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  • Hello my friend
    @4Grace yeah we live in a little town called Belhaven NC. So we live in a little town. I have never been to a big city. I have been to Colorado about 3 times years ago so that's the farthest I've ever been. I've never been on an airplane either and never will because I'm very scared of heights. Yeah I couldn't imagine living in a big city where it is loud. Are you doing any better?
    @SharonBell - that's interesting. If I told you how I was doing you would not believe it. I am thinking of taking mirt and I don't want to. It's so loud and reactive to sounds. Everything falling apart.
    @SharonBell - just saying hello and hope you are doing better.
    @4Grace hello I havnt talked to you lately. I'm doing ok. I sure hope you are doing better since you went to the chiropractor. I've missed talking to you.
    @SharonBell - that's great news. I did not realize you lived away from the big cities. Sounds so nice. Must make it a little easier.
    Hi Sharon. Hope you are coping a bit better with the head static. It's tough. I saw the guy who was bothering you asked you to meet for a date. Haha. You handled it all so well. You're pretty strong for that. I only knew from your replies as I put that guy on ignore. Wish you the best.
    @JeffToob Hello I'm dealing with it better than before but it is so hard. How is yours doing? Oh yeah he did and he lives in Chicago I believe and I'm married, but it was nice he made me feel good.
    @SharonBell - I hope this was not me they are referring to above. :) I am also very happily married. You had mentioned it so I said it back. If I offended you by saying it I apologize. You had mentioned it so I replied back that it would have been great since we share the same experiences. I don't think it was me but just in case. Thanks as always for being a friend.
    @SharonBell I'm glad you and @Lipshitz are chatting now and his interest in you was a compliment.

    I'm trying meditation which is its own torture with this condition. Relaxation is impossible when my brain is constantly firing off this noise but we need to figure it out and keep trying. Life is day by day now. Keep protecting your ears and don't worsen!
    @SharonBell - thinking of you hope you are doing okay. I really do. You are so kind. I am being told maybe after 3 years I'll be okay. That's a long time. With time the both of us. I pray.
    @SharonBell - I have no option but to not do anything at the moment. I think to myself maybe tomorrow it will be a little better. If I continue to wake up and it stays like this everyday, I don't know. Being bed bound is not me. It's torcher. I am getting bad restless legs in bed. My back is killing me. I was biking and 1/2 happy a few days ago.
    @SharonBell i read many stories of people with chronic illness. I knew of them prior to developing T. The human mind cannot conceive or understand that type suffering unless they expericance it themselves. My heart breaks now more then ever. As of the last two days God has molded me into something better. Kind of… if he would just remove the mold.
    @SharonBell - without removing the mold it's all worthless. My suffering once had a purpose. It no longer serves any purpose. Just suffering. I did pray that God take me for the sake of my family…. But to be honest, also, for a bit of selfish reasons, to remove my suffering…. because I can no longer do it. If you were a few hours away I would take a drive to come say hello to you.
    Hello Sharon, how are you doing with your T? I'm new here
    @SumGuy hello my T is very bad lately. It started out rough aging when I first had it with Covid both times. When it came back in 2023 it was 10 times worse with buzzing-static electricity 24/7 it's in both ears and my head. The head is the worst. How is your T and how did it start?
    I actually dont really know, I remember I woke up wtih a stuffy ear and T. Went to PCP, and said I had an ear infection because my eardrum was red and inflammed. I finished my course 2 weeks ago and while it did remove alot of the pressure and pain, the T stayed :/
    Hearing aids have dramatically helped my T. At times I can't hear the T. I have moderate to severe hearing loss equally in both ears.
    Hang in there @SharonBell. Have you seen an ENT to at least explore hearing aids? I know it doesn't work for everybody, but they helped me!!
    @Anthony2019 no I can't get hearing aids because my hearing loss is in the high frequency over 10,000. Right ear and left was mild. I'm going to look tomorrow and see what my left was seems like it was 16k. I heard a lot of people say that hearing aids have helped them when having T. How bad is your T? How much have they helped you?
    @4Grace I'm not dealing with it very well, but trying to hang in there, not sure what caused it if anything.
    I say that to my wife alot... I think it was lexapro but was it? I will never be 100% sure. Doesn't change anything now.
    I am just seeing this post sorry. I am thinking of you and suffering along side you. You are not alone. Hope for better days. Today I talked to someone with bad T. He lives as if he does not have and he's in pain. WOW.
    @4Grace I've been working outside trying to stay are very welcome and thank you for always being there and all your nice words.
    That's the right mindset staying busy . Good job
    Lipshitz yeah I've been painting a lot in my house and thank the lord it's getting warmer so I can work outside in the yard and start getting the pool ready. I will eventually start back working a real job. I've been cleaning some houses also and I have 3 that I clean every 2 weeks.
    L along the way
    Then it makes me feel.. naturalness.. is the thing also.. when we feel natural.. that's just kind of all one could wish for (in my mind)... just natural health & wellbeing. A natural life. Oh gosh man.. this has been such a heavy ride..
    L along the way
    Yesterday i couldn't sleep and find relaxation.. and just crying to be honest.. it's just too ridiculous.. and again just without drama.. we just want to feel comfortable in our own skin.. that's all.. and it feels like this continuous disturbance.. sleep is a basic need.. and luckily it does get better, and luckily i don't have too much work n such..
    L along the way
    My heart goes out to you too friend. I wish and pray things may get better. Truly going day by i guess..
    Hi SharonBell, I hope you have a good day. May we feel well and find calm and ease again some day. Really going day by day
    L along the way thank you.yeah day by day. Hope you had a good day. Do you have any suggestions to help. Didn't know if maybe you do something different than I do.
    L along the way
    @SharonBell thank you, well pfft honestly, i'm also struggling with it all, i'm also looking for solutions. The only thing that seems to help now, is that i try to find calm, despite the t. But this is easier said than done, but somehow, let the body & mind try to untense, despite the t.
    L along the way
    Other than that, hope that it will get better with time, healthy lifestyle, and plenty of rest. Praying for things to get better.. going day by day.. hug
    @BellaMia I have tried to accept my T. It got better for like a week and 1/2, my anxiety was better and I could have habituated.
    It sounds like it will happen for you. So close.
    @BellaMia yeah In just so scared to be around a lot of people because I feel so weird and my anxiety.
    @SharonBell - so sorry. I wish we could at last go to events with family. I cannot believe this happened to us. It's incredible what we take for granted without even knowing it. Just the freedom to walk around or go to a restaurant. Enjoy a meal. I just had some desert and my ears are an electrical storm with pure tones. This is top of the line T with all the trimmings,.. bells and whistles - pun intended.
    Sooo many typos it's incredible. I should really proof read my posts before hitting enter. At least … not at last. I think my point gets across even with all the typos. :) These little boxes and on my phone .. always thinking faster then I can type.
    @BellaMia thank you. Yeah mine is so loud, both ears and my whole head, buzzing-static electricity.
    Barry098 the same thing going on as well. It is truly astonishing how loud it is right now! Feels like my brain is short circuiting. Hope this calms down for both of us soon...
    Hi Sharon ❤️ I see you keep asking people with bad T how they continue working. You just stay busy. I can hear my T while I work and it can give me anxiety but I just push through it just like any other day. Not easy but you just get up and keep going.
    Work gives me a task to focus on and actually makes the day pass by more quickly. I dread the weekends when my T is bad.
    @4Grace how are you. I have been busy working on a house, my husbands ex boss is getting house redone.
    That sounds nice. Staying busy is good. I am happy to hear this news for you. :). Only change here is that I have reintroduced all foods in my diet.
    @SharonBell - I feel like too much pulling back on life is hard. Do what you want to do and let T do what it has to do. Accept to share our brains with T. Possible? I don't know. May be the only way. Mine fills my head like yours. It's loud. I am trying to let it be.
    There are millions of people who have Tinnitus that is very bad and they live happy lives to a extent where they don't let their Tinnitus control them . The key to adapting to the sound is to except it and change your thoughts about it . If you keep listening to it with negative feelings towards it you'll never be able to move forward in life .
    Hi Sharon. I read your posts and relate. I have the high static 24/7 noise. When I see anyone here unloading their fears and minute by minute struggles and mental torture, I'm right there with you. I hope it gives you comfort that you have helped me not feel alone and you're not alone either. Thank you!
    Hope you're getting support at home.
    @JeffToob I never took Benzo's except I did take diazepam before when my work really stressed me out. I think that's a benzo.
    JeffToob how is your T? Mine was doing better for like a week and my anxiety was a lot better, but then it went back to the same. Now I'm stressing, anxiety worse. Do you have hearing loss? I have extended high frequency hearing loss over 10,000 in right ear and mild in left. Do you have any suggestions for me please, since it got better and now it's bad again.
    @Lipshitz so it sounds like you need to find something to do yourself.
    @Lipshitz was going after another member on here earlier, around a month ago. The post has been deleted since then. It seems like he's just some troll who likes to pop up every few weeks and randomly attack someone. Possibly engagement bait.

    Don't worry about him. Feel free to post here as much as you want.
    @JeffToob oh yeah I havnt been able to work since August except for cleaning some houses and painting for people.I think I had hyperacusis before it seems better now. I can't wear ear plugs which sucks because they will make my head sizzle afterwards.My husband has been very supportive, but he does say I need to get use to it.
    @JeffToob I have been taking flexeril for my back and it does help me sleep better it's just hard to get to sleep.
    Sharon Bell you left 25 messages in a row . Find something to do to distract yourself , sending 25 messages in a row ain't helping your problem
    @Lipshitz No one knows anything about you. You haven't posted a single thing about yourself. You showed up out of nowhere with blunt unsolicited advice
    Chronic T isn't a competition the point of the comment was to show that there are plenty of people suffering badly but they move on and they don't sit around pouting and crying looking for sympathy from strangers , but maybe some people aren't smart enough to realize the point behind some comments
    Can yall suggest good anxiety/ depression medicine, because if the trazadone don't work this time I will have to get another medicine.
    Try getting a job and keeping busy that is the best solution for people who are struggling . Staying distracted for 8 to 10 hours a day reduces Tinnitus distress by a lot .
    @Lipshitz no I don't work I had to quit my job , because my T was getting worse and it was to loud where I worked. Do you have Tinnitus? I have been painting staying busy and I have gotten some houses lined up to clean so it's a start.
    There are millions that work with Tinnitus and work with earplugs or filter plugs , no need to quit a job , I drive Semis with earplugs in for 4 hours of my 8 hours driving , construction, musicians , carpenters , landscapers etc. All work with earplugs , quitting a job because of T is a sorry excuse .
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