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Member, Female

My TTTS settled for a bit but it’s been back again for my birthday which sucks. Hopefully it dies back down Sep 4, 2024

PennyCat was last seen:
Sep 4, 2024
    1. PennyCat
      (1/2) Cerebral angiogram today… SO painful. Diagnosed with jugular bulb diverticulum and a small aneurysm… :,)
      1. tpj likes this.
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      3. PennyCat
        @tpj I’m okay, my groin is just super sore where they went in. And I’m pretty devastated that the balloon occlusion didn’t yield positive results, because if it did, that would indicate that a coil in the jugular bulb would fix my PT. But he is consulting a colleague to see whether I might have superior semicircular canal dehiscence, which can be caused by the turbulent blood flow of the stenosis and diverticulum.
        Jan 12, 2024
        sakrt and tpj like this.
      4. sakrt
        Any news from results from angiogram? (good I hope) @PennyCat I'm sorry you're going through this. Is this T different than what you had before the stent?
        Feb 10, 2024
        PennyCat and tpj like this.
      5. PennyCat
        @sakrt The angiogram showed a small aneurysm but nothing to be concerned about. I had a balloon occlusion test done in my jugular because I have a diverticulum (outpouching). But sadly the test didn’t indicate that fixing that diverticulum would solve my PT ;( so I’m having even more testing done on March 3rd. Thank you for asking! The T is still the same though sadly.
        Feb 23, 2024
    2. PennyCat
      I really hope 2024 is a better year for me, especially medically. I hope it’s a better year for all of us.
      1. sakrt, aab, HearingHell and 6 others like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        SAME!! ❤️
        Jan 1, 2024
        sakrt, PennyCat and L along the way like this.
    3. PennyCat
      Happy Holidays! My TTTS is still here & is really bad today :( Scared it’ll never go away again… but it has before, so odds are good, right?
      1. HearingHell and tpj like this.
      2. DimLeb
        TTTS as in spasms reacting to external noise? I have that too, but my plague is actually MEM which is spontaneous spasms' episodes lasting for hours at a time... Scared it'll never go away as well. Hope the new year help us!
        Dec 25, 2023
        sakrt likes this.
      3. PennyCat
        @DimLeb Yes, the spasms in response to sound and my own voice. I had it for a good 4-5 months earlier this year, but as the year went on I had long stretches of time where it disappeared, then came back for a few days. But it’s sticking around longer this time :(
        Dec 25, 2023
        sakrt likes this.
    4. PennyCat
      My TTTS is still bothering me. Really hope it settles again
    5. PennyCat
      I’m finally getting over this sickness, still have a few lingering symptoms. But my anxiety has just stayed high the whole time :(
      1. Bernardo431, L along the way and tpj like this.
    6. PennyCat
      Why do I have to be sick AND listen to this shit??? Pick a struggle please
    7. PennyCat
      Because I’m on aspirin & blood thinners, I can’t take Nyquil/any other flu meds, not even ibuprofen. I literally just have to sweat it out
      1. Joe Cuber and gameover like this.
    8. PennyCat
      This flu is no joke. I can’t remember a time I felt this bad, and my pain tolerance is high. Thankfully it’s not covid but damn I’m in hell
      1. Joe Cuber and gameover like this.
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      3. Juliane
        Hope you recover soon!
        Dec 14, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      4. PennyCat
        @kingsfan Somehow I have all of the symptoms except the respiratory ones. Vomiting, fever, violent uncontrollable cold sweats/shaking/chills, muscle aches, headache, eye pain (which is very random?), fatigue, and probably a few more symptoms I’m forgetting. But no cough, sore throat, or congestion which is weird.
        Dec 14, 2023
      5. PennyCat
        Dec 14, 2023
        Joe Cuber likes this.
    9. PennyCat
      I think I have the flu or something, I honestly feel like death. I know I will likely be more aware of my T when I am not feeling well :,(
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. tpj
        Being sick with T is awful. Hope you feel better soon.
        Dec 14, 2023
        ZFire and PennyCat like this.
      3. PennyCat
        Dec 14, 2023
        ZFire and tpj like this.
    10. PennyCat
      TTTS back with a vengeance today. Hoping it settles back down again soon. :/
      1. tpj likes this.
    11. Viridiana
      Hi! How You doing?
      1. PennyCat likes this.
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      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        My mentality has improved. Tinnitus, not so much. =(
        Dec 9, 2023
        Viridiana likes this.
      4. Viridiana
        @SarahMLFlemmer so sorry to hear that, I hope it gets better with time, wish you the best
        Dec 9, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dec 9, 2023
    12. PennyCat
      Today is officially 1 year with T. It’s actually much worse than it was when it first started, by a lot. Lucky me.
      1. tpj likes this.
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      3. SarahMLFlemmer
        Ugh. I just hit my one year too.
        Dec 9, 2023
        BrOKeN_1 likes this.
      4. BrOKeN_1
        @SarahMLFlemmer TT just gave me a 3 year trophy today. I definitely earned it I suppose. Glad to see you hanging in there. Stay strong girlie!
        Dec 10, 2023
        SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      5. SarahMLFlemmer
        @BrOKeN_1 at least someone recognizes our fight! Lol. Congrats??!!
        Dec 10, 2023
    13. PennyCat
      Living w/ borderline personality disorder & tinnitus is no fun. BPD = extreme emotions, T = anxiety/depression… I get xtra strength versions
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        Dec 1, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
    14. PennyCat
      If you’ve had a tinnitus spike that eventually subsided, how long did it last?
      1. DimLeb
        My spikes usually last 1-3 days 1 or 2 times per month and come about randomly. In a sense that the regular tones of my mild tinnitus (an air exhaust sound in my left ear and a group of mid tones in both ears) get amped up and become more noticeable. They come back to normal after the night's sleep on that 2nd or 3rd day.
        Dec 1, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      2. DimLeb
        For reference, my T is idiopathic and doesn't spike to outside noise. And I also get periods where I get many many SBUTT's (with loud tones appearing for seconds).
        Dec 1, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      3. PennyCat
        @DimLeb I’ve been having a new tone for a week now so I’m not sure if it’s a spike or not, but I hope it is
        Dec 2, 2023
    15. PennyCat
      It might be time for me to end it
      1. L along the way likes this.
      2. L along the way
        L along the way
        Sorry to hear.. Just never be impulsive about that one (neither while under influence) is what I told myself... trying to keep hope that it may get better with time.. for all of us..
        Nov 28, 2023
    16. PennyCat
      I don’t know how to keep going
      1. TheCapybara, Juliane and gameover like this.
      2. SarahMLFlemmer
        One day, one moment at a time Pennycat. I am so sorry you're going through this. One foot in front of another.
        Nov 28, 2023
        tpj, PennyCat and Utdmad89 like this.
    17. PennyCat
      I don’t think I’m going to get through this this time
      1. Juliane, gameover and L along the way like this.
      2. tpj
        Nov 26, 2023
        Juliane, ZFire, gameover and 2 others like this.
      3. L along the way
        L along the way
        Just going day by day is only thing i can say... pffft.. wishing us all well..
        Nov 26, 2023
        gameover, tpj and PennyCat like this.
    18. PennyCat
      I much prefer my static/hissing sound over the EEEEEE. EEEEE, plEEEEEEase go away :)
      1. gameover likes this.
      2. BrOKeN_1
        All I've ever had is EEEEEEEEEEEE!!! Curious what static would be like.
        Nov 26, 2023
      3. PennyCat
        @BrOKeN_1 The pitch of my static is so high that I can hear it over pretty much everything. It still bothers me sometimes, all of my many T sounds do, but now that I’m having the EEEEE I’m realizing the static/buzzing is much less of a nuisance. The EEEEE is just so harsh in comparison.
        Nov 26, 2023
        SilverFox likes this.
    19. PennyCat
      I can’t believe it got worse AGAIN. Every 3-4 months w/o fail. Will it follow this pattern forever? Will it eventually settle? Almost @ a yr
      1. HearingHell
        I had several worsenings in my first year. However, my second year has been much better, with only 1 worsening, and it's because I was at a noisy place that I shouldn't have been at. Hopefully your second year is better too.
        Nov 25, 2023
        tpj and PennyCat like this.
      2. PennyCat
        @HearingHell Were your worsenings always permanent or did some subside?
        Nov 25, 2023
      3. HearingHell
        All of them had some improvement, some more than others. I've had 5 significant worsenings overall. This is how they went:

        1st worsening improved 80%
        2nd worsening improved 90%
        3rd worsening improved 50%
        4th worsening improved 100%
        5th worsening improved 50%
        Nov 25, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
    20. PennyCat
      Another tone/distortion? Just my luck
      1. tpj and Strawberryblonde like this.
    21. PennyCat
      Anyone have solutions for fluid behind eardrum? Have had crackling like rice krispies in right ear for months but ENT claimed it’s fine.
      1. SarahMLFlemmer
        I get the crackling too sometimes. Today, actually.
        Nov 24, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
    22. PennyCat
      TTTS has been back a bit. I’m sure it’s due to the recent increase in anxiety about my T. Trying to remain calm… I need to get through this
      1. Strawberryblonde, Joe Cuber and tpj like this.
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      3. PennyCat
        @Strawberryblonde I do get occasional brief spasms without any sound trigger but my main TTTS symptom is a single thump after certain sharp sounds and sometimes after speaking
        Nov 23, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
      4. Strawberryblonde
        I get fluttering in both ears randomly. Feels like there is fluid bubbling away in my ears. Plus my T is louder.
        Nov 24, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      5. Utdmad89
        I think i might be getting this! I get like thunp from low sounds. I've had it since my T became constant. I now the last week have developed hyperacusis. So alot of things are loud.
        Nov 26, 2023
        Strawberryblonde likes this.
    23. PennyCat
      I really feel like I’m back at square one. My tinnitus is bothering me so much :(
      1. BrOKeN_1
        I'm sorry. This is a feeling that has recycled itself mNy times for me since 2020. I wish I could tell you it won't last. But we never know til we get there. I pray you can build tolerance quickly.
        Nov 22, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
    24. PennyCat
      I so badly want to be fully habituated but I’m worried it’s not possible for me. I’ve had some good stretches of time, so maybe I can? IDK!!
      1. SarahMLFlemmer likes this.
      2. MindOverMatter
        Yes, its possible for you @PennyCat Habituation, or whatever you may call it, is non linear for most. There will be setbacks and bad spells along the road, and they will feel devestating at times, but its not back to square one. Navigating through this isn't easy, and its mentally challenging - but you will get there, with time and patience. I believe in you.
        Nov 19, 2023
        Tryn2BHopeful, SarahMLFlemmer and tpj like this.
      3. PennyCat
        @MindOverMatter Thank you, I really appreciate it. The anxiety is the biggest hurdle for me I think. It always has been ever since I was very very little. I will try to keep what you said in mind when I notice myself obsessing or panicking :)
        Nov 19, 2023
    25. PennyCat
      The catastrophic thinking is back. Why do I keep having setbacks? Will I be anxious about tinnitus forever? What if it gets worse?
      1. L along the way likes this.
      2. MindOverMatter
        There are many "what ifs" in life @PennyCat I've been there so many times myself. Catastrophic thinking: Is this it? Am I back to square one? i can't handle this? Will it ever get better? Thoughts that come up, but doesn't serve any good. Think of setbacks as the part of this journey for better days. Thats what I implemented. A bump in the road.
        Nov 18, 2023
        Juliane and PennyCat like this.
      3. TheCapybara
        Stress and anxiety will always make it worse by itself, but I get it. It's only once we give it a unwanted place in our lives and accept that it's just there that we stop thinking about it as much and finally try to move on but it can take a while to get there.
        Nov 18, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      4. PennyCat
        @MindOverMatter @TheCapybara Thank you for the encouragement. I’m almost at the year mark already so it’s discouraging that I keep having setbacks out of nowhere, just when I think I’m starting to be okay. I know there will likely always be bad days or even weeks sprinkled in on the journey to habituation, but it’s hard for me to not go to all-or-nothing and catastrophic thinking.
        Nov 19, 2023
    26. PennyCat
      I’ve been a little more anxious/aware of my normal T lately for some reason. Probably stress. It’s hard to believe this might be for life
      1. Juliane, L along the way and tpj like this.
      2. Joshua Macleod
        Joshua Macleod
        I'll have a week of heightened awareness of the T, then I'll settle. Such a strange beast we have to deal with. Hope you're keeping well otherwise.
        Nov 17, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      3. Tryn2BHopeful
        I still have days where I am in disbelief... one day I was fine, the next day screaming T. Life is just full of surprises :(
        Nov 17, 2023
    27. PennyCat
      Thursday I was awoken at 5am by a stomach bug from hell, I was getting sick for hours. Now I have the worst headache I’ve had since my stent
      1. Sammy0225
        Sounds similar to covid
        Nov 7, 2023
        PennyCat likes this.
      2. PennyCat
        Surgery recovery and then a horrible stomach bug and dehydration, I’ve been going through it!
        Nov 7, 2023
      3. PennyCat
        @Sammy0225 I hope not !! I’m probably going to call my doctor though.
        Nov 7, 2023
    28. PennyCat
      Have tried to avoid coming around here as much. My normal T is pretty much still the same. This month marks 11 months since it all began.
      1. tpj and Joe Cuber like this.
    29. PennyCat
      Going in on Dec 13 for a balloon occlusion test (still not sure what that means) and cerebral angiogram to rule out arterial causes
      1. tpj likes this.
    30. PennyCat
      Update: I have to go back. He wants to do more tests. He said I have enlarged jugular bulb which he could potentially fix. Fingers crossed
      1. SarahMLFlemmer and tpj like this.
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  • About

    Tinnitus Since:
    Cause of Tinnitus:
    22 years old. Intermittent right sided pulsatile tinnitus ~2 years, normal T since Dec 2022, TTTS onset about a month or so later. Hyperacusis added somewhere along the way, probably goes hand in hand with TTTS.