise party w/ double protection and frequent breaks ._.
    I am having the HARDEST time not clenching my jaw and idky. Is it a.anxiety b.Pain c.Medication side effect or d.All the above :D
    Anxiety/Stress response.. I don't grind my teeth. But if I don't have something to chew on I'll grit myself into a migraine.
    Try the tip of the tongue at the roof of the mouth. My chriopractor suggested this for my clenching. That keeps the jaw in a relaxed position.
    Same here when asleep :*(
    So… is achy ears and raise in sensitivity normal when you start exposing your ears again?
    Yes in my experience after pushing a small bit my ears felt achy and kinda throbbing the next day.
    @Sammy0225 i appreciate the response. I went out shopping with my mom for a few hours Monday, I wore protection at all times but it was still a lot of noise exposure and my ears have been achy and a little more sensitive since. Maybe I pushed to far?
    Your welcome and if it's achy still after 4 days just wait at least 7 before pushing into any other semi loud places. Good rule of thumb is try again after the achiness is 100% gone
    Anyone know any jobs I can do that are H friendly xD being as H is apparently hard to prove, my state won't grant me unemployment
    I really don't see any changes in my ears at all. No matter what I do.
    I miss music and ASMR videos so much ._.
    I just want sleep and to go outside :').. I don't think I'm asking too much God lol
    Less than three hours a night .-. And it's broken up. My H is back to being highly sensitive and painful and my T is going up in volume with no obvious reason.
    Sorry to hear that @Moni97 Have you tried anything else to help you gain some decent sleep? Some on here recommend trazadone, not sure if you've tried it or would want to?
    I haven't tried medication yet. My doctor insists I have to wait
    Happy Rare Disease (Disorder) Awareness Day! Especially to those suffering from rare invisible conditions! Stay strong you're not alone <3
    What kind of ear comforters do you guys use? I'm thinking about getting some but idk where or what kind to get xD
    Found out today that my older half brother suffers from H as well. Poor guy was born with it.
    Isaac Ramsay
    My sister developed T (from loud noise when she was also ill) around 4-5 months before I had my big spikes. We've both had additional (treated) ear problems this last year too. There has to be some kind of curse.
    My older brothers are twins that were born at 23 gestation. The complications were extreme. They spend the first 1-2 years of their lives mostly in the hospital. My one brother with T and H also has brain damage from lack of oxygen in the womb. He's mentally 7 yo forever. He already suffers so much… I hate that this is just another condition limiting his life
    Isaac Ramsay
    @Moni97 Sorry to hear all of that. Fuck health conditions
    *dramatic music* the results are in
    I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia today. Dr doesn't think I have an autoimmune disease with the new test results so they believe my H and T is from nerve damage (cause unknown) or AT. I'm to follow back up with a ENT and Neurologist. So yea, that's the news of the day.
    I'm sorry mon. I've heard that Cymbalta can help with fibromyalgia.
    It's alright, @tpj . It's finally an answer after 6 years of constant tests and new symptoms. And after doctors believing it was MS or Lupus…fibro seems an easier pill to swallow. I'm hoping my anti inflammatory diet and the Cymbalta help my pain and hell, maybe even my ears.
    Rheumatologist app this afternoon. Fingers crossed this Dr gives a fuck.
    Something tells me, me and @tpj are going to have medical authority over you by the end of this evening.
    Welp my T only goes up when I move! ^-^ this shouldn't be a problem.
    I miss sleeping through the night .-. This up every three hour is bullshit. Feels like Military training.
    @Sammy0225 same here when I don't mask I made dreams up in my head and somehow fade the T out or into the background. A cold has robbed my ability to do that atm :( Your ringing starts when you fall asleep?
    All @Strawberryblonde has it right. As you go to sleep don't think I will not sleep think of pleasant moments a lover or a great vacation. It takes practice but you should fall asleep.
    @Damocles one day in and I'm already a disappointment with my goals in the eyes of my father. This is like a real family ^-^
    Alot of us here are worried about you considering how things left off from your last post. Hope your ok
    Hey @Sammy0225 I'm sorry I worried you guys, things just got out of control and I had to take a step back. I'm doing better mentally and some improvements with my H. Thanks for checking on me. It means a lot <3
    I'm glad you checked in moni im so glad you are having improvements keep it up ♥️
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