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  • For those in Ontario- Mississauga mayoral candidate Brian Crombie completely RECOVERED from T by wearing generators!!
    i do wear generators and they provide relief but will not result in recovery for me.
    No, he recovered DESPITE wearing generators.
    looking for some opinions here- if you had thick mucous coming out of your ears and a CT scan showing this would you think it's cause of T
    Very mild yesterday. Crackling/hiss is back today. Senior audiologist thinks it's the fluid causing this and agrees with ENT. Don't know.
    Do you get moments when you think "it's finally over" then it comes back the next day
    It's never close to being over for me, but some days are less intense, which makes it easier.
    i get stretches where i think i am going to manage and then i get kicked right back down.
    Unfortunately. Not for me. From the moment I wake until I fall back asleep it's stun grenade time!
    Ok someone told me that mucous in the ears causes signals from the cochlea to the brain in what is T. This could be ONE cause of T.
    Mucous in the ears causes signals from the cochlea. I'm sorry, but how?
    @Pinhead causes bones to vibrate and signal something is wrong. Ear space is normally filled with air. Mucous signals a problem.
    I have no success stories to lean on for my condition. Although some of Jason C's former sounds I believe I have.
    The pinging he describes for sure. Could that be a sign of reduced T?
    I don't understand how can fluid cause this?
    It would have been nice if when they found the fluid and removed it if it helped? I guess it did nothing.
    @4Grace they can't remove it manually. The treatment is tubes, which I've had since September. It's thick, snot like sticky mucous that was trapped in my ears. It's not even liquid. It's still coming out and it's in the back of my middle ears and mastoids where they can't reach
    9- mos of hell. 3 ENTs. 2 audiologists. tubes for 6 mos. pulled huge amounts of thick mucous out of ears today. Goodbye dairy & gluten.
    If your ears were filled with fluid (found on CT scan) would you believe that this could be the cause of your T?
    Full Habituation is a cure , if Tinnitus no longer bothers somebody at all then that is a cure . Anything less than 100% full Habituation isn't a cure it is just living with it and dealing with it .
    loved Al Lipschitz
    More than I can possibly say
    He was a real artistic guy
    Sensitive, a painter

    are you the Lipschitz from Cell Block Tango?
    Walked out on ENT during appt today. Ears still filled with fluid apparently. Told me nothing she could do that I have to cope with it.
    @gameover I am not hopeful because the fluid sometimes cannot be seen. The majority of it is seen on a CT scan… they can't do anything about it or won't do anything about it.. they told me to deal with it
    Assholes. Seek other doctors help. Maybe some PCP or even naturopath one. ENT are pompous assholes. Entirely Not Treating.
    @gameover once I get this ENT to go over my results I will go from there and maybe see if I can get a referral to a clinic in another city or in Michigan since it's only an hour and a half drive from where I live in CAN. My mom calls the ENT profession the armpit of the medical world- truly incompetent, dumb, assholes
    Michael Leigh told me that anyone who says that they don't have tinnitus anymore is lying.
    Just shows what a tool he is. He knows everything based on his own experience. It is best to ignore him.
    IDK. If someone tells me their T went away, I don't think I would argue with that. When I had my concert T for a few(?) days, it completely faded into silence for 10 years before current T came out. I 2000%+ experience complete silence.
    @MiaVIL A lot of people who experience T remission don't write success stories, they just leave this website without saying anything.

    The people you spoke to on the phone are likely telling the truth. Tinnitus plays out differently for everyone. It gets quieter for some people, and for others, it doesn't. There's no logical reason to believe that everyone who claims their T reduced/resolved are lying.
    Just spoke to Michael Leigh. He said Jason C is not cured of his tinnitus. Basically told me he "habituated to it".
    That's not what "Jason C" wrote. So one of them is lying. Gotta say Mr. Leigh never struck me as someone trustworthy with his robotic and annoying manners.
    I recall reading about that before. It seems like there were some conflicting statements IIRC.
    The conflicting statements were solely made by Leigh. @Jason C was unequivocal his T went away and stayed away, confirming that years later.
    6 months of having tubes in my ear drums. Just went for check up-ears still saturated with fluid, especially my right ear (throbbing)
    Heart is broken, a kid in my SIL's school she works at just recovered from a sinus infection but now has T. I got mine the same way.
    For Canadians: Audiosense in Toronto is working on securing a deal with Auricle once it becomes FDA approved & Health Canada approved.
    I love your profile pic. I was in high school when they did the Death To All reunion tour. I had the opportunity to attend but chose not to and I've regretted it for years. I told myself if they did another tour I would absolutely go. Well, they recently announced another tour and I won't be going again. Not by choice this time though lol
    Musical genius forsure. Wish he hadn't passed so young, I felt he was just entering his songwriting prime. Every album was an improvement over the last. TSOP is already so damn good, to think he could've written something even better makes me sad. I was 5 when he passed.
    I used to go to backyard shows when i was a teen. There was a band that always covered Evil Dead and Pull the Plug. The energy was always electrifying when they played those two songs. It was a garaunteed moshpit lol I can imagine how much better it would have been to hear Death play those live.
    I think at the time around his death he just wanted be on guitar for Control Denied and focus on that. Yeah being old enough in the 90s to see Death would be out of this world. I watched the Death documentary recently on Youtube but it mostly just ex band members talking crap.
    Spoke to 4 people who claim TRT (sound generators) helped them actually get rid of their Tinnitus. Not habituation,actually gone.
    Yeah not arguing. Is she making money off books or something? I saw a reference she made to TRT helping with habituation, then added that the tinnitus is low. I think you see little reference on Tinnitus Talk because most don't think it was worth the cost for little to no benefit. But if you try it, let us know how it goes.
    @RunningMan She told me she never made any money off her books and has tons at her house still not wanted. She is old now like early 80s. Back in the 90s she had bad hyperacusis and "12 tones which were louder than all of San Francisco". She is fully recovered now after wearing the generators for 4 years. Anyways that's a condensed version her story.
    It's always possible, keep that hope alive. It's what gets us through this. Just be cautious because there are alot of people trying to scam T sufferers.
    I am really sick of these youtubers "How I live happily with catastrophic, reactive Tinnitus".
    I never think of my tinnitus as a threat, just distracting and annoying, but it still kicks in the sympathetic nervous system and causes anxiety, plus I can't sleep with all the "noise" even when my anxiety is under control.
    Sorry for the rant
    @4Grace my profile is a safe space for ranting.
    Does anyone else have the metallic tsk tsk sounds like you can feel as well as hear, in ears? I hope it's a sign of thinning out and fading?
    I cannot believe what happened to my life. If I could only be healed and go on living knowing what I know now. Everything I ever worried outside the health of my family was BS! Pure 100 percent BS. Any time I see people complain … I sadly always think … you don't have T, you will be fine. You can work it out. You can make the best of it. I know I'm always negative. I still try.
    I would often bounce my head and dance a little when doing bbq. I took in nature. Loved walking, biking. Time with friends. Have a group of 20 friends from elementary school. Always planning things. Exercised. Great family. Most of it lost!!! Even had to step away from my job of over 20 plus years. Financially still okay but mentally - who can endure that much loss all at ounce.
    @4Grace I grieve myself every day. I loved music and long walks even in winter months. I loved working in silence. I loved weddings and costume parties, theme parks, vacations. I miss feeling comfortable. I used to bless people with good health. I used to pray for others. I was helpful to people. I took joy in little things like a flower or rabbit in the backyard.
    I didn't ask: to be strong, to be forced, to pretend to be made of steel. To live after my own death. The grief and suffering is unreal.
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