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  1. Jason C

    All good thankfully, How are you today? I

    All good thankfully, How are you today? I
  2. Jason C

    I still check in now and again and yes thankfully still tinnitus free

    I still check in now and again and yes thankfully still tinnitus free
  3. Jason C

    Hiya, Sorry for the distance, I don’t visit here often now but I do check in now and then as...

    Hiya, Sorry for the distance, I don’t visit here often now but I do check in now and then as this place was a real help for me during my bad times, and yes still tinnitus free apart from some fleeting tinnitus which I had before the noise exposure, I am always careful around loud noise.
  4. Jason C

    Fullness and pressure was on and off for about a year.

    Fullness and pressure was on and off for about a year.
  5. Jason C

    Thankfully still all good :)

    Thankfully still all good :)
  6. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    Hiya, tbh yes I can. Obviously if the noise is really loud I’ll move away from the noise but restaurants and parties are generally ok. I find acoustic gigs to be fine but anything more than that I’ll use earplugs.
  7. Jason C

    With regards to the cars, they can be noisy but not actually inside the car, during the first...

    With regards to the cars, they can be noisy but not actually inside the car, during the first year I couldn’t drive the louder cars as hyperacusis made everything much louder.
  8. Jason C

    Hi Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time...

    Hi Sorry only seeing this now. During my recovery I did experience loud noise from time to time, I was exposed to a ambulance siren, unexpected noise that happens in every day life and I think it did set things back a little bit overall Ondid recover from tinnitus but it did take a long time, I...
  9. Jason C

    My hearing improved over time as the tinnitus faded away. It took around 2 years for things to...

    My hearing improved over time as the tinnitus faded away. It took around 2 years for things to improve and the tinnitus to fade completely.
  10. Jason C

    Hiya, I used to say tinnitus would ride on top of anything I was listening too. So if I was...

    Hiya, I used to say tinnitus would ride on top of anything I was listening too. So if I was listening to music I could hear the tinnitus on top of the music regardless of the volume (obviously at sensible volume) This I believe is hyperacusis, When your auditory system is over sensitive maybe...
  11. Jason C

    Hiya, Thankfully not earache, I did have a sensation of ear pressure and fullness which was...

    Hiya, Thankfully not earache, I did have a sensation of ear pressure and fullness which was annoying but not painful. The tinnitus was more of a concern at the time as that was mentally painful.
  12. Jason C

    Hi, I was 36 at the time of the noise trauma, 38 by the time it finally resolved and 41 now...

    Hi, I was 36 at the time of the noise trauma, 38 by the time it finally resolved and 41 now, Thankfully still free of tinnitus but always fearful of loud noise.
  13. Jason C

    Does Most Acoustic Trauma Induced Tinnitus Go Away by 6 Months?

    Depending on the severity of the onset it can take a lot longer than 6 Months but it can and it does get better, I was told it will never go away. That was something I really didn’t need to hear from a doctor. For me following exposure to a very powerful alarm it took the best part of 2 years...
  14. Jason C

    The distortion I had was literally like listening to music via a broken speaker, I couldn’t hear...

    The distortion I had was literally like listening to music via a broken speaker, I couldn’t hear bass and the highs sounded very crackled but also with the tinnitus squealing over the top of everything. Thankfully yes now all the distortions and tinnitus have 100% gone. I do still...
  15. Jason C

    About 12 months.

    About 12 months.
  16. Jason C

    Hiya, Yea it did indeed. Even just being in a busy environment, when I got home my ears would be...

    Hiya, Yea it did indeed. Even just being in a busy environment, when I got home my ears would be screaming. This was during the first year of tinnitus.
  17. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    I am glad my story gives you some hope :) It was a good 2 years before I could really say Tinnitus had gone for me. I know this doesn't happen for everyone, for some it resolves within 3 months and others it never resolved fully but it did go away for me and hopefully it does for you too :)
  18. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    Hiya At 10-11 months, almost a year in I wasn’t doing very well but I was trying to get back to some sort of normal, All I can really advise is to give it time. Try and keep busy and focus on the loves of your life :)
  19. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    Time :)
  20. Jason C

    Is It Really Possible for Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus to Go Away with Mild Hearing Loss?

    Yes indeed and believe me I know it’s easier said than done. I was in such a dark state of mind that it didn’t matter what anyone said, I was convinced my life was over and the noise in my head would never go away and it certainly felt that way so I fully understand how tinnitus can really drag...
  21. Jason C

    Is It Really Possible for Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus to Go Away with Mild Hearing Loss?

    Of course, Anything that can help people is a good thing :)
  22. Jason C

    Is It Really Possible for Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus to Go Away with Mild Hearing Loss?

    Michael, I do check in from time to time and people do message for advice, This forum and indeed your good self did help me a lot in what can only be described as one of the darkest times of my life so I always take the time to reply to messages or offer support and help in any way I can...
  23. Jason C

    Is It Really Possible for Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus to Go Away with Mild Hearing Loss?

    Hiya Yes it sure did change from day to day, sometimes it was unbearable and other days it would seem to be getting better then back to square one the next. It didn’t seem to have any reason as to why it was better one day or worse the next. It takes time but if you are experiencing quiet...
  24. Jason C

    Is It Really Possible for Acoustic Trauma Tinnitus to Go Away with Mild Hearing Loss?

    Hiya Yes I did indeed have hyperacusis, I didn’t realise what it was at the time but everything seemed too loud, music sounded broken and I had a lot of learning to do. Thankfully things are back to normal now although I will forever be careful with loud noise. It took a long time and I...
  25. Jason C

    Doctor Said My Tinnitus Is Permanent and It Can't Go Away

    It was a good 18-24 months before I could say it was completely gone. I havnt tried that but I know when I’m in a quiet room I do try and listen for it and thankfully it’s not there.
  26. Jason C

    Doctor Said My Tinnitus Is Permanent and It Can't Go Away

    Mine went away, It took a long time and it was the hardest period of my life but it did go away. When I first visited my doctor and then a hearing specialist I was told it would never go away. Three years later when I finally got my appointment with ENT and I explained it had gone away, he...
  27. Jason C

    Music Still Sounds Broken

    For me music sounded literally like it was coming from a broken speaker, I couldn’t hear bass, the music sounded covered with a rattle noise and was really garbled and full of water. It’s hard to explain but to me that is how music sounded. I could hear people’s voice perfectly but other noise...
  28. Jason C

    Music Still Sounds Broken

    Hiya, I am still here and contribute to the forum when someone tags me or sends a message. This forum was a great help to me when I was really suffering with Tinnitus so I like to help if I can. I am happy to answer any questions. Thankfully my tinnitus, hyperacusis and other issues did...
  29. Jason C

    What Is the Loudest Thing You've Ever Heard in Your Life?

    Sorry only seeing this now. Yes thankfully it’s totally gone, I do get a lot of fleeting Tinnitus now maybe 2-3 times a day for a few seconds at a time then it’s gone, It serves as a reminder to be careful with loud noise.
  30. Jason C

    Ear Fullness and Balance

    Thankfully all the fullness and Tinnitus has gone now, it takes time but things do get better :)
  31. Jason C

    What Is the Loudest Thing You've Ever Heard in Your Life?

    The bloody alarm that caused my tinnitus, I didn’t hear how loud it was but I felt it, like whooshing pressure over and over again, these alarms are rated at 125 dB at a distance of 1 meter and it was literally right in front of my face. They should be banned along with a dB restriction on...
  32. Jason C

    Life is back to normal now but I now understand how noise works and when to be careful. I use in...

    Life is back to normal now but I now understand how noise works and when to be careful. I use in ear monitors for times when I need to protect my hearing in loud environments like a show at the opera house and plug my ears if an ambulance goes screaming past but I dont over protect and I use...
  33. Jason C

    I did do a skydive over new year this year and was fearful that this might be too much but...

    I did do a skydive over new year this year and was fearful that this might be too much but thankfully I didn’t have any problems after.
  34. Jason C

    I’m very well Thankyou. The fleeting tinnitus still occurs, this only lasts for 10 seconds at...

    I’m very well Thankyou. The fleeting tinnitus still occurs, this only lasts for 10 seconds at a time and occasionally I get a sensation of pressure difference in my ears for maybe 10-15 seconds a time but I’m pretty sure I had that now and then before the acoustic trauma. The 29th of this...
  35. Jason C

    Hiya Really I was just careful with loud noise, if I went to see a show I would use ear plugs...

    Hiya Really I was just careful with loud noise, if I went to see a show I would use ear plugs and if I’m using power tools I would use ear muffs, I didn’t over protect though so if I went to a restaurant I wouldnt use hearing protection. Obviously you can’t avoid all loud noises and these...
  36. Jason C

    Who Here Developed Tinnitus from an Acoustic Shock/Trauma?

    Hiya Thankfully for me my Tinnitus Hyperacusis and TTTS and everything in between has gone. It does take time and lots of it. Well over a year before I could say it was really improving. Hang in there, things do get better :)
  37. Jason C

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis & Vertigo After Acoustic Shock

    No I didn’t do anything apart from give it a lot of time. It didn’t help that hearing “specialists” and doctors all told me it wouldn’t go away and to just deal with it. Hang in there, look after yourself and things should improve. Just give it plenty of time. :)
  38. Jason C

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis & Vertigo After Acoustic Shock

    Thankfully now I don’t have any hearing loss when tested up until 8k I did have a dip at 4K (-5db from 10-15db) when tested 3 months after my acoustic trauma but the dip is no longer present.
  39. Jason C

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis & Vertigo After Acoustic Shock

    Hiya Yes my symptoms went away but it did take a long time, well over a year and it was really hard going. It does seem odd that your activity was loud enough to cause your problems though, I was right in front of a very powerful external sounder rated at 125db within a 6ft range for about...
  40. Jason C

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis & Vertigo After Acoustic Shock

    Hi Greg, what was the cause of the acoustic trauma? I had very similar symptoms to you after acoustic trauma from a powerful external alarm sounder.
  41. Jason C

    It was a good year before it went away, I read you don’t have tinnitus? You are very lucky, I...

    It was a good year before it went away, I read you don’t have tinnitus? You are very lucky, I had terrible tinnitus along with ear fullness, balance problems etc it was a horrible time.
  42. Jason C

    Yes I had a full/tight feeling especially in the left ear for a long time, more than 6 months.

    Yes I had a full/tight feeling especially in the left ear for a long time, more than 6 months.
  43. Jason C

    The Noise at Concerts

    I wonder if Big Mick has tinnitus as he seems oblivious to hearing damage despite the fact Lars and James both suffer tinnitus from loud music. I know myself from seeing Guns n Roses in 2010 and that was loud as hell (before I had any understanding of loud noise damage) my hearing was...
  44. Jason C

    Sky Diving and Tinnitus — Is It Safe?

    Just noticed this thread. I did a skydive with skydive Dubai over new year. Was amazing. I had earplugs in for the plane ride up as everyone did then removed them for the jump. The fall isn’t crazy loud, you fall at around 120mph for about 60 seconds from 13000ft then the shoot is...
  45. Jason C

    Poll: If Your Tinnitus Was Caused by Acoustic Trauma, Is It Maskable by White Noise?

    When I had tinnitus at its worst the tinnitus would ride above the sound I was exposed to. So in bed at night it could be very low but in a supermarket with lots of people talking and background music I could hear tinnitus as a static hissing ringing noise with the other sounds.
  46. Jason C

    Can an Acoustic Trauma Cause Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy?

    I would doubt it. CTE is usually caused by bruising to the lining of the brain be it from repeated blows to the head such as a boxer or rugby player. It’s this bruising that is thought to release proteins which cause the degenerative brain disorder. Acoustic trauma can however cause tinnitus...
  47. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    The audiogram ran along the 10db line which is normal but I had a dip at 4k where it drops to 15db, although its not actually seen as hearing loss unless it is below 20db this still showed loss or damage at 4k After doing a new test now though my hearing is fine across the 10db threshold...
  48. Jason C

    Back to Normal

    Its been a while since I have posted on here and thought it was time I posted my story. 29th May 2016, a date I will never forget. I was exposed to a powerful external alarm sound for maybe 10 minutes at close range 125 dB. At the time I had no idea just what damage exposure to loud noise...
  49. Jason C

    Ringing in Ears for 2 Weeks from Loud Bang

    What caused the loud noise??
  50. Jason C

    Sudden Deafness and Tinnitus

    Jessica Jane Clement talks about her sshl following a head cold. She uses a hearing aid to help although she does not mention tinnitus.
  51. Jason C

    Hiya, The tone changed into a higher tone that seemed to get higher and higher until I couldn’t...

    Hiya, The tone changed into a higher tone that seemed to get higher and higher until I couldn’t hear it any more, the distortion in sounds eased and hypercaudis faded. It took a long time though. Thankfully I seem to be fully recovered ow and am about 8 weeks away from 2 years since the event...
  52. Jason C

    Rattle/Distortion When Listening to Music

    Thankfully all is now well. No more distortion. Music sounds great again. I just know to be very careful with loud noise now. It takes a long time for things to improve.
  53. Jason C

    Still Not Accepting It After 7 Months...

    Thankfully yes, I can tell you it was the darkest period of my life. 2.5 months is nothing, it was a year before mine improved and 18 months before I could say it was gone really. I will always be careful around loud noise and have gained an education from this experience. I will always...
  54. Jason C

    Still Not Accepting It After 7 Months...

    Nope, not really, just time.
  55. Jason C

    Still Not Accepting It After 7 Months...

    It was both ears and brain, the left ear was always worse, ringing, pinging, chirping, fullness. It was horrible and affected my balance too. Unbelievable how loud noise can do so much damage. It was a real trauma for me not just the acoustic trauma but mentally too. Thankfully things are...
  56. Jason C

    Audio gram up to 8k is fine, all within the 20db range, I know from my own tests however that my...

    Audio gram up to 8k is fine, all within the 20db range, I know from my own tests however that my left ear cannot hear past 15k yet my right ear can hear past 16k. For the first 12 months I had a lot of spikes, good days and bad days. It was tough going.
  57. Jason C

    I am 38 now, took 12-18 months to totally go away.

    I am 38 now, took 12-18 months to totally go away.
  58. Jason C

    Still Not Accepting It After 7 Months...

    Yes I did, It was an outdoor concert and actually wasn’t that loud (unlike the indoor concert I seen in 2010 which was loud as hell) This was May 2017, 1 year after the acoustic trauma. I use ACS Custom plugs. https://www.acscustom.com/uk/products/hearing-protection
  59. Jason C

    Believe me I count my blessings as to how lucky I am, I have been to hell and back over this...

    Believe me I count my blessings as to how lucky I am, I have been to hell and back over this. Hang in there, it gets better :)
  60. Jason C

    No it’s totally gone, I do experience a lot more fleeting tinnitus however.

    No it’s totally gone, I do experience a lot more fleeting tinnitus however.