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  • Who knew plastic containers can sound like a bomb when opening them. And no I'm not on any drugs or alcohol!
    I completely agree!! Until recently I had to ask my husband/children to take all the plastic wrappers off the food for me. Now I can just about manage them with ear protection on. How do you explain that to normal people?! 😂
    @MindOverMatter I have reactive . At what point did you wear the ear sound generators? Did it not impact your Rt? Thanks.
    Introducing natural sounds is a good way of getting auditory input @Yellowblue44 I never wore plugs in shower. React. t winding up due to showering is not dangerous imo. What is "dangerous" is your reaction to it. Yes, I drove with reactive t/sound sensitivity. Not easy, by no means, but doable. Find the balance + resting up in between/when needed. I only used musician earplugs on longer travels.
    @MindOverMatter at the start i was having a showrer without the plugs but had a set back 4 weeks ago and seen no improvment. Somehow will do baby steps to it again. Thank you.
    If I remember correctly, it took me closer to probably 8-12 months before I saw any major improvements @Yellowblue44 With many days feeling back to square one or even worse. Often its the mind playing tricks with us due to anxiety and being stuck in fight or flight mode. Setbacks will happen, time after time. But you have to look on this in the long run, not week by week. Take it in your own pace.
    In the uk its soon going to be winter . I have vulux windows. And when it rains it is so loud. Even ear muffs doesnt cover it?
    How does one live like this? Minute to minute? Hour to hour, year by year. Mentally how do you do it?
    @Yellowblue44 - mine is getting louder by the day. After exposures mine gets worse. Never comes back down. It is extremity reactive. This is by no stretch of the imagination. Mine is both neurological and from sound trauma. The last few days it has been loud as hell. The pain and noise are too much. I don't know how I'm doing it.
    @Nick47 - yes. I cannot wear ear plugs. It is deafening with plugs in plus they hurt me. I can hear mine in the shower. I have a 6 head shower. With all of them on my T is above that sound. I don't have to strain the hear it. It easily over powers the shower and I do not have ear plugs in. The only thing that kept me sane was deciding not to stay in my room all day. It came at a cost.
    @Nick47 / I truly believe that 95 percent of people with T will not get exponentially worse. It's more the fear. My T changes when I move my neck, press on the right side of my head, press around the jaw. It changes and worsen with 70 percent of foods. Taking halls has destroyed me. This is hard to believe or understand if it's not happening to you. Something is eating at my auditory nerve.
    4 months in being stuck in doors surrounded by buildingwork is too much. There are many people who have lived like this for years alone
    @Yellowblue44 no actually my T is worse now. I just stay very busy and keep my mind off of it. I actually used my gas weedeater this weekend, but wore ear plugs and yeah it makes my T worse. I'm just dealing with it better, it is still very hard for me though thinking how I can deal with this forever and hope it doesn't get worse over time. So I'm just dealing with it better.
    Im glad you are dealing with it better. Thats great. Do you have reactive T?
    Hi zigs. Thansk for reaching out. I have a 6 year old and it's so hard with the tantrums. She goes back to school next week
    Hey, I just wanted to reach out and say hi as we both seem to be really suffering atm. Hope your day is going as okay as it can x
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