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  • I am assuming you took Mirt for sleep or a bit of anxiety? Any reason for coming off? Staying on these meds can be physiologically tough for many people. Me being one. I remember feeling better but at the same time being bothered for being on the meds.
    I had more good days when the level was lower. When I try to live a little it gets worse. I often apologize when I am negative because I feel bad posting negative comments. The truth is I am just struggling a little too much. Sorry for leaning more than I am supporting. Pure tone plus loud hiss. When I eat it can spike to x 30. Honest. For days. I try to eat once a day.
    Everyone please do not take my negative comments as something that may happen to you. You should not be discouraged by them. Unfortunately, I think I am in that small percentage. I need to rest physically and emotionally. I have not been able. :( talking is sadly my only refuge.
    @4Grace no need for apologies! That's what we're all here for! It gives me a boost of confidence to be able to encourage others (helps me realize I'll be okay too) and I think it does the same for a bad day for support. People want to encourage!
    The last 8 months I have either been in physical pain, or mental anguish. I keep trying because I have no choice. I am tired.
    @WCJohn I certainly hope that better days are to come. 7 months seems like such a long time, I guess I need to learn some patience.
    @Tryn2BHopeful You are correct, it is a long time. I too need to learn patience. I still the mark the 17th of every month, last day I took a pill. Maybe I'll try to skip August.
    Well I'm 10 months in to my worsening on the 23rd and it's still awful. I guess I'm screwed. Worst is the optimism fof Doc Shore's device has dwindled with recent comments on the thread about it being placebo based. Justbthe thought this is for life and could get worse os soul destroying.
    Need to be more positive...I wish I knew if things were better, worse or the same. I wish I could just be happy again. Its hard to keep tryn
    Its gonna be one of those days.... ugh... Mr. T is angry today.
    Sorry to hear!
    I shouldn't complain, I know others have it worse than I do here. Seems like some of the struggles are the same no matter what.
    So my high pitched one is going down, only to be replaced by a low hum.. not reactive, easily covered up, and not always on.. but wtf...
    @4Grace I was only on 3.75mg, so I cut it to half of that.. about... who knows.
    It could be a spike due to coming off. They say you don't know of the spike is from increased anxiety or from the withdrawal. We are at 8 months. I think we all hoped that things would be better by now. That things would heal by now. I do have some hope that with time, maybe two years…. One can never know with this thing. Why not hope …
    Problem for me with mirt long term is it makes you gain weight and I am diabetic. I have got it in remission. So it's a hard choice of causing my diabetes to be worse or t to potentially be worse
    How you doing man hope all is well I'm this journey. How long have you gone this
    @Manny2010 yeah I am pretty new to this. I took 2 doses of escitalopram (lexapro - AD) and woke up with my head screaming at 3am... thinking it was temporary I took one more dose before it got me into the ER. It's been going on since
    @Manny2010 its hard for me to imagine having it for 22 years, although it's possible I could have to! What brings you to the forums?
    Tbh . Seeing other people going through it kinda brings me inner peace that am not alone in this journey like I said . You may still see hope since it's fresh. I've heard some people be gone after a year I've had it for very long so unless I try the lenire or wait for the Susan shore decicw but am.thsnkful it's manageable I sleep normal and have a normal life for the most part.
    Sounds like things are improving for you. How are you doing?
    The reactivity gets me, it a quiet room it's low but in a loud room it's just a tick high enough I hear it. Thanks for asking
    We really have the same sort of sounds in our heads. We'll get there. One day.
    Though my wife sneezed very loudly in the car today.. ugh... well hopefully no fall out from that.
    Realizing that I have "Good T Days" also means I realize I have "Bad T Days", maybe I need to realize nothing at all?!
    @Joe Cuber I really haven't, it tends to be better on weekends though, but less stress and more sleep :). Maybe tracking it would help, along with determining possible triggers
    I'd say tracking your tinnitus and putting a rating on it is a waste of time. Tinnitus is gunna do what it wants and tracking it will make you focus on it.
    Mine has been better on weekends lately too. Now if only every day was Saturday.
    "The strongest people I've met have not been given an easier life. They've learned to create strength and happiness from dark places."
    Maybe another "quietish" day... I hope! I am almost convinced that most of the sound is coming from my left ear at this point... who knows!
    Well.. after 2 conference calls Mr T. is getting angrier... but not terrible I guess... On a side note... I called a Tinnitus treatment center... and it literally kept ringing...jokes on me!
    Welp little over 2 weeks to go to the Tinnitus center... not sure what will come of it, but hopefully they can help me in the long run. How my life has changed in the last few months.
    Woke up relatively quiet, we will see how it goes.
    Well... so far so good... relatively low. I took some magnesium and added back the little bit of mirtazapine I removed prior... so either that worked or its just a good day.
    So I am sitting here... and I hear this other sound and I am thinking here we go a new sound... Turns out its my computer fan... I dont even know whats real anymore!
    Marina Moon
    We all have days... today is that day....hopefully the next one is better...
    @Mo8409 yes I do miss it. I miss being able to just enjoy the loud laughter of my kids without T reacting. Today is almost over... hoping for a better tomorrow:) thanks for the support.
    It's also my daughter's 10th birthday and I guess it all caught up to me today with trying to stay positive. First time I have actually cried in a while...just too much today
    @Tryn2BHopeful It's okay to have cry outs. I know it's hard to remain positive for our kids when we're screaming on the inside.
    Rough day... kids wanted to go to the wax museum and aquarium... I never realized how loud those places were until Mr. T
    @Joe Cuber well I am fine today, normal buzzing... it wouldn't be so bad if it didn't react to the sound so much. The loudness is mostly the overly loud music they play.
    @Tryn2BHopeful Do you carry ear plugs just incase? I get the loop ones if you need a brand. Cheap on Amazon.
    @Mo8409 Yes I do. I wore them through the aquarium after tempting fate at the wax museum
    Mr. T has been good to me so far on vacation. Not perfect sometimes he gets mad... but cicadas are amazing. Who knew in SC...
    10 hours of driving... that's rough on the T!
    I didn't, but I don't tend to get long lasting spikes, just buzzing that goes up and down with certain sounds. Still the drive tends to make it go up the duration of the ride
    Also my sensitivity to sounds has gone way down, just the reactivity is still there mostly for droning sounds like fans
    I did have ear plugs at the ready though
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