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  • Getting a tooth extracted on Wednesday. Considering the universe is malign and evil, I am guessing my torturous screaming brain will become worse.
    I'll soon hit my four year anniversary. I'm not happy that I've made it this long. Every day has been pure suffering. Not worth it.
    I'm very sorry for you. My "journey" with reactive T has only just begun. Almost 4 months now. I'm not sure yet if I want to continue living like this. I still have hope for improvement, but it's fading.
    New tone today. Probably my 9th or 10th at this point. It's hard to keep track. This one is incredibly loud and in my left ear.
    Pinhead sorry to hear your story i have dysacusis as well with loudness hyperacusis(mild thankfully) and severe tinnitus in right ear i am so scared of dysacusis to be honest. and i feel like its getting worse i was only getting them on top of shower and ac fans now over Tv aswell what caused your tinnitus and dysacusis may i ask? Mine is caused by steroid injections from my arm.
    It's a limitless universe. Anything can happen. Like you or me getting catastrophic, life-ending tinnitus.
    It's unfortunate to get a bad roll of the universe's dice :grumpy:
    Still doing terribly. So bad. Three years and six months. No improvement. Utter horror. Destined for suicide.
    @Pinhead, I'm thinking the same thing. All the plans and goals I had right before this event are gone. I want my old peace back, but there's nothing I can do.
    A friend of mine. He has it bad. He just lives. He says he does not care anymore. What ever happens, happens. I really need to know if there is a limit. There does not seem to be one. Reactive T sucks. Sooner or later I will try Benzo's full time.
    @Pinhead / I am so sorry you are feeling this way. I understand and pray for you. Sooner or later .. I have seen it done.
    It's just too reactive now. Every noise is just too much. I can't see myself functioning for much longer. I've run out of fuel.
    I went to see a play. It was calm, quiet. Then, at the end, everyone stood and applauded. It's been worse since. Pain and sensitivity now.
    people clapping is the worst sound in the world for me.
    A painful realization to find that things do always change, but now only for the worse. No improvement for the rest of my life. Unreal.
    "What do you do for fun?" "" I literally do nothing. I leave work and sit and stare at my phone and listen to blasting rain noise.
    That's the socially awkward part of chronic illness. I find myself avoiding people because I don't want them to ask what I've been up to. If I were brutally honest about how miserable I've been, they'd be taken aback, but if I pretended to be okay, I'd feel inauthentic. At least here, we can be fairly honest with one another about our struggles.
    On point!
    One FREAKING day of no constant hissing and chirping would be unreal. I can't do a f*cking thing but sit in misery.
    I miss books. I miss reading. I miss creating. Now I just watch dumb television and wait for the day to pass me by with rain noise blasting.
    @Pinhead, that's the worst. I hope you will be able to work man. I'm not able right now, trying to survive on benefits. My whole life has changed, I've been destroyed basically. I would be grateful if I could find some remote stuff but so far, nothing.
    @2049v It doesn't matter if it's remote. I was remote for a year and it made no difference in my ability to concentrate. I was fired from that job for not meeting metrics.
    @Pinhead, Yes, I understand, you're also right, but otherwise, I have almost no chance of working, the probability is close to zero. If I can find a remote job, at least I can manage by masking the fucking tinnitus somehow and, for better or worse, earn my own money.
    This isn't a "trial" that some of us can "pass through". There is no "through". Torture is our everyday norm. It's a new horrific reality.
    My opinion is that Masking when Tinnitus is very loud only worsens it , using sound therapy to mask over very loud T isn't something I would do . I'm nobody to give anybody advice but using loud sounds to mask loud Tinnitus dont make sense to me that can damage hearing further .
    You said when I wake up ! So the question is how do you even fall asleep
    I have no trouble falling asleep. Tinnitus tires me out completely.
    Girlfriend is starting to say she wants to "do more things". I think it's setting in that "doing things" together is a lost dream now.
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