Joshua Macleod

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  • Hey man, how you doing? I don't knwo of i asked before but what kind of pain do you get with your Nox? And what did you do to see improvement?
    Joshua Macleod
    @Utdmad89 I feel that, I really do - I'm so sorry. What are your limits at the moment in terms of noise exposure etc.?
    @Joshua Macleod, tbh I'm not sure. I plug around my son and in the kitchen, and whilst driving, and it seems ok , i get a little pain here and there. i now watch tele and game with the sound off to try and heal. If i watch tele with the sound on, i get a headache and maybe aches in my ear
    I'm not 100% sure if some of this is mental. I feel my loudness hyperacusis has improved alot, still get fluttering and thuds when things thud or plastic/paper bags, but I'm ok in hearing protection.
    Coming down with, presumably, a viral infection. I'm now paranoid about a spike, which might as well be a self-fulfilling prophecy.
    Spikes with obvious causes don't seem to bother me as much as the ones that come out of nowhere. Hope you don't spike regardless though!
    Joshua Macleod
    Yeah, you raise a valid point. I've had the most peculiar spike with this, and I'm hoping it's only transient, but it's a mix of an old reactive tone I had with dysacusis.
    How much for a medically enduced coma until a genuine treatment is found? I'd keep that quote in my wallet on hand just in case.
    So paranoid that cycling is going to worsen the blasted T, or kick the ol' H back off. Plugs just don't quite stop the wind whipping in.
    So grateful that colleagues think nothing of me taking 10 seconds to remove plugs just to talk to them. So many noisy bits in a lab!
    They sound nice but they should really just be happy you are there working in spite of T which is no joke!
    Joshua Macleod
    @Juliane I'm very fortunate that, for now, I can continue to work on my PhD. Labs offer a strange respite, despite how noisy they can be.
    Any of you lot playing Starfield?
    A friend of mine who works for a gaming website gave it 7/10 and I don't like Bethesda (they ruined Fallout), so I've decided to pass.
    Joshua Macleod
    I'm enjoying it on PC, albeit I've had dreadful optimisation issues. Struggling to get >30fps.

    See what reviews suggest in the coming weeks would be my recommendation.
    I'm going to when it comes to game pass on xbox!
    ...they decided, randomly, to send me to audiology instead. My primary concerns were TMJ and neck pains, so they divert me to audiology?
    Joshua Macleod
    Thankfully, it's free at point of care for me @Ryan Scott. Still genuinely bewildering that they would shift my referral despite my complaints. Disheartening, too.
    How did your audiology appointment go? I have mine next week.
    Joshua Macleod
    Hi @SamRosemary. I had a hearing test for the first time, and some other standard ear tests. They offered something similar to CBT and a referral for potential TMJ. Other than that, not too much. It was a weight off my shoulders, above all else.

    Though the T is mindnumbingly loud right now, I'm in much better a place than 6-12 months ago, so I didn't *need* anything from the appointment really.
    Last year, I had asked for an urgent referral to ENT due to the onset of unilateral T on top of the bilat. I've been waiting a year, but...
    I wish I had my own office so I could just play some music quietly. I can't take the computer in the lab, so stuck listening to A/C here.
    Can you have those bone conducting headphones? I don't see why the lab would allow it.
    Joshua Macleod
    @Mo8409 Sorry, only just saw this! Potentially. I normally just take my phone into the lab and play music from the other side of the room if I'm alone. I have mixed feelings about bone conduction, but not sure why.

    Problem is, I don't spend all my time in the lab! Too many papers need writing, haha.
    Spend much of my time thinking of you all. Wish I could offer you all some respite. I'm sorry you're all suffering at the hands of this.
    H is far more manageable these days. The T is still a royal pain in the proverbial, but I can tolerate unwelcome noise with far less panic.
    Do any of you wake up in the middle of the night totally transfixed on a T note that has been there for ages?
    What do you mean? Like fixating on it?
    Joshua Macleod
    @Juliane Yes, absolutely. I'll wake up at 4am panicked by it, despite having it for months. It just feels more dominant than the remainder of the T cacophony despite normally being quieter. It's back to its normal position in the orchestra now.
    Despite their role in causing my T, I miss loud music, gigs and mosh pits ever so much.
    Tinnitus has been remarkably tolerable after a conference in Milan. Frustrated me yesterday and today, but more relaxed overall.
    Those of you who check New Profile Posts; how are you keeping today?
    Joshua Macleod
    @Joe Cuber I find it's almost always the evenings that produce the most frustrating T. Quieter environment perhaps, or maybe we're just fatigued. Would rather it was the other way round; noisy T in the morning that slowly subsides over the day. Wishful thinking, though!
    Mine is often more calm at bedtime but will ramp up overnight. I'll wake hours after going to bed and have to increase my masking sounds volume to compensate. And my sleep is terrible still. Last night couldn't even fall asleep for hours and only after taking zolpidem a couple times. Squealing sound continues today but haven't slipped into depression again at this point.
    For me it is the mornings (or rather when I wake up) when tinnitus is raging, evenings are quiet. I'd rather have the opposite. At least when waking up I'd be more optimistic and able to do stuff and just retire tired in the evening. As is, I start each day with a torture. This also means I do not want to wake up, which is messing my sleep further. I guess it's terrible either way.
    Love that the fridge teases me. Oooh, is that a new tone or just the fridge being a prick?
    Ryan Scott
    I turned the fan on the other day and the living room to try and get some rest. Started hearing a humming noise I was like here we go. Thankfully it was the fan.
    Moving house this weekend, then flying international for an (invariably noisy) conference next week. Excited, but mostly trepidatious.
    Joshua Macleod
    Albeit, I'm presenting today and will probably not wear any as the occlusion of my voice is too distracting.
    Fair enough. Do you spike after these kind of events?
    Joshua Macleod
    Yes, I spiked for a few hours before my return flight. It has been relatively stable since I have been home.

    If I were to be more relaxed about the plugs, it would be a problem.
    Is it common to have a tone that just shifts, not in volume, but in pitch? I'm trying to wear plugs in the office and it's driving me mad
    Ryan Scott
    Yeah my tinnitus has been through the roof the last few days not sure what's going on. Completely miserable looks like I'll be staying in my room for the Easter holidays.
    Mine changes all the time
    Joshua Macleod
    Thank you all for responding - I needed that. I was swapping between foam plugs and some those loop plugs. Just took me 20 minutes to calm before I could crack on.
    So bizarre that a tone that's accompanied me for months suddenly becomes panic inducing. Cheeky sod hasn't changed a bit, yet here I am.
    Every 3 months or so, I have one day where my tinnitus gives me insane anxiety for a few hours or so. It will usually pass but I'm always like "I thought I was done with this shit".
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