SharonBell Feb 6, 2024 @Lipshitz so why 'dont you worry about you and not how many times I post something on here.
SharonBell Feb 6, 2024 @Lipshitz sorry this bothers you, I was probably having a really hard day. It might not be helping my problem, but it helps me.
@Lipshitz sorry this bothers you, I was probably having a really hard day. It might not be helping my problem, but it helps me.
L L Lipshitz Feb 6, 2024 Sharon Bell you left 25 messages in a row . Find something to do to distract yourself , sending 25 messages in a row ain't helping your problem
Sharon Bell you left 25 messages in a row . Find something to do to distract yourself , sending 25 messages in a row ain't helping your problem
SharonBell Jan 3, 2024 Can yall suggest good anxiety/ depression medicine, because if the trazadone don't work this time I will have to get another medicine.
Can yall suggest good anxiety/ depression medicine, because if the trazadone don't work this time I will have to get another medicine.
SharonBell Jan 3, 2024 Do yall think a benzo would help more? I know they say with habituation it's hard taking a benzo.My anxiety was so high today.
Do yall think a benzo would help more? I know they say with habituation it's hard taking a benzo.My anxiety was so high today.
SharonBell Jan 3, 2024 I thought before the trazadone was making my head buzz worse. Unless I was thinking it was louder.
SharonBell Jan 3, 2024 I think I'm going to start taking my Trazadone again tomorrow and I guess I can take it twice a day. I
I think I'm going to start taking my Trazadone again tomorrow and I guess I can take it twice a day. I
SharonBell Jan 2, 2024 Do yall know if the shore device can be for people with noise induced, virus induced, med induced. I
SharonBell Jan 2, 2024 I was looking at peoples opinions about the Susan shore device. It talks about it being for somatic tinnitus.
I was looking at peoples opinions about the Susan shore device. It talks about it being for somatic tinnitus.
SharonBell Jan 2, 2024 4Grace I don't have pain in my ears. I do get spasms and thumping sometimes. Lord what I wouldn't do for just one day of silence.
4Grace I don't have pain in my ears. I do get spasms and thumping sometimes. Lord what I wouldn't do for just one day of silence.
SharonBell Jan 2, 2024 It scares me to. Yes being home is very hard I have always worked, so I'm used to working.
SharonBell Dec 11, 2023 I'm ordering this pillow that has a whole in the middle from Amazon so I'm not laying on my ears.
SharonBell Dec 11, 2023 I end up on my side and sleeping on my ears and I think that's what makes me up.
SharonBell Dec 11, 2023 Does anyone use a round pillow with a hole in it for your T. I have always slept on my sides but had to start going to sleep on my back.
Does anyone use a round pillow with a hole in it for your T. I have always slept on my sides but had to start going to sleep on my back.
SharonBell Dec 10, 2023 Has it taken you. Do you do sound therapy and do you have hearing loss-hair cell damage? Do you have any suggestions on getting better?
Has it taken you. Do you do sound therapy and do you have hearing loss-hair cell damage? Do you have any suggestions on getting better?
SharonBell Dec 10, 2023 Eleanor89 how long have you had tinnitus and how bad is yours? Do you have hyperacusis also? If you have gotten better how long
Eleanor89 how long have you had tinnitus and how bad is yours? Do you have hyperacusis also? If you have gotten better how long
Sammy0225 Nov 17, 2023 Hello Sharon I saw that you needed info about Hyperacusis I can give you information from my own personal experience
Hello Sharon I saw that you needed info about Hyperacusis I can give you information from my own personal experience
4Grace Nov 10, 2023 @SharonBell - I relate to your case. Can't sit still without doing something. I have been forcing myself to do it. After a year the pacing has improved. Food intolerance is high. God help us.
@SharonBell - I relate to your case. Can't sit still without doing something. I have been forcing myself to do it. After a year the pacing has improved. Food intolerance is high. God help us.
SharonBell Nov 10, 2023 My anxiety had been so bad lately. If I could only relax in my house, but it's so hard to when yours ears and head buzzes-static 24/7.
My anxiety had been so bad lately. If I could only relax in my house, but it's so hard to when yours ears and head buzzes-static 24/7.
SharonBell Oct 29, 2023 Tinnitus. Does anyone have hearing loss that has messed their hair cells up? My Tinnitus is in my head. Mine buzzes-static 24/7 nonstop.
Tinnitus. Does anyone have hearing loss that has messed their hair cells up? My Tinnitus is in my head. Mine buzzes-static 24/7 nonstop.