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  1. BrownieBoy

    Flying with ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)

    I was diagnosed before my loud noise exposure. I got it after a particularly bad double ear infection, multiple rounds of antibiotics, etc. Tinnitus came after I was dumb dumb on multiple occasions
  2. BrownieBoy

    Flying with ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)

    I have diagnosed ETD...
  3. BrownieBoy

    Flying with ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)

    Hi, I know this is an old post. But I was really worried about my ETD before my flight this month and am happy to report I had no problems. I hope your are doing better!
  4. BrownieBoy

    ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) and Working Out

    The only thing that works for me is steam and time
  5. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Sorry for the no /s. I'm broke and in the good ole US of A. No fancy medical trips for me. I just screech on
  6. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Just did it, didn't work smh
  7. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Hey guys did you miss me? I'm back and can gladly state that my ears are 100% unchanged and still screeching. Screeched right into the New Year. Happy New Year
  8. BrownieBoy

    Are Q-Tips Actually Dangerous?

    I'm terrified of compacting wax since it has happened to me twice in my lifetime before T. That being said, I am guilty of using them before I go out sometimes if I know I'm going to be putting in ear plugs. My reasoning is that I want to get whatever I can out before I shove foam into my ear...
  9. BrownieBoy

    Favorite Horror Movies

    Check out Terrifier if you love campy slashers. My favorite of last year. So bad yet so gooooood
  10. BrownieBoy

    I Don't Know What to Do — Can I Still Use My Gaming Headset?

    Don't know what you're gaming on, but I set the mic up to where I can talk into it and config all audio output through the tv (at a reasonably low volume). Works well and I still get to chill with my pals online
  11. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    How does he deal? Did he provide any insight? I've been thinking I'm just a whiny b*tch that can't deal with something that most people just shrug off and get on. Habituation seems so far off, as does a cure.
  12. BrownieBoy

    Got Tinnitus One Month Ago — Need Your Help :(

    Same thing happened to me. It went away and came back with a vengeance over a week after loud noise exposure. My hearing test came back normal in the frequencies they check for. Wait it out and see if it goes away or at least quiets down. I'm over 3 months in and have some loud days and some...
  13. BrownieBoy

    ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) and Working Out

    That's exactly what my ENT told me. Don't smoke.
  14. BrownieBoy

    How to Help ETD without Nose Sprays?

    Interesting. And no worries, we're trapped in the screechscape together :) I can't find anything to back up that doctor's claims. No ototoxic reports have been filed through the FDA and Fluticasone is not seen on the list you provided. ( I...
  15. BrownieBoy

    How to Help ETD without Nose Sprays?

    Will do! Hopefully something helps us
  16. BrownieBoy

    How to Help ETD without Nose Sprays?

    Flonase is not of ototoxic from what I've read and according to my ENT. Where did you read that? I've done that maneuver many times and can feel some drainage in my throat. It doesn't do jack for inflammation tho
  17. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Because of booze? I'm afraid I'm heading down the same path if things don't start to change. Def losing it.
  18. BrownieBoy

    How to Help ETD without Nose Sprays?

    Good lord I wish I knew. Been on the Flonase for too long and as soon as I stop it's right back to square one. Did you try taking a decongestant for an extended period on time? My ENT told me to take Claritin D for two whole months (lol). I couldn't make it past two weeks, let alone two months...
  19. BrownieBoy

    ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) and Working Out

    I need help people. I quit working out about 3 months ago because pressure would build in my head when I'd lift weights. It would drive me crazy for hours afterwards until the inflammation died down. Then I was able to clear the pressure through yawning and (flexing?) my Eustachian tubes. Well...
  20. BrownieBoy

    Poll: How Often Do You Hear Your Tinnitus in Your Dreams?

    I've started having dreams about putting my ear plugs in when things seem to be getting loud and that makes me sad
  21. BrownieBoy

    “Tinnitus Truths”

    Can I have some
  22. BrownieBoy

    How to Cure Bruxism

    I'm trying it my dude. Unfortunately I have tmj as well so hopefully this will help. My tounge is on the roof of my mouth always and I now know that's a problem
  23. BrownieBoy

    Lion's Mane Mushroom

    Yeah... that's not the point :ROFL:
  24. BrownieBoy

    Lion's Mane Mushroom

    @JohnAdams I've been doing research into this as well. Check out this JRE episode with Paul Stamets, around 1:05:35 : I'm interested in giving this a go myself but it's illegal so probs not:dunno:
  25. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Dont forget your fam, fam. That's the real roadblock
  26. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    I know we all have our own stuff to deal with but you're committed to the cause and I look forward to seeing your posts. Thanks for trying to keep us all in the loop and hopeful for a cure. Seriously, thank you! Putting all of my chips on 2023 being the breakthrough year where we can see some...
  27. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    (CAUTION: NOT A SHITPOST) I keep coming back because you all are the only people who know the struggle. My anxiety is getting the best of me but it helps knowing I'm not alone. I'm almost three months into this life-long battle and will take whatever help I can get. Went to a psychotherapist and...
  28. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Dont wanna jinx it but I've had a pretty significant noise reduction the past week and my sound sensitivity is getting much better. Hopefully the trend continues! Just kidding, ears are still jacked
  29. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

  30. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Just having a little fun :) Cheers!
  31. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Fair enough.
  32. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    You're basically my dad now. Can I call you Daddy?
  33. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    It's there, your brain just sorta filters the noise out like other loud mouth F*cks when you're eating with your friends (WHAT ARE THOSE?) or fam or AC running or whatever BS analogy works for you cuh
  34. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    Gimme a diazapam :(
  35. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    I just wanted to let you all know that I'm here for you on your journey to HABITUATION B*TCHES
  36. BrownieBoy

    Hey man, hope you're doing better. Have an update?

    Hey man, hope you're doing better. Have an update?
  37. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    I'm here pal. REEEEEEEEE
  38. BrownieBoy

    My Posting Place

    I need the meme me. Bring on the TRT TDT ASAP
  39. BrownieBoy

    Acoustic Trauma and My Struggle

    @dpdx nope. It was relatively tame
  40. BrownieBoy

    Acoustic Trauma and My Struggle

    @dpdx I had an audiogram that came back normal, nothing else.
  41. BrownieBoy

    Acoustic Trauma and My Struggle

    Hey guys, First of all, much love to everyone on here. This forum has been a godsend and has given me a lot of hope. I went to an extremely loud concert without ear protection in the beginning of June and had severe ringing and muffled hearing for about 2 days. It subsided and I thought...