2020 US Presidential Election

You're wrong on this one but I don't think people in this thread want to go down this tangent because it would be a long slugfest with you on this, believe me.

I don't think Biden in particular subscribes to the most bitter/angry/self-loathing wing of liberalism. I think he's being straw-manned with it, but it's undeniably there and I think liberals should own up to it just as much as the right should own up to Proud Boys, etc...
This is why I'm a moderate. I don't agree with the mentality that Americans should apologize for everything and romanticize other countries too much. As an example, consider NATO. We keep hearing how America should be more like Europe. Well 16 out of 29 countries in the alliance weren't even contributing 1.5% of GDP, according to this article.

Don't get me wrong. I don't think we should disrespect our alliances -- we should even try to learn from them when appropriate. Leaving the Paris Climate Agreement was a mistake. But the "grass is greener, America is horrific" mentality can be a bit nauseating. The history of the world is loaded with conquest-mentality. America built a pretty damn fine system compared to what's out there. Of course, I also don't want to go down that path on this thread, as I don't think criticizing Donald Trump falls into this category. Saying Trump creates an unacceptably low standard is like saying poop served at a Michelin restaurant can be better.
The anti-Trump factions speak like this is all Trump's fault - 200,000 dead. All Trumps fault. He invented this virus, he spread it, etc. The original mortality estimates, if I am recalling correctly, were in the range of 250,000 - 450,000 dead. We have not surpassed the total, yet Trump gets blamed for the first 200,000, as he will for the rest.

Most children who get Coronavirus are asymptomatic. Most young people do not get seriously sick, or are asymptomatic, if they catch it...

I'd estimate that the amount of Coronavirus deaths in the USA is far less than 200,000. They are mostly old people, but when they die and happen to have COVID-19, that's listed as the cause of death, even if something else killed them or contributed to it, such as cancer or a heart attack.

The people who have died from Coronavirus alone, is likely a very low number. I lost the link, but I read that it is estimated to be less than 10,000.
If an old person dies from COVID-19 symptoms, then of course they died from COVID-19. Snopes has already debunked this stuff before.

The Bible also says that God knitted the baby in the womb:

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
Psalm 139:13-16

Because of verses such as above, and other similar verses, conservatives have a hard time supporting easy-access free abortions, especially late-term abortions, including terminating the fetus once he is already outside the womb and laying on the table.
If the Bible is the reason why conservatives don't support abortion, then we are screwed. Biblical times were loaded with cruel and unusual punishment. If this is the intellectual space we are in, that almost provides more evidence that we should fear women getting imprisoned for having abortions.
How many people would die from the flu, if there was no vaccine? Sixty thousand died a few years ago, in the United States where there was a vaccine. If we had no flu vaccine, the number would probably quadruple, and would definitely include deaths of children and otherwise healthy people, which is not the case with Covid.

Flu without a vaccine, is worse than Covid. We need to get a grip, and not let fear encompass our thinking.

If Trump has had new, unapproved and untested drugs as part of his treatment, his enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate are admirable.
My friend, your whole analysis is comparing apples to oranges.

First of all, the 209,000 death toll number is despite the fact that the entire country shut down completely for months, preventing hospitals from being over-saturated. It also includes the (of whom you would view) nutty liberals who obsessively wash their hands, socially distance, and wear masks. It also includes just dumb luck. By your own leader's assertions, this is an unknown virus spread from China. It's easy to use hindsight (even then, the numbers are really bad), but dealing with a pandemic in live time is a whole other beast.

None of this happens during a typical flu season. Nothing shuts down, or is really altered. You are right that there's a flu vaccine, but plenty of people don't get it.

Something I find pretty frustrating is when conservatives cite what they believe to be favorable numbers, but ignore the fact that any positive aspect of those numbers includes the whiny, "paranoid" liberal. Conservatives seem to fundamentally not grasp the concept of herd immunity. The numbers would be far, far worse if every American just lived in denial over it.
Trump Announces 'Patriotic Education' Commission, A Largely Political Move
We should teach our children to love our country. That's not a bad idea. Hopefully it will serve as a balance, since all that the left has done for years is indoctrinate our children in schools with their own liberal, left- wing agenda, ideas, views and opinions.

Newest Example of that: Critical Race Theory.


But, no that's not what Hitler did in Germany. :rolleyes:

Below, for those who care to read and view both sides of the aisle.


I'm not disregarding them. WHO didn't do the math in your article, at least they didn't quote them doing it. Your article took WHO's latest estimate and put it over the confirmed number of deaths. But that's not a reasonable way to do that, which is why it doesn't appear WHO actually did it. And that's why it wasn't in the press anywhere other then an obscure conservative paper.
Um, no, it was a perfectly reasonable evaluation.

The stats always show the rate was below 1% no matter what numbers you use.
Well part of the reason COVID-19 is dangerous is because there's no vaccine. I'm not really sure what your point is to be honest. When there's a COVID-19 vaccine, we'll be fine. Not to mention COVID-19 took out 210k people and became the third highest cause of death in the US despite desperate nationwide attempts to curtail its spread and we ain't done yet.

Also, how is he admirable? He took experimental drugs because he was probably going to fucking die otherwise. That'd be like calling us admirable for taking FX-322, I doubt any of us wouldn't.
Comparing it to FX-322?

You have problems.

The vaccine is dangerous. COVID-19 isn't.
You're wrong on this one but I don't think people in this thread want to go down this tangent because it would be a long slugfest with you on this, believe me.

I don't think Biden in particular subscribes to the most bitter/angry/self-loathing wing of liberalism. I think he's being straw-manned with it, but it's undeniably there and I think liberals should own up to it just as much as the right should own up to Proud Boys, etc...
Another clueless liberal. Notice a pattern.
Trump supporters will stop supporting Trump if he breaks his promises. But yes, for now, we love Trump because it is clear he loves this country and the American people. If Trump turns out to be like Ivanka, who is a leftist, the love may not be there anymore.

The Left is angry is because Trump is immune to their tactics and shenanigans; I don't think it is purely a matter of policy. Many politicians in the past including Democrats has held similar policies (on abortion, immigration, etc.) but did not experience the same hate.
But, he has broken promises so you can't say that. However, these leftists parrot more nonsense than they get right and I am censored from being honest about them here.
Today the US death toll due to coronavirus stands at over 210.000 people, so I do not see how you are questioning official data.

And the people infected surpasses 7.5 million in the US.

It is Trump's responsibility, because he is the one that should have dealt with the pandemic in an effective way, and he took all the wrong measures to prevent the pandemic spiralling without control.
Why are deaths continuing then from COVID-19? Everyone knows about wearing masks and social distancing by now. I'm not sure if every state has a mandate to wear masks? I thought it was up to the governor of each state? It is required in my state to wear a mask and do social distancing in all stores, restaurants, gas stations, etc. People still smoke cigarettes and that is bad choice. I seen plenty of people smoking at a gas station yesterday when my motorcycle broke down.


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Hey aot, when I said "no matter what he does they will always find something negative to say. How about: "Feel better soon, Mr. President." it is a general statement, not directed at Biden himself but us as people. A little compassion is always nice. ;)

Politicians are imperfect people just like you and me. They fail, just like all of us at times. Both sides of the aisle have made promises they haven't kept, comments they should have never made, choices they should have never made just showing how human they are. We all know we can't cover the sun with one hand.
My niece had cancer since she was 15 years old. I always called her a warrior 'til the day she died at age 30. Was I wrong in calling her a warrior?

You do know he is the President of the United States right? I mean, do you really want the President of our country to die? Do you even know the responsibilities, amount of stress, paper work a president must have? I am sure every other president have had the same medical care while in office. Unless Trump is more special?

I don't care if the President is Democrat or Republican, I'd still pray for that person for a quick recovery.

My mommy is doing ok, regardless of her condition. But her tinnitus has been bothering her much lately. :( Makes me sad. :( I play the natural ocean sounds and she likes that. Thanx for asking, @aot. :huganimation:

Can you show me where so I may read it?
Several of the liberals/leftists here put me on ignore for telling the truth. A few whined to the mods to get me reprimanded.

I have pointed out untruths, lies, fabrications and inaccurate assertions which made them angry. I pointed out their flawed logic.

But, the truth is, COVID-19 is overblown and the brainwashed ones will never be open-minded. Trump had it for a few days or so but is recovering? The immune system fights off a cold or flu. That's what this COVID-19 is but people are being lied to. Even if you disagree with me, the stats show the death rate is well under 1%. This is what liberals are condemning Trump for and spin malicious propaganda saying he's harming people by not "doing enough."

I guess they mean, they want extreme restrictions on your freedoms, lockdowns, being imprisoned in your homes and arrested for not wearing masks.

Liberals are the most hypocrital, fascist people around. Don't trust them with 6 feet social distancing poles.
I want to ask the conservatives in this thread this question: if abortion was illegal, what should the punishment be, in your opinion, for a woman who commits an illegal abortion?
Hi @FGG,

I consider myself a conservative in a number of ways, even to the point of being libertarian. But my conservative bent actually puts me on the liberal end of the political spectrum on a large number of issues, especially abortion. I believe the government has absolutely no right to interfere in any kind of health care decision (including vaccinations) that is best made by a person in consultation with their doctor and/or spiritual advisor.

As to whether there should be a punishment for a person opting to get an abortion, there should be none. I say this not only from the current laws of the U.S., but from a spiritual viewpoint as well. When I first began to consider many years ago whether or not abortion was "wrong", I decided to take my time and look at it from as many angles as possible. I eventually came across a spiritual explanation that made the most sense to me, and it actually quotes the Christian Bible as a source.

The point was made that life doesn't begin until a fetus is delivered and takes its first breath. To be more specific, Soul doesn't enter the body of the fetus until the first breath is taken. This perspective has some support from different interpretations of the Bible -- Genesis 2:7. So choosing to have an abortion doesn't break any law, man-made or spiritual. As such, it's not a "sin" to have an abortion, nor is there any "karma" involved.

Ironically, where karma can become a factor, is when somebody who is very anti-abortion forces their views on others who should have the freedom to make such a sensitive decision without any undue interference. When people "pray" that others change their minds about abortion--or anything else that is none of their business--they actually run the risk of incurring karma, which in the future might entail them having their own freedoms interfered with.

I understand this is going to sound heretical to those who are steeped in the ideology of certain religious and political dogma. But to me, it's a breath of (spiritual) fresh air. Those who are fervently against abortion are often very condemning of those who decide this is the best choice for them. And I think those who choose what they feel is best for them and their family should be free of that kind of condemnation.
In biological terms, it is a fact that life begins at conception. I realize the Left has a lot of philosophical explanations on when life begins. Terminating the fetus is killing the fetus; I believe murder is a harsh word but I can understand why many people believe this since an abortion is intentional.

The Bible also says that God knitted the baby in the womb:

"For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother's womb. I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well. My frame was not hidden from you, when I was being made in secret, intricately woven in the depths of the earth. Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them."
Psalm 139:13-16

Because of verses such as above, and other similar verses, conservatives have a hard time supporting easy-access free abortions, especially late-term abortions, including terminating the fetus once he is already outside the womb and laying on the table.

Pro-life movements including March for Life have condemned what Trump said about punishing women. As this article states, Trump contradicted himself during the one-hour; I am very confident he doesn't feel this way.

Are you advocating the same punishment as murder then for women who commit illegal abortion if it were outlawed then?
I'd estimate that the amount of Coronavirus deaths in the USA is far less than 200,000. They are mostly old people, but when they die and happen to have COVID-19, that's listed as the cause of death, even if something else killed them or contributed to it, such as cancer or a heart attack.
Check this out:

This means that if you were in a car accident and you died and had COVID-19, you "died" of COVID-19 and it was recorded as a COVID-19 death. :eek:

As per Sen. Scott Jensen:

"If we THINK it's presumptive … we can go ahead and put down COVID-19," Jensen said, "or even in some situations, even if it's negative." He pointed to the example of a 38-year-old man in Minnesota whose death was attributed to the coronavirus even though he tested negative."

Insert from link below:

Um, no, it was a perfectly reasonable evaluation.

The stats always show the rate was below 1% no matter what numbers you use.
Comparing it to FX-322?

You have problems.

The vaccine is dangerous. COVID-19 isn't.
How is it reasonable to use an estimated infection number with confirmed death number? Did WHO give an estimated death count? The article doesn't cite them having done so. So they manipulated the numbers to make them look as low as possible.

And trump wasn't given a vaccine. A vaccine won't do shit if you already have it. He got other experimental shit.
Today the US death toll due to coronavirus stands at over 210.000 people, so I do not see how you are questioning official data.

And the people infected surpasses 7.5 million in the US.

It is Trump's responsibility, because he is the one that should have dealt with the pandemic in an effective way, and he took all the wrong measures to prevent the pandemic spiralling without control.
You liberals and progressives always say that he should have "done something." What else should he have done? We already shut down most of the country, people are struggling to survive, no jobs, new and old businesses are now gone, etc. What exactly do you do to stop coronavirus from spreading? Most of those who are dead were over 80. How can you be sure that something else didn't kill them, as the average life span in the U.S. is 78 year old, anyway? The rest of the people who die are usually on their last legs anyway. What's the difference, die now from corona virus, or six months from now from something else? Is it worth it to drive the country into complete bankruptcy and anarchy, to supposedly keep those alive, who would have died soon from one thing or another, anyway? The best way to handle it would be for communities to keep the people who are at risk away from those who have come into contact with coronavirus. Trump cannot do that, it has to be done locally, and if they refuse, then it's their fault, not Trump's, or anybody else's. The introduction of this disease to Europe, who brought it to the U.S., falls to China. They started it, WHO loves communism and bows down to China, and did not disclose the dangers. We paid for WHO, for years, and they stabbed us in the back by refusing to tell the truth, because they prefer the government and medical authority of communist China, to those in the West, particularly the United States. We were LIED to by the World Health Organization. I am glad that Trump stopped funding them and I hope that we continue to boycott them.
This is a bit of a tangent, but I want to ask the conservatives in this thread this question: if abortion was illegal, what should the punishment be, in your opinion, for a woman who commits an illegal abortion?
I consider myself conservative, by today's standards, and I believe in legal abortions. However, I do not support forcing anti-abortion taxpayers to fund abortions. This should be voluntary, not a mandate of the government.
And as far as Bernie Sanders goes, he's only promoting policies that are already successful in other countries. Hardly a radical. There's nothing radical about Medicare for all or tuition free college.

There's nothing radical about Medicare for All or the Green New Deal.

Know what's radical?

Denying people comprehensive health care coverage and ignoring the catastrophic implications of climate change.

That's radical.

It's ridiculous how often socialism and even democratic socialism get misused in modern society. We got so used to being under the reign of unregulated capitalism that anything that resembles more equity for workers gets deemed the "S" word. I'm a major supporter of Bernie. He is not a socialist or even a democratic socialist to be honest. He is a social democrat that agrees with many policies implemented in the Nordic model. They have capitalism, but it is more regulated. Also, their welfare state is more enhanced to help those in need.

There is a clear distinction between socialism and democratic socialism. Socialism is an economic system that requires shifting the ownership of the means of production to workers. Democratic socialism plays along with capitalism and private ownership until a democratic transition is made to shift ownership of the means of production to workers. Social democracy focuses on increased regulation, making the wealthy pay their fair share, and a welfare state to address inefficiency and inequality that the market fails to address. There is a mix of public and private ownership. Essentially, social democracy attempts to provide government programs and services as a way to curb negative effects of capitalism.

Increased minimum wage, increased taxation on the wealthy, UBI, Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal all qualify as socially democratic ideas.
You liberals and progressives always say that he should have "done something." What else should he have done? We already shut down most of the country, people are struggling to survive, no jobs, new and old businesses are now gone, etc. What exactly do you do to stop coronavirus from spreading? Most of those who are dead were over 80. How can you be sure that something else didn't kill them, as the average life span in the U.S. is 78 year old, anyway? The rest of the people who die are usually on their last legs anyway. What's the difference, die now from corona virus, or six months from now from something else? Is it worth it to drive the country into complete bankruptcy and anarchy, to supposedly keep those alive, who would have died soon from one thing or another, anyway? The best way to handle it would be for communities to keep the people who are at risk away from those who have come into contact with coronavirus. Trump cannot do that, it has to be done locally, and if they refuse, then it's their fault, not Trump's, or anybody else's. The introduction of this disease to Europe, who brought it to the U.S., falls to China. They started it, WHO loves communism and bows down to China, and did not disclose the dangers. We paid for WHO, for years, and they stabbed us in the back by refusing to tell the truth, because they prefer the government and medical authority of communist China, to those in the West, particularly the United States. We were LIED to by the World Health Organization. I am glad that Trump stopped funding them and I hope that we continue to boycott them.
Other countries took measures, including lockdowns, travel restrictions etc. Total lockdowns, and it contained the virus from spreading when cases were peaking in March and April.

But Trump did nothing. Said "bleach" could cure coronavirus. And Trump also said literally that "coronavirus will be gone just like a miracle!"

The guy is just a fool.

There's nothing radical about Medicare for All or the Green New Deal.

Know what's radical?

Denying people comprehensive health care coverage and ignoring the catastrophic implications of climate change.

That's radical.

It's ridiculous how often socialism and even democratic socialism get misused in modern society. We got so used to being under the reign of unregulated capitalism that anything that resembles more equity for workers gets deemed the "S" word. I'm a major supporter of Bernie. He is not a socialist or even a democratic socialist to be honest. He is a social democrat that agrees with many policies implemented in the Nordic model. They have capitalism, but it is more regulated. Also, their welfare state is more enhanced to help those in need.

There is a clear distinction between socialism and democratic socialism. Socialism is an economic system that requires shifting the ownership of the means of production to workers. Democratic socialism plays along with capitalism and private ownership until a democratic transition is made to shift ownership of the means of production to workers. Social democracy focuses on increased regulation, making the wealthy pay their fair share, and a welfare state to address inefficiency and inequality that the market fails to address. There is a mix of public and private ownership. Essentially, social democracy attempts to provide government programs and services as a way to curb negative effects of capitalism.

Increased minimum wage, increased taxation on the wealthy, UBI, Medicare for All, and a Green New Deal all qualify as socially democratic ideas.
You are preaching to the choir man, I've been a Bernie democrat since 2015. This is my current idea what a perfect budget and tax code would look like imo. It includes a UBI of 12,760 per adult and 4,480 per child, Medicare for all, free college, Free childcare and preschool and the federalization of education funding.

3.4 trillion - UBI

3.5 trillion - M4A

1 trillion - SS

1 trillion - Education

1.6 trillion - other

10.5 trillion - total

38% flat income tax - 7 trillion

14% FICA tax - 1 trillion

3% Gross Receipts tax - 1 trillion

10% VAT - 1 trillion

Other taxes - 500 billion

Total - 10.5 trillion
You are preaching to the choir man, I've been a Bernie democrat since 2015. This is my current idea what a perfect budget and tax code would look like imo. It includes a UBI of 12,760 per adult and 4,480 per child, Medicare for all, free college, Free childcare and preschool and the federalization of education funding.

3.4 trillion - UBI

3.5 trillion - M4A

1 trillion - SS

1 trillion - Education

1.6 trillion - other

10.5 trillion - total

38% flat income tax - 7 trillion

14% FICA tax - 1 trillion

3% Gross Receipts tax - 1 trillion

10% VAT - 1 trillion

Other taxes - 500 billion

Total - 10.5 trillion
Why flat income tax as opposed to progressive?
Other countries took measures, including lockdowns, travel restrictions etc. Total lockdowns, and it contained the virus from spreading when cases were peaking in March and April.

But Trump did nothing. Said "bleach" could cure coronavirus. And Trump also said literally that "coronavirus will be gone just like a miracle!"

The guy is just a fool.
Trump may be a fool, sometimes. Is anybody else much better? Would Billary have been better? I highly doubt it.

You don't even mention your own country, if it's so great why don't you tell us how wonderful they've done with COVID-19? They probably didn't have much to begin with, thanks to us being the ones that were given it first.

You cannot have an immediate "total lockdown" for a country the size of the United States. Plus our disease had already been introduced in Feb., or earlier, from European travelers who landed in NYC with the coronavirus, which they picked up from China. As NYC is one of the top cities in the world, the disease spread like wildfire here. Thanks China. We'll remember you for this.
I swear, anything less than "America is the greatest country in history who did no wrong ever" is considered anti-American here and anyone who criticizes America at all (unless it's Trump) gets attacked viciously. America is such a fucking cult. College professors teach a nuanced picture of America, sorry it's not their job to suck its dick all day.

And as far as Bernie Sanders goes, he's only promoting policies that are already successful in other countries. Hardly a radical. There's nothing radical about Medicare for all or tuition free college.
American children have been brainwashed for over 50 years by teachers and professors who are armchair Marxists.

Bernie promotes socialistic programs, that work in other countries according to him, because he believes in Socialism and has felt this way since the 1950's.

Tuition free college is not "free", it's paid for by the taxpayers. If state or city colleges aren't good enough for those who cannot afford Columbia or Barnard, and they can't win a scholarship, then it's tough cookies and we're not paying for them.

The government cannot even handle the Veterans Hospitals. Medicare for all is a huge undertaking, and would likely make things worse.
Why flat income tax as opposed to progressive?
The UBI makes it progressive. In the calculation, the UBI is tax exempt. So depending on how much you make, you may have a negative tax rate. For example, if you pay 14,760 in taxes but get 12,760 back in UBI, you only paid 2,000 net in taxes.
American children have been brainwashed for over 50 years by teachers and professors who are armchair Marxists.

Bernie promotes socialistic programs, that work in other countries according to him, because he believes in Socialism and has felt this way since the 1950's.

Tuition free college is not "free", it's paid for by the taxpayers. If state or city colleges aren't good enough for those who cannot afford Columbia or Barnard, and they can't win a scholarship, then it's tough cookies and we're not paying for them.

The government cannot even handle the Veterans Hospitals. Medicare for all is a huge undertaking, and would likely make things worse.
That's just not true. I do not know what schools in America promote Marxism, but I never had the opportunity to go.

They don't just work elsewhere because he says so, there's plenty of evidence that suggests it works elsewhere. Plenty of rankings place countries like Canada and the UK ahead of ours, despite the fact that our system is way more expensive.

And yes obviously it's not free, that's why it's called "tuition free", it's publicly funded. You don't have to agree with it of course tho.

Medicare and Medicaid are pretty popular tho and they're a lot closer to what M4A would be.
The UBI makes it progressive. In the calculation, the UBI is tax exempt. So depending on how much you make, you may have a negative tax rate. For example, if you pay 14,760 in taxes but get 12,760 back in UBI, you only paid 2,000 net in taxes.
I see what you mean. Similar to Yang's proposal.

I would factor in a significant investment for a Green New Deal. I would also evaluate a capital gains tax, financial transaction tax, and carbon tax.

Our tax code needs to be well-structured in limiting loopholes. When the top 1% are evading $2 trillion over the course of a decade, the system is clearly not working.
I see what you mean. Similar to Yang's proposal.

I would factor in a significant investment for a Green New Deal. I would also evaluate a capital gains tax, financial transaction tax, and carbon tax.

Our tax code needs to be well-structured in limiting loopholes. When the top 1% are evading $2 trillion over the course of a decade, the system is clearly not working.
Yeah, only difference in my budget, I made the taxes high enough to balance the budget, Yang didn't.

Yeah, not sure how I forgot the GND lol. That is pretty big. That'd cost about 16 trillion over 10 years according to Sanders. I think a carbon tax would help pay for that.

I think we should tax capital gains the same way we tax normal income. It's disgusting that working people pay less as a percentage.
They don't just work elsewhere because he says so, there's plenty of evidence that suggests it works elsewhere. Plenty of rankings place countries like Canada

Every country has its own set of problems. No country is exempt.
The grass is not always greener on the other side. Sigh.

Insert from above link:

Make sure you bring lots of money to live your Canadian dream, so you don't have to depend on Canadian wages.

Our job market sucks big time. Expect very low pay. If you need to work when you get here, have a job lined up. Jobs here are not easy to get. Many Canadians work at two to three different jobs to have a large enough income to survive.

Do you know about Hunger in Canada? According to Food Banks Canada, thirteen percent of Canadians live in a state of food insecurity, mainly caused by low income, which consistently affects more than four million of us at any given time.

We don't have Free Healthcare like everyone tells you. The Canadian health care system is dysfunctional and sucks. What does Free Health Insurance in Canada mean? In some provinces, you pay Health Insurance premium, unless you're on a minimum income. The Canada Health Act does not cover prescription drugs, home care or long-term care, prescription glasses or dental care. Costs for prescription drugs come out of your own pocket unless you have extended Health Insurance. Lots of people can only afford extended insurance when it's paid by their employer. And, learn to be patient; it's not unusual to be on a two-year waiting list until you get surgery. People who have the money often go to the US to have surgery done. The Canadian health system sucks big time, but that's material for another blog.

Young people have limited opportunities. Going to College or University doesn't guarantee a job. According to The Globe and Mail dealing with 'job churn' is a reality. Some graduates are forced to work for no pay to gain experience. Many end up with low-paid jobs and struggle for years to pay back their student loan. No wonder not many young Canadians are travelling to broaden their horizon, how could they afford it. If you have children, I suggest doing some research on this topic.

The Canadian education system has big flaws and needs a major overhaul. Maybe that's why homeschooling is so popular in Canada, even in large cities. As long as the government saves money to put into the education system, there is not much hope of any improvements.

It is no secret that Canada has a drinking problem. Some say it's caused by boredom and a lack of anything better to do. The strict drinking laws are old-fashioned and cause the opposite of what they're supposed to do. Many high school kids are already addicted to alcohol. The legal drinking age in Canada is 19, in Alberta, Manitoba and Quebec 18. According to a Government website, the average age when teens start to drink in Canada is 13.

And the list goes on...


Insert from above link:
"...in Britain we only really have relative poverty, which is a function of inequality."

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