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  1. meeruf

    Sudden Hearing Loss

    Hi guys. Just an update on my first post here on Tinnitus Talk. Next month it's 5 years since I made this thread. Crazy. Time flies so fast. :eek: In August 2013 I got a hearing damage from diving down in a pool 5 meter down. I don't know why it happened. I guess it was just bad luck. Shit...
  2. meeruf

    Very hard to answer. Can be anything from 1 second to 2 days.

    Very hard to answer. Can be anything from 1 second to 2 days.
  3. meeruf

    Hey Tjeerd. I'm still doing fine. I have to admit that T have lowered in volum quite a lot since...

    Hey Tjeerd. I'm still doing fine. I have to admit that T have lowered in volum quite a lot since I made that post you read. I still have spikes tho that can be very loud but I don't really care about it.
  4. meeruf

    First Time Flying

    Flying is no issue for your ears. I fly 20+ every year many of these trips are Oslo - Bangkok 12 hours flights. The drop in pressure is miniscule. Just buy som gum that you can use for your sinuses on the way up.
  5. meeruf

    My Girlfriend Is Leaving Me

    I didn't do anything special I just got used to it. But one method that can help is to constantly remind yourself how you're feeling and reacting to T. Try to look at your feelings from 'the outside'. Don't feel your feelings. Observe them. Same with your thoughts. Don't think you are your...
  6. meeruf

    My Girlfriend Is Leaving Me

    I'm not going to suger-coat this. Your girlfriend is clearly a bitch not worth keeping as she dumps you when times get rough. She should stay with you and take care but instead she run away looking for greener pastures. This was a good shit test for her. She clearly only think about herself...
  7. meeruf

    What the Hell Is Wrong with My Stomach? (Have Been Travelling)

    Hey guys. I'm writing about my problem here as I start to give up finding solutions. I've been in Thailand and nearby countries since December last year. (Back in Norway 4 days ago). In February I took a short trip to Laos to visit Vang Vieng. After my week in Laos, I traveled back to...
  8. meeruf

    How to Free Yourself from the Tyranny of Tinnitus. My Journey!

    I made this post 3.5 year ago. Life is still good. My tinnitus have become slightly higher the last 6 months but I honestly don't care. Just came back from an incredibly trip in Laos. I also moved to Thailand, but that is a story for another time. Here are some pictures from Laos...
  9. meeruf

    Du kan legge meg til på Facebook. Heter Thomas Krussedull. Litt lettere å prate der. ^^

    Du kan legge meg til på Facebook. Heter Thomas Krussedull. Litt lettere å prate der. ^^
  10. meeruf

    I See No Hope After My Tinnitus Got Worse, 6 Months and I Cannot Go On.

    It gets better. I know you have heard it a million times before, but it is actually true. My tinnitus was superloud when it started. It took a good 1.5 year before it settled. It still spikes at times and sometimes it is just really loud. However, it has just been easier and easier to live...
  11. meeruf

    When Can I Accept That It Might Be Getting Better?

    @Marie79 Sounds more like you have an anxiety / hypochondriac problem. If you have to sit down and really consentrate to hear it. What is the problem? Just don't sit down and listen for it...
  12. meeruf

    Guys, It's VERY Possible That a Cure Is Right in Front of Us...

    Yes. Corporate business have done some really fucked up stuff here in the world. It's all about doing the most profit possible on the expense of other people. No respect for human lives. Some of those CEO's should be hanged because of all the suffering they have caused.
  13. meeruf

    Guys, It's VERY Possible That a Cure Is Right in Front of Us...

    Guys. What the heck are you eating over there in the US that is so bad? Are all of you in the drive-thru line at MC Donalds? Here in Norway we still eat oldfashioned food that we make from scratch. Potatoes, carrots, sauce, cod, herring, monkfish, trout, pork, cow, chicken etc. We also eat alot...
  14. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    Yeah, I know it's pretty hardcore. I had one session with them when I first got my ear trauma three years ago. Never used them again, but they really helped me take the edge off at the beginning. As I said, I have no intention in using them for fun. They are just a "just-in-case" weapon if...
  15. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    You probably can. But I rather get that stuff in Norway. That type of medicine is subsidized in Norway anyways. Probably cheaper here then in Thailand. :)
  16. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    Yeah, I'm not planning to use them for flying. I don't mind flying. It's just in case I get the same spike I had three years ago. Trust me man, that was some heavy shit. I almost ripped my head off at peak. I can't even imagine how I could get on an airplane with that type of spike if it...
  17. meeruf

    Sobril for Thailand Trip

    Hi guys. I'm going to Thailand in 3 weeks. This time I will stay there for six weeks. Will be fantastic. :D However. I'm pretty paranoid for my ears. If some shit happens while I'm there, like a really bad spike or something worse, I don't know if I will ever get back on an airplane back home...
  18. meeruf

    Complete Silence!

    I woke up today too with no tinnitus at all too. That is very strange because I was out drinking heavy last night. When we went home I was inside a party buss. This bus had concert hall speakers in the back and they were playing music like it was no tomorrow (insanely loud), together with 7...
  19. meeruf

    Eating Sleeping Pills Again

    Probably even want remember writing this post tomorrow. :p
  20. meeruf

    Eating Sleeping Pills Again

    Lets listen to some joe rogan intil it goes black.
  21. meeruf

    Eating Sleeping Pills Again

    Just cant sleep. To much noise. Took 5mg zopiclone. No effect. Just took two more. So three times the usual dose. This chould work. :D
  22. meeruf

    "I Would Not Believe Anyone Who Says That a Cure Is Just Around the Corner"

    There was a guy that said the same year humanity flew for the first time, that flying would not happen for atleast 10.000 years. The only correct answer is that no one knows. A cure could come next week, or never. Sometimes people just stumble upon an answer. Prepare for the worst, hope for...
  23. meeruf

    Anti-Anxiety Pills for Socializing

    Thanks for the offer. Unfortantly I live in Norway. I go to Denmark quite often in the summer however. You guys have fantasic beer. :D
  24. meeruf

    Anti-Anxiety Pills for Socializing

    No. I dont think it is H. I think it is because of my ear trauma. Sometimes the pain comes even when its silent. Yeah. I stand by my successtory. But we all have ups and own. T is not the problem anymore.
  25. meeruf

    Anti-Anxiety Pills for Socializing

    I worked in Security. I had to do deal with a lot of noise in the old job. My current job as night skift in hotel is as silents as it gets. I get alot of earpain when Im in noisy places. Thats why i had to quit eventually, that is why its so hard to socioloze too. Whenever I go inside a bar or...
  26. meeruf

    Anti-Anxiety Pills for Socializing

    Hi guys. I'm doing pretty good. Almost three years into this madness. After I got tinnitus had to quit my job. My new job is working night shifts in hotel. Here is the catch. I never see people anymore. I go work, and go home sleep. I'm fine with being alone but it would be nice to have the...
  27. meeruf

    Quetiapine (Ketipinor, Seroquel, Xeroquel) as Sleeping Medicine?

    Hi @Tamika No, I'm not at any drugs anymore. :) I remember I got some side effects from these pills in the long run. I got very restless legs when I was on them. It started 30-40 min after I took them. It was always gone the next day. I had no side effects in the morning except that I was a...
  28. meeruf

    Hello All. Recently Diagnosed with Tinnitus.

    Hello @Keith D Mitchell. Habituation is a long process for most people. We humans don't like changes we don't have control over. That's just how we are wired. If you had tinnitus since you were born I bet you would never even give it a thought. Just like you don't think about your nose all the...
  29. meeruf

    Do You Give Too Many Fucks?

    Good article, put things in perspective. Not that I give a fuck. :whistle:
  30. meeruf

    What do you do in Thailand?

    What do you do in Thailand?
  31. meeruf

    Is Tinnitus in the Genes?

    My grandfather have it in the right ear. I have it in the right ear too. Could be random, I don't know.
  32. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    Just came back from Thailand! Had no problem with my tinnitus whatsoever. Could do anything as I could before my hearing damage! The only thing I did different is that I was smart enough to use earplugs at loud places. I even shot with guns!! Just want to quote my first post here: Some...
  33. meeruf

    Woke Up Today with an Ant Inside My Ear, Still Feels Weird.

    Its good again now. I was just a little anxious about it, long way home you know. :D
  34. meeruf

    Woke Up Today with an Ant Inside My Ear, Still Feels Weird.

    So, been in Thailand for two days. This was my second night. Woke up around 05.00 with some weird pain inside my right ear. (My ear with bad tinnitus). I was dizzy and felt a little need to puke. I thought I had an ear infection or something so I went straight to the hospital in Bangkok. Don't...
  35. meeruf

    Sore Ear — 12 Hour Flight Trip in 7 Hours

    Just want to say that I'm now in Bangkok. No problem with ears flying. The new Dreamliner was amazing. Higher pressure inside cabin. To be honest, I did not notice any pressure change. :) Older airplanes have 2400m pressure, the dreamliner had 1800m pressure, that really made a different. :)
  36. meeruf

    Sore Ear — 12 Hour Flight Trip in 7 Hours

    Just woke up now, 05.00am. My right ear feel pretty sore and itchy. Especially when I equalize by holding my nose. It's the same feeling as when you scratch off the crust on bruises. This sharp pain. When I stop equalize the pain goes away immediately, but it's a little sore all the time. I...
  37. meeruf

    Flying, Anyone Had Issues?

    As long as you don't have a sinus infection, flying should be no problem. I have been on around 10 flights since I got tinnitus 2 years ago. I've had a spikes while flying, but I think that is mostly from nerves as I don't like to fly in the first place. I don't think the spikes had anything to...
  38. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    Just want to say that everything over here in Norway is going great! Yeah, I still have T. But mostly, I really don't care about it anymore. I hear it right now, even over the music. Today it's loud. But I really don't mind! What a power. If I could speak with myself 2 years ago I would never...
  39. meeruf

    I Can't Seem to Habituate

    Hi @sideways. What is it that really bothers you with your tinnitus? Have you tried to ask yourself that? Is it the idea that you have lost silence, is it that you think your tinnitus sound sounds terrible? Would you feel any different if the doctor actually took you serious, and why would you...
  40. meeruf

    Don't Read the Internet?

    I think internet can be a good tool if your bullshit detector is intact. I remember when I first got bad tinnitus, I surfed the Internet all day long about tinnitus. Looked for cures, answers, anything. I stumbled upon some really bad horror stories that scared the crap out of me, read about...
  41. meeruf

    Tinnitus for 5 Months... Will It Go Away?

    Hello Julian! :D The bad news first. If you've had tinnitus for 5 months non-stop. There is a good change it will stay. Sorry to say that, but that is just how it is. The good news is. Tinnitus is not your problem. Your reaction to it is. As time passes on you will get more and more used to...
  42. meeruf

    Feelings! How You Felt First, What Help You Had, How You Feel Now

    I was overwhelmed with tinnitus after a small dive at a swimming hall here in Norway late summer 2013. The first week was nothing more then what I can describe as a jumbo jet inside my right ear. I did not have a bad reaction in the beginning, because I expected it to go away after some days...
  43. meeruf

    Going on a Solo Trip to Southeast Asia

    Only if I'm inside a club with loud music or at the dance floor near the speakers. Sometimes in bars too. I actually find it easier to hear what people say with plugged ears. So, why not..?? :P
  44. meeruf

    Going on a Solo Trip to Southeast Asia

    Hearing has been pretty good the last months. The T is still there, but I'm amazed how little I care. To be honest, I almost never think of it anymore, in a negative way. It's just there. This summer I have been doing alot of stuff. Have been in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Holland and Poland...
  45. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    After a very successful trip to Amsterdam. I feel ready to go back to the best place on earth, Thailand! I leave 12th of september this year. Read my post about it here. I will be posting pictures and video from the trip..!
  46. meeruf

    Going on a Solo Trip to Southeast Asia

    I will not be one of those who come here when something is wrong, then leave when everything is fine again. Making the illusion that no one ever gets better. I will keep posting my positive stories. I got so much help from this forum in the beginning of my T career. I will do that favor back...
  47. meeruf

    Tips on Seat Selection on an Airplane

    I just took an airplane home from Amsterdam to Oslo. I sat in the front. I did not even hear the engines. Just the noise from the ventilation / air stream. It was a middle sized boeing something.
  48. meeruf

    Going on a Spontaneous Trip to Amsterdam, Right Now!

    Just came home from Amsterdam! This was a really good idea. Tinnitus was not a problem at all, even tho I could notice it out when talking with people, I pretty much ignored it. With a little alcohol in the blood, I could pretty much go into any bar, no matter how loud. Without my tinnitus...
  49. meeruf

    Going on a Spontaneous Trip to Amsterdam, Right Now!

    Just arrived in Amsterdam. No picture guys, sorry. We passed the border in a 5 line highway. Not possible to stop. We did not even notice that we passed a border. xD Going out to rent a bike now.
  50. meeruf

    Going on a Spontaneous Trip to Amsterdam, Right Now!

    I'm sick of holding back! Chronic pain the doctors don't understand what is, and T that is always there. Last one is not that big of a deal anymore! But my eyes hurt, my knee hurts and feel swollen, feels like toothache. Don't know what it is! But I don't care. I need to get out there. Sick of...
  51. meeruf

    Polident / Poligrip — Live Loud Commercial

    Why should I not use headphones?
  52. meeruf

    Polident / Poligrip — Live Loud Commercial

    When I'm at YouTube, I usally use headphones. Sometimes there come commercials in the middle of the video. Almost always, the commercial is 10 times louder then the actual video. I want to find that dude/women who made that commercial so fucking loud. And punch that person in the ears, over...
  53. meeruf

    A Little Perspective

    Maybe they can, but they still have no magic pill you can eat to get rid of whatever it is. Some people with HIV have good respons on some medicine, but others can get really bad side effects, and cannot use them. For some reason you are compering yourself to only those who have a good respons...
  54. meeruf

    A Little Perspective

    The common cold, influenza, HIV/AIDS, some types of cancer, asthma, diabetes, Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, hepatite, Ebola, genital warts, different chronic pain disorders, irritable bowel syndrome, arthritis, cluster headaches, migraine, spasms, most nerve diseases, wearing on joints, some mental...
  55. meeruf

    A Little Perspective

    This threat was kind of aggressive I think. I think it's very little productive to fight over what kind of condition is worse, and that one should wish that they had a chronic pain disorder instead of T. Or H over T, or T over H. All of them are bad in their unique way. People are different too...
  56. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    There is a million building guides out there. You just need to search for it. Here you have a list over what you will need: I would recommend that you buy a high quality frame like Blackout Mini H or QAV 250. They are really strong and you...
  57. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    Some of the mini quadcopters are going up to 160km/t now on 6 cells batteries. It's crazy. The goggles have gone from crappy low resolution to almost HD resolution. You even get goggles with 3D now. Real 3D with two cameras on the quadcopter sending two images down to you from two different...
  58. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    FPV stands for 'First Person View'. You have a camera mounted on the quadcopter frame, then you have a video transmitter that are sending the video signal down to your goggles that you have on your head. The signal is analog, therefor no lag and you have from 1km to several miles range...
  59. meeruf

    The Positivity Thread

    Just saying hello. I'm not here that much anymore because I'm too busy enjoying life despite my tinnitus. My hobby also helps a lot in forgetting Mr. T. Flying my mini quadcopter is a blast and every time I put on the goggles I forget about everything else, including Mr. T. It's therapy with no...
  60. meeruf

    It Is Just Mind-Blowing That Science Has Yet to Cure Tinnitus

    No, it doesn't. The electromagnetic field doesn't do anything to rays. However, it protects against solar winds and pushes some of those particles to the earths poles. Where you can see it as Northern lights / Southern lights. Solar winds are not rays, but high speed particles. Our atmosphere...