PennyCat Feb 27, 2024 Maybe it's not "worse", but some tones that seemed to have lessened or gone away are back. Kinda stressing about it.
Maybe it's not "worse", but some tones that seemed to have lessened or gone away are back. Kinda stressing about it.
PennyCat Feb 27, 2024 I had a bit too much to drink Friday night, woke up Saturday hungover, T was worse. But it still hasn't gone back down. Did I fuck up?
I had a bit too much to drink Friday night, woke up Saturday hungover, T was worse. But it still hasn't gone back down. Did I fuck up?
PennyCat Feb 25, 2024 Does your tinnitus get worse when you're hungover? And does it settle back down?
PennyCat Feb 23, 2024 Hey everyone, hope you're all hanging in there. I'm trying my best. Nothing has changed for me symptom/sound wise, but I am coping better!
Hey everyone, hope you're all hanging in there. I'm trying my best. Nothing has changed for me symptom/sound wise, but I am coping better!
PennyCat Jan 10, 2024 (2/2) Balloon occlusion test in the diverticulum didn't alleviate my PT so we are unsure if a coil would fix it I'm at a loss
(2/2) Balloon occlusion test in the diverticulum didn't alleviate my PT so we are unsure if a coil would fix it I'm at a loss
PennyCat Jan 10, 2024 (1/2) Cerebral angiogram today… SO painful. Diagnosed with jugular bulb diverticulum and a small aneurysm… :,)
(1/2) Cerebral angiogram today… SO painful. Diagnosed with jugular bulb diverticulum and a small aneurysm… :,)
PennyCat Jan 1, 2024 I really hope 2024 is a better year for me, especially medically. I hope it's a better year for all of us.
I really hope 2024 is a better year for me, especially medically. I hope it's a better year for all of us.
PennyCat Dec 25, 2023 Happy Holidays! My TTTS is still here & is really bad today Scared it'll never go away again… but it has before, so odds are good, right?
Happy Holidays! My TTTS is still here & is really bad today Scared it'll never go away again… but it has before, so odds are good, right?
PennyCat Dec 18, 2023 I'm finally getting over this sickness, still have a few lingering symptoms. But my anxiety has just stayed high the whole time
I'm finally getting over this sickness, still have a few lingering symptoms. But my anxiety has just stayed high the whole time
PennyCat Dec 15, 2023 Because I'm on aspirin & blood thinners, I can't take Nyquil/any other flu meds, not even ibuprofen. I literally just have to sweat it out
Because I'm on aspirin & blood thinners, I can't take Nyquil/any other flu meds, not even ibuprofen. I literally just have to sweat it out
PennyCat Dec 14, 2023 This flu is no joke. I can't remember a time I felt this bad, and my pain tolerance is high. Thankfully it's not covid but damn I'm in hell
This flu is no joke. I can't remember a time I felt this bad, and my pain tolerance is high. Thankfully it's not covid but damn I'm in hell
PennyCat Dec 13, 2023 I think I have the flu or something, I honestly feel like death. I know I will likely be more aware of my T when I am not feeling well :,(
I think I have the flu or something, I honestly feel like death. I know I will likely be more aware of my T when I am not feeling well :,(
PennyCat Dec 4, 2023 Today is officially 1 year with T. It's actually much worse than it was when it first started, by a lot. Lucky me.
Today is officially 1 year with T. It's actually much worse than it was when it first started, by a lot. Lucky me.
PennyCat Dec 1, 2023 Living w/ borderline personality disorder & tinnitus is no fun. BPD = extreme emotions, T = anxiety/depression… I get xtra strength versions
Living w/ borderline personality disorder & tinnitus is no fun. BPD = extreme emotions, T = anxiety/depression… I get xtra strength versions
PennyCat Nov 26, 2023 I much prefer my static/hissing sound over the EEEEEE. EEEEE, plEEEEEEase go away
PennyCat Nov 24, 2023 I can't believe it got worse AGAIN. Every 3-4 months w/o fail. Will it follow this pattern forever? Will it eventually settle? Almost @ a yr
I can't believe it got worse AGAIN. Every 3-4 months w/o fail. Will it follow this pattern forever? Will it eventually settle? Almost @ a yr
PennyCat Nov 23, 2023 Anyone have solutions for fluid behind eardrum? Have had crackling like rice krispies in right ear for months but ENT claimed it's fine.
Anyone have solutions for fluid behind eardrum? Have had crackling like rice krispies in right ear for months but ENT claimed it's fine.
PennyCat Nov 23, 2023 TTTS has been back a bit. I'm sure it's due to the recent increase in anxiety about my T. Trying to remain calm… I need to get through this
TTTS has been back a bit. I'm sure it's due to the recent increase in anxiety about my T. Trying to remain calm… I need to get through this
PennyCat Nov 19, 2023 I so badly want to be fully habituated but I'm worried it's not possible for me. I've had some good stretches of time, so maybe I can? IDK!!
I so badly want to be fully habituated but I'm worried it's not possible for me. I've had some good stretches of time, so maybe I can? IDK!!